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Messages - horus

Roulette Forum / Re: Penny Ante + Roulette
March 01, 2015, 12:00:49 PM
OK, I have read through it all again and I think I understand now why it can't be used for roulette or baccarat, LOL. It's interesting though all the same. I get carried away with these sorts of things. I suppose logic dictates that all the casinos would have been closed down years ago by a few shrewd mathematicians if this did actually work.

All is not lost however, I will continue on this thread with a few other ideas I have which hopefully are a bit more worthy.
Roulette Forum / Re: Penny Ante + Roulette
March 01, 2015, 10:33:04 AM
Thanks for the reply Rolex-Watch.

Here is the thing though! A passage in Chapter 5 in the book says ''For doublets the waiting time is 4 for HT and TH and 6 for HH and TT.'' Now either I am not understanding it properly or it suggests playing RB/BR in roulette or playing BP/PB in baccarat would be preferable to playing RR/BB or BB/PP straight of the bat. Beats me. The obvious way for me to find out I suppose is to test it over enough results to see if this edge does indeed materialize.
Roulette Forum / Penny Ante + Roulette
February 27, 2015, 09:09:31 PM
Here is one of the most detailed explanations on the 'penny ante' concept that I have found.

It deals with triples and quadruples.

You will find this in Chapter 5 titled 'Nontransitive Paradoxes'

Chapter 6 titled 'Combinatorial Card Problems' is interesting as well.

Here is the link to the book.


The question is can you find a way to make penny ante work in roulette?