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Messages - iggiv

Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 28, 2014, 08:17:19 PM
all this is because  deep inside he knows that i am right. Decent people don't do what he does. Telling one thing, doing another. Boasting around, claiming shining victories...Drawing public attention with gimmics, promising to leave then coming back. Calling people "dogs".

Let him win in roulette and be happy. But be decent as well. He made some kind of bad circus out of nothing.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 28, 2014, 07:43:40 PM
i imagine after all this b/s you said you must be unwelcome guest here. But it's not my business. Let the Mods and Vic sort this out in this forum.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 28, 2014, 07:41:13 PM
u r just funny, that's it. That's why i am laughing at you, Al. You made yourself funny. :)
Other things are not your business. What i use and what i don't. Truth hurts. You made fun of yourself, nobody takes you seriously. All the slander in the world u will try put upon your opponents won't change that fact. You just fall down even lower than you did before. Made yourself even funnier. Like a little kid which cries and yells some b/s at adults around him.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 28, 2014, 07:31:52 PM
your slander has nothing to do with the truth and reality. I have nothing to do with his sales. Period.
I am just a Mod in that forum just like here are some other Mods. You can imagine what you want. It is not the first time you are making up stories, Al. You try to humiliate me, but in reality you humiliate yourself.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 28, 2014, 07:15:09 PM
I will ask Mods kindly to stop this kind of personal attacks  because i don't wanna be involved in this kind of conversation. One good thing though.  It shows who is who. And how our desperate hero tries to kick me out of this forum because i said truth to him. Without any insults by the way.

Interesting what Mods are gonna do about it.

That's why everybody "loves" u, Al. But u know. Even after trying to insult me i still don't hate you  and wish you all the best. I just feel sorry for u.

Bud, your successes with roulette are and will be limited to loud forum claims and virtual noise you are creating, not more than this. Because you are on totally wrong way. And probably will be like this for years.
Keeping up with your claims and insults.

Keep up entertaining people. Call them "barking"," sniffing dogs", try to put mud on them anyway you can,
whatever. Maybe it will help you with your self esteem. Will make u A BIG GUY from what you really are
Off-topic / Re: DublinBet.....
January 28, 2014, 03:43:03 PM
i haven't had audio from Dublinbet for long time. Though i do get audio normally from other sites.  But i don't really care about it.  I am not there to listen to gossips.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 28, 2014, 03:21:41 PM
and one more thing. There are a lot of people which achieved interesting results on million spin graphs. It happens this way or  that. Some of those people start yelling about Holy Grail and stuff like that. Others just tell their friends. I know another guy in those forums who told me about his big graph on the same site as Al.
Actually he held one of the first places there some time ago. He knew that this graph does not mean he won roulette on a long run. Nothing to boast about for a whole world to know. And even if he did he would not boast about it to the public. Because it does not show you as a good man. And it is not smart as well. Why to draw attention to yourself? You will not help yourself by doing this. Quite on the contrary.

Off-topic / there is a good rule for good people
January 28, 2014, 03:09:35 PM
"put up or shut up". Be decent enough. You are not obligated to reveal your private info, nobody is. But be at least a decent man and do not shout loudly, don't boast about your achievements, especially in ridiculous terms of "Holy Grail" and "i can win millions spins in the row". You achieved your goals, you wanna leave forums? Fine. Say "Good buy, ladies and gentlemen, i achieved what i was aiming for, i wish you all best of luck." That will be enough. And then -- don't come back to boast and tell how unique your achievements are.

And nobody will make fun of you then.

Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 27, 2014, 04:23:13 PM
the guy has 12 Holy Grails and still prefers to argue in the forum about 'em in forums rather than playing in casinos. That's must be something from a soup opera.

Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 26, 2014, 09:10:30 PM
i admit i am sometimes curious about his "findings", though i don't believe in them. It is more like a soup opera --what other crazy news  he is gonna bring to public (no practical value at all, just amusement).

As for talking to him -- i don't miss him at all. He is not one u will have  pleasure to communicate with. Rude, stubborn, no desire to listen to anyone but himself. And always trying to sell some scam this way or that.
Always full of himself and disrespect for opponents.

Just like now "keep barking".

But i don't hate the guy. I wish him all the best in his enterprises. Though i don't believe he will come to something practical. Always head in the clouds,  building his sky castles and claiming shining victories.

Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 26, 2014, 05:47:12 PM
the only problem is that he may try to sell his HGs again and someone will fall for it again as before.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 26, 2014, 05:09:53 PM
Albalaha has one argument: if someone tries to say the truth about his "Holy grails" he says "it's frustration of yours". Oh yeah. As i said. i just  wake up and think about his HG trying to bite my elbows. and the same i am doing when i am falling asleep. And the same while i am doing other things. Actually i will admit, i think about Al  even in my dreams. 24/7 Albalaha frustration syndrome. LOL

What a talent to argue and draw attention! I think if he comes to a real casino, maybe for a first time, he will manage to get all attention at himself only. Without a winning a single dollar. Even with losing it. All attention will be his. Everybody will be frustrated with his Holy Grail. Especially he himself. LOL
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 26, 2014, 04:31:42 AM
If you had only one reliable winning method, you would not have to look for other stuff and discuss it at all. You would not need to sell you stuff. You would visit forums for entertainment only occasionally if at all. You would be busy traveling and making money as i said.

All this is b/s, Al. I am not sure that u realize it because it's possible that you convinced yourself that you have 12 or 144 Holy Grails. What a nonsense...Get real man, get real. You talk about fallacies and false egos. That's funny. That looks like a wolf is teaching bunnies to eat carrots instead of meat.