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Messages - horus

Thanks klw,

That's what got me thinking about using a few streams and tracking for a stream which has suffered some losses like you describe and then look for a correction. Of course there is nothing to say that you might not get another 6/7 losses afer something like 6L 1W 7L 1W.

A lot of the sessions I tested started really well and the losing streaks were cushioned. Using a couple of streams means you wouldn't be waiting too long to find something like what you mentioned above. Then it would be a case of going with the flow and maybe stopping at the first double (T). I don't think it would be a good idea to go chasing this idea with any kind of negative progression. Mind you, that's just my personal preference. I would rather attack with a positive progression (if anything) when things were going well like in some of my tests where the wins were coming thick and fast. I will keep testing and let you know how it goes.

Thanks again.
Thanks very much klw for the feedback. This idea seems to work well whatever I try it on. Although I particularly like the 9 numbers version. It seems to be just the right balance. I will be testing this more myself for sure. It's something I wouldn't mind risking 5/6 losing bets on at the start just to see if it goes on one of those nice runs.

Here was a quick session just played at Dublinbet using just the 1st stream betting three £5 chips on the three streets to make up 9 numbers. (fun money unfortunately [smiley]aes/cry.png[/smiley])

0-300 in 26 spins is not bad!! Stopped at the double (T) on +225 on spin 31.

Here is what I kind of had in mind!

Stream 3 hits a drawdown of -45 (L,L,L,L,L) and then goes on a win streak to hit +63 (W,W,W,W). You could have had the 2nd, 3rd and 4th hits after seeing the first win for a profit of +81.

Of course it would need to be automated for online play unless you can get to one of those Novamatic Pinball Roulette Machines where you control the speed of your own game. (Found in most Grosvenor's)

How would I play it? I think running 3 streams like in some of my ideas above and then looking for a drawdown of between 50-75 units in any one stream and then looking for a correction may be one way to go.

I will try that idea with today's numbers from the Spielbank Wiesbaden Casino and see how it goes.

I thought maybe the 1-9, 10-18, 19-27, 28-36 results from table 2 yesterday were a fluke so I decided to try table 5 as well and see what happens. (Maybe these were a fluke as well, lol)

+126 in 55 spins. The double (T) kind of acts as a safety net I suppose.

Not a bad way to go for a (dare I say it) hit and run session.

Dozens/Columns here from Table 3.

Seems ok with this trigger concept!

I have noticed though in my testing (like early on here in the Columns) that you can get a chop going on between Win and (T)....something to look out for!

Now here is something simple enough that even Granny could play it. (no offence to grannies,lol)

The triggers are the same as explained above.

The difference is that this is geared up to just 4 sets of numbers instead of the six-lines.


This was Table 2 today at Spielbank Wiesbaden and it kicked some serious butt. (+171 in 58 spins is not bad)

N.B. = no bet when 2 consecutive triggers (T) come. Then it's just a case of waiting for a win before starting betting again.


Quote from: BlueHood on March 26, 2015, 05:56:22 PM
Horus backwards is suroh (sorrow)?

What's to be unhappy about? Were alive aren't we?

I ran this on a bit....


You can see Stream 3 was unplayable just repeating triggers.

Stream 1 was chopping between Trigger and Win and Stream 2 may be just starting to warm up a bit.

Here is a good example of when not to bet in streams...


You can see the triggers are coming regularly in Stream 3 with no Wins inbetween.

There are 3 likely scenarios.

1) Frequent triggers with no wins inbetween (as in picture above) This is a no bet situation. The NO BET is probably a more important art to learn than an actual bet because it is the bad runs that will wipe away your session stake or bankroll if you are not careful. You certainly can't match the Casino in that department.

2) A steady win streak (even with the odd trigger in between)  Go for it and increase your bets well the good times roll.

3) No wins and not many triggers indicate you are getting a run of alternate sixlines appearing and this can be a cheap way to win some units. Why not consider a parlay in these situations. Take the example in the previous post where you could have bet for six-line 3 and 4 for 12 chips and then reinvested the 36 chip win onto six-line 4. That's 216 chips for a 12 chip stake for a lovely 17/1 winner.


Running the picture on a bit further......


Here is something interesting to note in Stream 3.

The trigger is the 1 six-line (1-6) and there have been no wins in Stream 3 for a while. So it's cold. It also has the least number of triggers with only three so far.

So if there are no wins and no triggers....That means the six-lines in that stream are alternating.

So let's look at row 15-19

1   are the six-lines.....

If I don't get a win or new trigger...it can only go to six-lines 3 or 4.

The next six-line was 3.

Now I have....


If I don't get a win or a new trigger now...it can only go to six-line 4.

The next six-line was 4.

The above example was the first 10 numbers from a live casino yesterday and it's a great example.

Here are the chips placed and the results.

Spin 4. 6 chips placed. Lost 6 = -6.
Spin 5. 18 chips placed. Won 36 = +18. (+12)
Spin 6. 18 chips placed. Won 72 = +54. (+66)
Spin 7. 18 chips placed. Won 36 = +18. (+84)
Spin 8. 18 chips placed. Won 36 = +18. (+102)
Spin 9. 18 chips placed. Won 36 = +18 (+120)
Spin 10. 18 chips placed. Won 72 = +54. (+174)

Here is something for anybody who likes playing the six-lines (1-6, 7-12, 13-18, 19-24, 25-30, 31-36)


Now instead of using 4 streams, I will just use the first 3 because this can give me up to an even money bet using the six-lines.

What I am looking for is a sixline that hits twice with any other sixlines in between only hitting once.

Look at stream 1 for an example....

The first three are 2, 4, 2.  So that's a double 2 with one 4 in between. That would be a trigger to start betting the 2 sixline (7-12).

Then just a little later on....it hits 1, 2, 1. So that's a double 1 with one 2 in between. So that's now the trigger for the 1 sixline (1-6).

Let's look at stream 2.

This is a nice one. The first three are 5, 3, 3. So that's a double 3 at the backend. That's a trigger for the 3 sixline (13-18) and it goes on a run.

Stream 3 and the first three are 2, 5, 5. So that's a double 5 at the backend and the trigger is the 5 sixline (25-30).

Now here is one of my rules of thumb. The fourth result was a 2 and that now leaves the first four results in stream 3 as 2, 5, 5, 2. But I would still play for the 5. WHY? Because that's the most recent double. It hits again twice in a few spins and the 2 does not show.

There are two occasions on spin 6 and 10 where there is a double win.

Once again.....you could wait for a cold stream to start hotting up before going on the attack. One thing I have particularly noticed over the last few years is how six-lines can really streak in short bursts. So using a 3 stream approach could be a good way to reduce the time using a type of RTM attack on the six-lines.


This image gives a better idea of what's going on with the Asterix* idea.

This is a 'Rolling 8'. So 4 different streams of numbers only working on the previous 8 spins.

The yellow boxes indicate a repeat. My theory is that you will get periods in the different streams where the yellow boxes will bunch up. Maybe more so after a period where a stream was all white.


I removed a couple of my own posts on my Asterix* idea because I think it was too complicated and there is an easier way which seems to make more sense. That is to have a 'rolling' 4 streams of maybe 6/7/8 numbers and look for when these set of 6/7/8 numbers start producing repeats after a quiet spell. I will have a good think about it and come back when I have somthing more concrete.