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Messages - horus

The problem with doing the above the conventional way is that you can be waiting a long time to see a six-line go missing 4 times in 50 spins.

So I am looking at it from another angle. Here is a programme that I had made a long time ago from a guy called Trylobit who used to post his testing results on the old VLS roulette forum.

I never really thought about trying some kind of RTM idea on this back then.

What you are looking at is a programme for the streets. However it is running three different streams. So there should be an X in boxes 1-11 every 4 spins on average. Box 12 should come out on average once every 6 spins because that can only hit if there is a repeat street or the 12 street appears.

These are the first 26 spins from Dublinbet (table 2) today.


The 11 street is the weakest only hitting twice in those 26 spins. I will run it on when more numbers come out and see if it goes on a bit of a streak.

The actual bet for this concept would be placing two to three streets. Of course I would wait for the first hit after a long absence or maybe something like the above (2 hits in 25-30 spins) and then bet whatever two to three streets I need to for a further 2-3 spins and hope to catch a win of that street appearing in any of the three streams. If I get a win, bet for another 2-3 spins and so on. 
Bally's Blog / Re: The E/C 500 bet challenge.
April 13, 2015, 03:53:41 PM
Quote from: greenguy on April 13, 2015, 11:30:19 AM
I think skakus was always going to beat Bayes' RNG. Not because he was a ringer, but because he had a winning formula. [smiley]cactus/Untitled-1.gif[/smiley]

I was only joking Mr Greenguy. :)

I will do a few more games tonight. I was more interested in reading the Holloway book last night.
Thanks for the summary Bayes.  :thumbsup:

These rules could maybe work better after a long absence as well.

I am doing some research on gaps/skips at the moment and finding some interesting stuff.


These are the sixlines...1-6, 7-12, 13-18 etc....

So the 1-6 sixline hit after 11 spins, hits again after 5 spins and then hit on the next spin and so on.

You can get some really long skips on these. What I have noticed is that if you only get around 3 or 4 appearances within about 50 spins, you can then often get the sixline going on a run constantly hitting within 3 spins for a good profit.

For an example, look at the 3 sixline (13-18) in the pic above. It goes missing for gaps of 20, 16, 14. So that's only 3 hits in 50 spins. (The average would be around 8 hits in 50 spins.) Then it goes 2, 2, 1, 2.


Hello Dutchie,

Here is an MM plan from his book called 'rise+fall'.

Sam, you might have never read this! It is a conversation between Ellison and Gregory Leibon.

This book came yesterday and I was looking forward to reading it.

There are a few interesting chapters.

Cycles and Patterns.
Wagering Plans.

I will read through those three a couple of more times and then do a review.

Sam and all,

It just seems to me that the layout of the American 00 wheel lends itself more to some kind of strategic attack because of the placement of the numbers.

Here in the UK, we have those roulette terminals which are linked up to the live wheels. They have all kinds of stats that you can pull up on them. The one is always check is the wheel layout which shows the peaks. Invariably there is nearly always two almost direct opposite peaks. (sometimes you get a second pair as well)

So on our single zero wheel, you may see the 9 hot on one side and the 34 hot on the opposite side. Then you may have another pair something the like the 15 on one side and the 16 on the other side. The difference is that if I wanted to play all 4 numbers, then it's costing me 4 chips a spin.  This same thing happening on the 00 wheel would many times only cost you 2 because many times the opposite numbers on the 00 wheel can be played as a split.

So this is pretty much just my original thoughts. However I was reading something from Turbogenius on that new forum the other day and he was talking about measuring the spins. So you take it from the number above where the dealer spins the ball from (not always the same as the number which just landed) to where the ball lands on this spin. So suppose the croupier spun the ball from the number 10 (00 wheel) and it landed on number 21. Then the ball has travelled a distance of 9 pockets. My idea would be to plot a graph and once again see where the peaks are. Use this information to see if some of the opposite numbers where you can bet them as a split are 'hot' in the graph you have been plotting. So now you have two angles of attack on the splits.

Unfortunately for me, I can't really try it out unless there is a live online wheel somewhere that has a 00 wheel. I can't remember for sure, but maybe Fairway or Celtic Casino had one in the past. I will take a look.


ps  Just to add. You may be asking what's the difference between my first idea and the second idea. My experience tells me that the second idea can be more of some kind of temporary bias. Not really sure if that's because of dealer changes or not. But the first idea can be a constant for a lot of spins and like I said above, I am surprised by how many times I can go into the casino the next day and the peak of the two hottest numbers has just slightly shifted around a bit. So now maybe instead of 7 and 8, you might be looking at 19 and 20. It's certainly interesting.

Bally's Blog / Re: The E/C 500 bet challenge.
April 11, 2015, 09:13:58 PM
Game 5.


8 wins vs 8 losses.

Flat Bet= +0.  Mongoose= -5 (although there is a current game running WWLW)

Running Tally = 36 wins vs 25 losses for +11 (flat bet) total after 166 spins.

36 spins observed.

That was a bit of a tricky session and I was happy to take a draw.
Bally's Blog / Re: The E/C 500 bet challenge.
April 11, 2015, 07:49:02 PM
Sam, it was originally a challenge set out for JL to see if he could defeat Bayes RNG simulator. Then Skakus joined in the thread to see how his bet selection and MM fared. He did pretty good by the look of things.  (must have been a 'ringer' like those reserve dogs who skate up by half the track [smiley]aes/wink.png[/smiley])

Here is the link to the thread.


Bally's Blog / Re: The E/C 500 bet challenge.
April 11, 2015, 05:13:45 PM
You are right Greenguy,

This is going to be a good learning curve and I should try and learn as much as possible from it. It's going to take around a month just to place the 500 bets. However, there is no rush and I will just take it nice and steady. Playing the E/C's suits my temperament better for sure.  :thumbsup:

Game 4.


8 wins vs 6 losses.

Flat Bet= +2.  Mongoose= +4 (and a win on the first parlay stage of the next coup)

40 spins observed.

The second mongoose game in that trot went W W L W L W L W L L W (ended with a 3 unit bet)

General Discussion / Re: Adulay is NOT guilty
April 11, 2015, 10:19:45 AM
I think Frank was onto something with the parlays Soxfan.

I was just working out a 12 stepper which won't break the bank.

1) 1-2-4  +3/-1
2) 1-2-4 +2/-1
3) 1-2-4 +1/-3
4) 2-4-8 +3/-5
5) 2-4-8 +1/-7
6) 3-6-12 +2/-10
7) 4-8-16 +2/-14
8} 5-10-20 +1/-19
9) 7-14-28 +2/-26
10) 9-18-36 +1/-35
11) 12-24-48 +1/-47
12) 16-32-64 +1-63

It's a bit basic...but there you go.

Then there was that Seth guy with his 'Target Betting' approach.

bet 1 lose -1 (stay at 1 on a loss)
bet 1 lose -2
bet 1 lose -3
bet 1 win -2 (now add your current loss and add 1 = 3. bet that sum to gain +1)
bet 3 lose -5
bet 3 lose -8
bet 3 win -5 (so 5 +1 = 6.)
bet 6 win +1. reset.  This one could get scary.

Haha.....The second picture is too funny.

I forget which site it was....might actually have been dublinbet where they had a clause in their conditions which mentioned something about using bots. They even said they only catered to recreational players. That gave them a pretty wide scope for manoeuvre. But everything must have changed over there. I noticed when I deposited some money yesterday, that they offered me a signup bonus. They are also now regulated by Curacao (scary!)
General Discussion / Re: can't upload anything
April 10, 2015, 09:01:29 PM

I tried to upload a few PDF's recently and I couldn't. Another way is to put it on 'Dropbox' and then you can just paste the link.

Bally's Blog / Re: The E/C 500 bet challenge.
April 10, 2015, 07:49:18 PM
Thanks Tomla.

Game 3.


7 wins vs 4 losses.

Flat Bet= +3.  Mongoose= +1.

25 observed spins.

I will do another couple of games tomorrow.
Bally's Blog / Re: The E/C 500 bet challenge.
April 10, 2015, 06:05:56 PM
Sam, I like the Mongoose but just a straight parlay would have returned +11 in my two games so far as opposed to +8 for the Mongoose. On saying that, the Mongoose is great if things go a bit choppy and you are still getting the odd consecutive double win. Anyway, it's my belief bet selection comes before MM. Once you find a bet selection that you like, then try and fit some MM around it. (Then you could argue....why not just flat bet if you can win at the E/C's) lol.

I was reading a thread by Bombus/Skakus last night where he took on Bayes RNG and came out on top after 5000 placed EC bets. He had an unusual MM plan which he said suited his bet selection. I think that's where it's at....marrying the two together.

My test will be just flat betting and probably 500 placed bets would not be enough to consider if any particular type of MM is superior to flat betting. I just thought I would compare flat betting to the Mongoose because I have written about it a few times.
