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Messages - horus

Bally's Blog / Re: dozens and columns
May 26, 2015, 06:53:28 PM
This picture is from the first batch of numbers I looked at today.


The SS has two absences of 7 and 5. (fairly normal for the SS)
The SD has two absences of 6 and 6.
The DD only has an absence of 3.
The DS has an absence of 8.

I wouldn't suggest to bet the DD blindly because there are better ways to go about it than that. However you do get a lot of times where the DD has a lot of short absence intervals. It hit 9 times in 20 spins which would have roughly gave around +60 flat betting.

Bally's Blog / Re: dozens and columns
May 26, 2015, 06:01:38 PM
I briefly touched on the DD above which would be a number shifting from high to low or vice versa and either the missing dozen or column appearing.

There are 4 combinations using 'S' (same) or 'D' (different).

1) SS. The number stays the same (either high or low) and the missing dozen column both stay missing.

2) SD. The number stays the same (either high or low) and either the missing dozen column (or both) appear.

3) DD. The number changes from high to low or low to high and either the missing dozen column (or both) appear.

4) DS. The number changes from high to low or low to high and the missing dozen column both stay missing.

You will find if you do some research that the SS can go missing for the longest. The most common thing to happen is for the SD and DD to appear.

What I used to like to do in order to try and read what was going on is the following.....


I would track the 4 groups and see which ones were missing for the longest.


You can see here towards the end that the SS and DS were both missing for a while leaving either SD or DD to appear. The common denominator here is the missing dozen column keeps hitting. One thing which would happen a lot when the SD and DD were appearing is how they would appear in a type of 'chop' effect. Like DD, SD, DD, SD, DD etc....  I always used to look out for this.

If you study this, you will see all the possible bets can be placed as splits.


Bally's Blog / Re: dozens and columns
May 26, 2015, 04:18:04 PM
Hello Dennis,

I did expand on this idea a bit, however I never got around to sharing it on the forums. I found that there were a lot of times when the dozen or column changed but it was the furthest one back. That's the problem with high variance bets. You can either get long losing spells or periods where you get no triggers to bet.

The change was to incorporate LOW and HIGH into the mix and to try and benefit from either the missing dozen or column appearing.

6 1C
27 3C
13 2A  1B
11 1B  3C  (so here you can see the previous number was 13 and it has went to 11. So it has stayed on a low number. The missing 1B appeared and now 3C is missing, so this is different. I will use S for same and D for different as you will see in the example coming up.)

So it would look like this.....

6 1C
27 3C
13 2A  1B
11 1B  3C  SD
22 2A  3C  DS (here it is DS because the 11 went to 22 *low to high* and the 3C remained missing *same*)
5 1B  3C  DS
33 3C  2A  DD
32 3B  2A  SS
28 3A  2C  SD
9 1C  2B  DD
12 1C  2B  SS
26 3B  2A  DD

When I did this, the interesting thing that I noticed is how many times you would get DD.

Look at the last 2 numbers.. 12 and 26. The 2B is missing when the 12 came out. For a DD to appear next, I need it to change from low to high and for either the 2nd dozen or column B to appear.

So in this picture, I have highlighted the 2B.


But it also needs to be high.


The high part of the 2B is highlighted in red.

This can be played by placing 5 split bets... 19/22, 20/23, 21/24, 26/29, 32/35.

There are a few other things I will mention in my next post.


Thanks Shaft,

I am enclosing the tracker that Nick kindly provided for anyone who wants to input some of their own numbers and have a look.

With this tracker, you just input your numbers starting from the A5 cell and away you go.

One thing that ties in well with what I am doing here are the following 8 number groups.

1,3,5,7,9 (red, odd, low)
2,4,6,8,10 (black, even, low)

So in the 1-9 group....you have the 1,3,5,7,9 and the 2,4,6,8. (The 10 is the odd one out)

11,13,15,17 (black, odd, low)
12,14,16,18 (red, even, low)

In the 10-18 group....you have the 11,13,15,17 and the 12,14,16,18.

19,21,23,25,27 (red, odd, high)
20,22,24,26,28 (black, even, high)

In the 19-27 group....you have the 19,21,23,25,27 and the 20,22,24,26. (The 28 is the odd one out)

29,31,33,35 (black, odd, high)
30,32,34,36 (red, even, high)

In the 28-36 group....you have the 29,31,33,35 and the 30,32,34,36.

Now here is the thing....

Suppose the RE is absent and the 10-18 section is absent. There are already four RE numbers in the 10-18 section which are 12,14,16,18.

So you could just play 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,31,33,35 =24 numbers.

But you are not really getting full value because of those four RE numbers in the 10-18 section.

But now let's suppose the BE is absent and also the 10-18 section. There are no BE numbers in the 10-18 section (apart from the 10). So this is going to reduce the outlay of the bet.

It would now be 0,1,3,5,7,9,19,21,23,25,27,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 = 19 numbers. So that's a 5 number difference.

So like I said in the original post, it pays just to watch what is going on and look for the permutations which can give you a bet with a low outlay because you will still get good runs with the lower outlay.


Thanks Vic  :thumbsup:

I have to say I really like the possibilities with this.

Betting against what isn't coming up seems the most logical solution to me at least.

Here is another book with some numbers from yesterday.

You can see how many times in this example that you are getting two pairs from each set missing. That would filter out a lot of sleepers.

It depends how many numbers (or how few) you are happy playing.


Math & Statistics / Re: a solution to roulette?!
May 01, 2015, 04:52:24 PM
Hello Carlitos,

I just started a thread which you might be interested in where I am using the RED ODD, RED EVEN, BLACK ODD and BLACK EVEN numbers as groups.

It's here.....


One of these 4 groups can go missing frequently for 20+ spins.

Hello guys,

Not been around much lately what with one thing and another. Sorry about not continuing on with my ec challenge for anybody that was going to follow. It was a bit complicated and so I rejigged the idea to something a bit easier to operate and play.

As some of you will know, I really like the idea of using pairs.

I used to look at them like this......RR, RB, BB, BR....OO, OE, EE, EO....LL, LH, HH, HL to cover all of the 3 even chances. But to be honest, it can all get a bit stressful checking 12 pairs like this in live conditions if you don't have much time.

So what I do now is to look at them like this....

RO (red odd)
RE (red even)
BO (black odd)
BE (black even)

and I also incorporate the 4 groups 1-9, 10-18, 19-27, 28-36.

So there are only two sets operating instead of the three sets using all three e.c's.

I have enclosed a book at the bottom to show you all how this thing works.

Using 4 groups like this produces some long absences. They can go 20+ at times. But quite often you get runs of 9,10,11 etc......

If you look at the book from spin 19 through to spin 26, you can see that group 19-27 is absent and looking across to the right, you can also see that the BE (BLACK EVEN) is absent. So that would leave you with any numbers that are not BLACK EVEN in groups 1-9, 10-18, 28-36.

These numbers would be 1,3,5,7,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36. (you can throw in the 0 if you like as well)

You get some really good runs like this.

One thing that I have noticed is how sometimes you will get two of these pairs going absent in a set.

So in those same spins that I just showed you....19-27 and 28-36 both went missing at the same time for a while.

So now let's suppose you leave out 19-27, 28-36 and BLACK EVEN.

That only now leaves you with 1,3,5,7,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 = 13 numbers (14 including the 0)

So it always pays to watch what is going on among these two sets of pairs.

I like this concept because like I say, it's not as complicated as some of my other ideas and is relatively easy to track and see what's unfolding as the game goes along.

There are a few other things that I have noticed which happen with a degree of frequency using these two sets however at the moment I am not sure if it is just some variance from the norm or not. So I will do some more testing and live play with it to get a better idea.

I will ask Nicksmi if he has the time to make a tracker for this and upload it so anybody else interested can test it / play it as well.

This is how the 4 split ended up. (another 3 wins)


spin 9. bet splits 1, 4, 7, 9.  loss.  -4.
spin 10. bet splits 1, 4, 7, 9.  win.  +14.
spin 11. bet splits 4, 6, 8, 15. win.  +14.
spin 12. bet splits 4, 6, 8, 15.  loss.  -4.
spin 13. bet splits 4, 5, 7, 10.  loss.  -4.
spin 14. bet splits 4, 11, 12, 18.  win.  +14.
spin 15. bet splits 4, 15, 18.  loss.  -3.
spin 16. bet splits 4, 5, 7, 10.  win.  +14.
spin 17. bet splits 4, 14, 17.  win.  +15.
spin 18. bet splits 4,6,8,15.  loss -4.
spin 19. bet splits 3,4,5,12.  win +14.
spin 20. bet splits 4,8,10,16.  win +14.
spin 21. bet splits 2,4,13,14.  win +14.
spin 22. bet splits 4,9,11,17.  loss -4.
spin 23. bet splits 4,8,10,16.  loss -4.
spin 24. bet splits 4,15,18.  loss -3.

So that's plus 83 if my maths is correct. Not a bad run at all. What I like about betting 3 or 4 splits is that you can up the ante on a run like this without giving back most of your winnings. Any run like the one above and you can have a nice win and quit.

I don't like to brag or get ahead of myself......but, I really think this is great. [smiley]aes/love.png[/smiley]

Here are the first few numbers out today on Table 2.


You can see the 4 split is coming out frequently across the 4 streams.

I wait for a second appearance of a split and put a (1) next to it if it appears within 3 spins. Then I keep adding another (1) if it comes within another 3 spins.

The 4 split has went.

hit (1)
hit (2)  *I like to bet from here. It's had 3 hits so far.
hit (3)
hit (4)
hit (5)
hit (6)
hit (7)

Waiting for one of the splits to hit 3 times is a good trigger. You only want to try and ride the hottest splits across the streams.

So taking the numbers from above and starting to bet the 4 split from after the third hit on spin 8.

spin 9. bet splits 1, 4, 7, 9.  loss.  -4.
spin 10. bet splits 1, 4, 7, 9.  win.  +14.
spin 11. bet splits 4, 6, 8,15.  win.  +14.
spin 12. bet splits 4, 6, 8,15.  loss.  -4.
spin 13. bet splits 4, 5, 7, 10.  loss.  -4.
spin 14. bet splits 4, 11, 12, 18.  win.  +14.
spin 15. bet splits 4, 15, 18.  loss.  -3.
spin 16. bet splits 4, 5, 7, 10.  win.  +14.
spin 17. bet splits 4, 14, 17.  win.  +15.

So as you can see, you are not always betting 4 splits even though you are using 4 streams.

So just as a quick example from the card I posted above from my play last night.

The first split out was 13. (either number 25 or 28) It helps if you know quickly which split corresponds to the number which has just come out. It's easy with a bit of practice.

The second split out was 17. (either number 32 or 35)

So you would go across the top of the card to the 13 split which was the first split out and then look down that 13 split to the 17. You should see 4,10,17. So you write this down on your card and keep marking like this.

Now just suppose that I want to bet for the 4 split to come out next in any stream. All I would do is look across to the last split which came out on the top of the card. It was the 17 split. I look down that 17 split for any 4.

1,2,15.  no.
2,3,12,17.  no.
1,3,4,13.  yes. So I bet this split which is the 3 split. (3-6)
3,4,5.  yes. I bet this split which is the 4 split. (7-10)
5,6,16.  no.
6,7,9.  no.
7,8,9,14.  no.
8,9,10,11.  no.
5,9,10,13.  no.
10,11,14,17.  no.
7,11,12.  no.
6,10,12,13.  no.
1,8,13,14.  no.
3,6,14,15.  no.
4,8,15,16.  yes. I bet this split which is the 15 split. (27-30)
2,15,16,17.  no.
17,18.  no.
1,11,16,18.  no.

So there are only 3 splits to bet. 3-6, 7-10, 27-30.

The next split out was 15 (either number 27 or 30) and that was a win.

The 17 split to the 15 split on the card is 4,8,15,16. So the 4 split did come in one of the 4 streams.

So this is a relativey quick and easy way to record the splits of the 4 streams and also work out the bets. It's all done on the one card. You certainly have enough time to do it under live conditions when you understand what you are doing.

Here is the double sided card for the splits using 4 streams.

This makes things relatively easy in the casino.

You just go across the top and look for the split that has come. Let's say number 13 comes. (That's split 7) Now suppose the next number is 23. (That's split 11) So go across to the 7 and look down to the 11. You should have 3,4,11. That's your splits for the 4 streams. You don't always have 4 splits. Here there are only 3. That's because one of them was a double and there is no point writing down the same number twice otherwise it would confuse things.

I will do an example when the numbers come out from Table 2 today at Wiesbaden.

I have got to be honest, I think this is probably one of the best inside methods that I have come up with (and I have come up with a few, lol)

What I particularly like is the low outlay of 3 to 4 splits. It keeps the damage down in a lean spell and you can go on the attack when one of these splits gets hot appearing regularly somewhere in the 4 streams. I had a situation last night where the 7 split and the 15 split were both appearing at the same time. Either one or the other appeared for 9 consecutive spins. The outlay was roughly 6-7 splits at a time.
I have been winning a small fortune the last few nights at my local with an idea similar to what I showed above. There are a few tweaks.... Instead of streets, I am using the splits and instead of 3 streams, I am using 4 streams. Works a charm.

It's a bit messy because I have to write things down quick and work out the bets, but you can see how the 6 split was coming out frequently between the 4 streams. It appeared 8 times within 13 spins.

I continue betting for it as long as the gaps are within 3 spins. I had a similar game earlier where the 7 split pretty much did the same thing.  I really like this idea. It works out betting around 3 to 4 splits unless you have two qualifiers which averages around a 6 split bet.
I just had a quick look at Table 3 today from Spielbank Wiesbaden.



(This second pic is just an extension of the first one showing the last few spins)

The 7 street did not appear in any of the 3 streams for the first 20 spins.

It then hits 5 times in 11 spins (all within gaps of three spins). The first hit was in stream 1, the second hit in stream 2,  the third hit in stream 3, the fourth hit in stream 3 and the fifth hit in stream 1.

So maybe RTM works well with this concept.

So the question is how do you work out the bets using the three streams.

I have enclosed the streetchart as an attatchment below.

Going back to the very first picture. The first number out was 6 (street 2) and it went to number 2 (street 1) You can see the figures 1,11,10 next to the 2.

Go to the streetchart and look at street 2 to street 1 and you will see the same 1,11,10. Run through a few numbers from the picture and the streetchart and you will see that things correspond.

Ok, now how to work out a bet. Let's say you wanted street 11 to come from any of the three streams after that first number 6. So number 6 belongs to street 2. Go to the 2 in the streetchart and look for any 11.

2-1=1,11,10.  So there is an 11 in here. Bet on street 1.
2-2=2,12,12.  No 11 in these three numbers.
2-3=3,1,2.  No 11 here.
2-4=4,2,4.  No 11 here.
2-5=5,3,6.  No 11 here.
2-6=6,4,8.  No 11 here.
2-7=7,5,9.  No 11 here.
2-8=8,6,7.  No 11 here.
2-9=9,7,5.  No 11 here.
2-10=10,8,3.  No 11 here.
2-11=11,9,1.  There is an 11 here. Bet the 11 street.
2-12=12,10,11.  There is an 11 here. Bet the 12 street.

So you would bet three streets here. The 1,11 and 12 streets.

Number 2 appears and that belongs to street 1.  Street 2 has went to street 1 (1,11,10)

The X in the 11 box indicates a win. So you have had a win on the 11 even though street 1 came. It's just that the 11 came in the second stream.

It really is simple to work out these bets. If you have the streetchart on a small card, you can easily scan through in a few seconds looking for the bets you want to place.


So I ran things on a bit further....

The 11 street finally hit when number 17 hit and then hit again two spins later when the 33 appeared. It never appeared in the next three spins.

Looking to the left and the 1 street. That had only appeared twice in 21 spins and then it hits 5 times in 7 spins which was a good little run. The 12 street has not hit at all just yet in any stream for 35 spins. That one does have a tendency to go AWOL for long periods.