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Messages - iggiv

Off-topic / Re: SOCHI
February 08, 2014, 12:24:50 AM
i am not exactly from there. But i am from East Europe originally. No, i am not offended. I am just surprised how easily some people create wrong stereotypes.
Off-topic / Re: SOCHI
February 08, 2014, 12:04:43 AM
Well, whatever. If you like that Sochi is like jungle of Africa, its your right after all.

Sochi is a very nice city. This is a RESOURT city for God's sake. It's a paradise for tourists. I haven't been there but i've been close to there. And this was long time ago. Now it's much better than it used to be.
Off-topic / Re: SOCHI
February 07, 2014, 11:59:17 PM
yes it is. I am not saying anything bad about Canada. But the fact is that Mcdonalds served Vancouver Olympics.

And there are no problems with Sochi food and water either. And what athletes have in Olympic village is much better than Mcdonalds.
Off-topic / Re: SOCHI
February 07, 2014, 11:50:56 PM
Show me who tells that "many people there have no fresh food or water"? Do you know that Sochi  Olympics have much better food supply than Vancouver had? You don't. And you don't wanna know. This what the athletes ate at Vancouver.

Off-topic / Re: SOCHI
February 07, 2014, 11:46:49 PM
this is simply not true. They do have some problems but not what you are saying. You exaggerate a lot.

Look, i am not an admirer of Putin and of what's going on in Russia generally, but you have to be FAIR instead of telling some horror fairy tales.

and Sochi is not the only place where Olympics had problems. I showed you already. But u don't wanna see.
Off-topic / Re: SOCHI
February 07, 2014, 11:27:31 PM
I don't know what they saw where and when. What you describe is far away from reality.

And read this about the "top notch"

Off-topic / Re: SOCHI
February 07, 2014, 11:05:26 PM
I am not gonna discuss Russian Olympics. Recently every time last Olympics are being criticized. You are not there and i am not there.

But about Russian life reality i know much better than you believe me. What you imagine is not reality. That's what you imagine. And i even don't know where you took this idea from.

don't get me wrong, they do have lots of problems. But this is not North Korea. And this is not totalitarism like in North Korea. And life is very different. Actually in many big cities life is not very different from West. In small cities it could be different picture though. And average Russian lives worse than average Westerner. Still it is far away from what your imagination tells u.
Off-topic / Re: SOCHI
February 07, 2014, 10:56:04 PM
Xander your ideas about Russia are very outdated.   I am not saying that they live better than people of the West, still what you describe is not their reality at all. Russia is not North Korea.

for example u can read in Wiki about Russian Internet

"In September 2011, Russia overtook Germany on the European market with the highest number of unique visitors online.[1] In March 2013 it was announced that Russian is now the second most used language on the web.[2]"

Online Casinos / Re: The Pogg blacklist
February 01, 2014, 03:28:11 AM
as i understand those bad things are very common in online gambling. There are big names like William Hill group, Moneybookers which create problems for players for different reasons (really excuses but no reasons).
Land casinos are much more realiable, they depend on players very much. Now what can happen to online casino? It is just a software, some server in some room, and sometimes some studio where live games are held, and the studio usually does not belong to the "casino" itself, it is already another company which provides the feed.

So basically (let's not take the law, but rather physical aspect)  they can collect the money, close down and open another "casino" from the same room with the same software, and nobody wouldn't even know that these are the same people. Well, of course they will need license and stuff like this, but all these things are just small technical details.

Land casino can't collect their players money, kick their behind, close down, and tomorrow  open the the same  building under different name.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 28, 2014, 08:59:16 PM
 :) nice try, Al. LOL. You are a nicest guy on Earth. Not only the smartest and the most knowing about roulette. Not just the only person under the moon to defeat roulette on a long run. You are the cleanest nicest mouth on this planet.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 28, 2014, 08:40:42 PM
You Mods here are really tolerant to troublemakers. I am not one to judge u. I can just tell u that this guy hides his butt there in  rouetteforum.cc and does not dare to say anything of a kind. He knows the consequences. But here he feels he can say anything he wants.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 28, 2014, 08:31:45 PM
Tell Steve in the open what u r telling me now, be a man. I am just a mod in a good forum which he owns. Trying to keep order there. And you know that, u don't dare to open your mouth with all this b/s there like here.
I don't get anything out of it just like other Mods. In this forum or in other forums as i know of. And i am a human, not a dog. Just like u, Al. I am just more decent person than you, i dare to say.

As about scammers look who is talking....I did not sell any scam ---unlike u, Al.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 28, 2014, 08:21:40 PM
I could shut him up in another forum, but i won't.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 28, 2014, 08:19:33 PM
Vic, por favor tell him how much you pay to your Mods. Then tell this weirdo that Steve pays me the same amount. Steve has nothing to do with me making fun of this...BIG GUY  :)