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Messages - horus

Bally's Blog / The E/C 500 bet challenge.
April 10, 2015, 05:27:11 PM
I have set myself a challenge on Dublinbet to see how many wins vs losses I can get in 500 placed bets playing the E/C's using a combination of my 'pairs' ideas.

I will attempt to explain the methodology behind it all if I hit around 55% after the 500 placed bets otherwise there is no real point.  :))

I am also going to compare how the 'Mongoose' MM fares opposed to just flat betting.

Game 1. W W L L L W W L L W W W W

8 wins vs 5 losses.

Flat bet= +3.  Mongoose= +4.

42 spins observed.

Game 2. W W W L W W L

5 wins vs 2 losses.

Flat bet= +3.  Mongoose= +4.

23 spins observed.

I will likely play 1 or 2 games a day.

Do I think I can win on the E/C's?  I honestly don't know yet. I have an inkling that I might be able to doing what I am doing and should get a better idea after the 500 placed bets. I am only placing bets on roughly one third of the spins. I have to play it on Roulette because they deal too fast at Baccarat when there are no players at the table.

My whole philosophy around gambling has kind of changed lately. Variance is a double edged sword when you bet on the inside. It can kill you as quickly as take you to the moon. I have really made an effort to study the E/C's in depth. It's my belief that one or two triggers are pointless. There are too many variables constantly changing that you really need something that is adapting to what the current state is. So I suppose you could call it a form of trending. Anyway, enough about that for now. The results will show if I am on the right track or not.

General Discussion / Re: Adulay is NOT guilty
April 09, 2015, 09:21:41 PM
I was reading the Barstow book again last night. (Beat the Casino) He has a lot of ideas for progressions and partner play. It's a good little book. He is fond of a parlay bet himself and said after much experimenting that he found a series of six parlay attempts to be a good compromise.

I always thought this thread by Mike was one of the most interesting threads ever posted on this forum.



General Discussion / Re: Adulay is NOT guilty
April 05, 2015, 02:30:53 PM
Just to say guys....after testing the idea a bit more (both ways), it bombed out.

Oh well, live and learn I suppose. Sorry if I got anyone's hopes up.

Straight-up / Re: Four phases
April 04, 2015, 04:34:44 PM
Sam, I haven't really looked at Dane's work....so sorry for interrupting your thread. It's just when I saw the 3-6-9 mentioned, I thought I would chime in and say what I have noticed works for me quite a lot of times.

I was making some charts for something I was working on and I stumbled upon this 3-6-9 'voodoo' thing. I noticed they seemed to a hit a lot of times consecutively like getting stuck in a groove. So I don't look for any gaps/skips. If they are coming, I play them. I stop after the first loss and wait for another two to qualify.

That's my way....but I will take a look at Dane's ideas. Thanks.
Straight-up / Re: Four phases
April 04, 2015, 02:23:25 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on April 04, 2015, 01:45:27 PM

I like the one about the two becoming three on the carpet as I see that all the time.  Like 6 9 becoming 6 9 12 or 3 6 9. The 6-9 encourages the 3 or the 12 to come.  (That will shake a few trees!)

Tesla did speak about the magnificence of the 3,6,9.

I look out for it when I am playing roulette.

If I see street 3 (7,8,9) go to street 6, (16,17,18) then I am on the streets 3,6,9 and keep riding them as long as they appear. Any of the two from three triggers me to bet.

Same for the splits 3/6, 9/12, 15/18.

It may be luck, maybe voodoo, but it has dug me out of a few holes in my time. [smiley]aes/beer.png[/smiley]

p.s. here is a days play.

-12 on the splits...
+33 on the streets...

General Discussion / Re: Adulay is NOT guilty
April 04, 2015, 09:04:30 AM
Thanks R-W for an interesting idea. I had to read through that a few times to get it. I will do some testing with that idea along with my new idea above and see how they go. The problem will be when that 'Black Swan' turns up I suppose. Maybe we need a gun, lol. I remember reading some of your posts where you used a kind of an inverted mirror effect and things could get particularly hairy with that as well.

General Discussion / Re: Adulay is NOT guilty
April 02, 2015, 08:54:46 AM
Quote from: Jimske on April 01, 2015, 08:31:35 PM
Very true, Horus.  Key to this shoe is continuity or conformity, if you will.  Anytime a shoe presents similar structure to our betting plan we will win.  Even if it lasts justs for a  bit.  Again - prediction is the key.

Jimske, The whole shoe was a good one for trending IMO. It reminds me of what PerryB always said....''control the losses and the wins will take care of themself'' I use a basic template like the one above and then only get funky if need be. One thing I have noticed which is a bit strange and I have seen other posters on different forums comment on it before as well is how the last portion of the shoe can often just completely go against everything previous. I have noticed that testing from several different sources. Obviously there is an easy answer....just don't play the last portion, lol. But it's strange none the less. I think the same applies to Roulette a bit. Too much data/information is not always a good thing. My success seems to come in short spells in both formats.

General Discussion / Re: Adulay is NOT guilty
April 01, 2015, 07:06:00 PM
I wouldn't have minded playing the shoe posted up by ADulay....


A nice streak of 10 Players on the second result of each pair to start of the shoe.

+6 is nothing to grumble about. [smiley]aes/money.png[/smiley]


For anyone who hasn't worked out how I am doing the 3 streams. Look at the last file I uploaded in the post above and I will run through a few examples. It's real easy when you get the hang of it.

Stream 1 is the numbers that come out on the wheel.

stream 2 is the pocket distances (on the single 0 wheel) clockwise.

so if you look at line 5...number 19 has come up.
line 6 and now number 28 has come up. If you count the pockets clockwise from the 19 to the 28, you should have counted 29. (so you see 29 in stream 2 on line 6)

what about stream 3?

look at line 5 again and 19 appeared. Now on line 6, number 28 appeared. Just count forward in your head from 19 to 28 and the answer is 9. (see the 9 in stream 3 on line 6)

So what I do for this quads idea is to just convert every number to it's appropriate quad.

You really need some kind of chart/book with all these calculations already made so it's easy just to write them down on your scorecard and obviously everything would be slightly different for the 00 wheel because of the different layout.

But there you have it.....easy enough.
The only slight difference I would make from using the streets to give more bets would be using the quads. (same concept) Especially if you are using some kind of MM. You don't really want to be sitting there for 25-30 spins not betting at times. I worked out that the average for the street idea is about 1 bet every 4 spins. So it's going to be a bit lower for the quads.

Quote from: Tomla on April 01, 2015, 02:56:05 PM
something I like about this thread but I still don't understand it! damn im stupid lol

LoL....I was meaning to put up the pictures from my Charts/book so that you guys could more easily figure out what's going on. I took the pics and they came out a bit fuzzy. I will do them again tonight. There are 37 double pages for each number of the Single Zero Wheel. I could adjust it for the 00 but luckily we don't have any of those here in the UK just yet.

I have worked with multiple streams for a few years and it's second nature to me and I suppose I then make the mistake of thinking you guys will easily understand what I am talking about. So I apologize for any confusion. There are a lot of things people write on this board about and honestly I don't have a clue about some of it. So you are not the only one Tomla.

It's variance what will kill you short term. We all know that. So you can look for variance across 3 or 4 streams and try and use it to your advantage. The only thing to realize is that the streams are independent of each other. So if you use them all seperately, I don't really think it's helping much. But like in the idea I am proposing above, you are using them in a joint effort and I think this can help.

Here are the first few numbers out from Table 2 Today.

It's ok when you get an early win like this on spin 7 for +24.
In this game from Table 5 yesterday...you could get out at spin 17 with +6. I would play this idea in a type of mini-games format (similar to Ralph's idea) and keep resetting after reaching a profit or quit for the day. I liked Ralph's thinking, but I didn't like the idea of betting every spin where you could get some steep drawdowns. That's ok for online playing in pennies or 10c. But in live play you have to make it worth your while. So this trigger concept seems to block out a lot of the losing runs and then you are hopefully there to cash in on the cluster.
I think I have found the optimal way to play this trigger concept. However this turns the game into more of a grind and you probably need to get out when you reach any profit (which is no bad thing) otherwise you may find yourself sitting at the table for a long time.

What I am doing here is playing 3 streams and converting the numbers into Streets (123, 456 etc..)

I look for the most recent double of a street using the same trigger concept across all the 3 streams. It doesn't throw up as many bets this way as with the 9 number bet.

The example explains the rules and you could have got out of the game twice with a profit.

spin 35. +21 units.


spin 111. +12 units.

Also instead of stopping after two consecutive triggers, I decided to let this one run to three. Anybody could adjust that rule to suit themself. You could also incorporate some kind of MM playing this way as well. I was thinking of Ralph's idea where he just played single numbers and increased a unit on a win if he was not in profit. That idea seemed to work well for him and he was betting every spin. He was waiting for a small cluster of wins which would take him to a new high. With this idea, you are definately not betting every spin because you are waiting for a W before getting back into the game. The betting windows are very narrow.

I didn't particularly have any luck in the test sample which you can see below and yet it still provided an opportunity to profit twice. There will be other sessions where you get a lot of close repeats of a street (especially over 3 streams) and make some good profits.

This looks to be the best way to get this trigger concept to work IMO.

Online Casinos / Re: New Dublin Bet
April 01, 2015, 12:41:23 PM
Blood Agel,

On the home page, click on the 'live casino' tab on the left hand side of the page at the top.

Then click on any of the boxes and the game should open up in a new screen. Maybe they have blocked it for certain countries to comply with the gaming laws.
