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Messages - iggiv

Casinos are not fools, they won't give u a bonus unless it is profitable for THEM, not for u...Any moment u are ahead they can call you a bonus abuser, and then good bye to your bonus and your winnings. Even the most trusted casinos can do it, that's normal. That's not your money, that's casino money, today they give it to you, tomorrow they may take it any moment. And money won by you with a bonus  is  not yours as well because it was made out of  their money. So this is normal casino practice. If they don't give u a bonus, u may not want to play, if they just let everybody make money from their bonus then they go bankrupt. The logic is simple. Don't accept the bonus unless you want just to have some free fun training how to play at this casino. Don't count on this bonus as your money. It's theirs.

I already said this:

Let's say house edge is 3% roughly. Now let's say u get 100 dollars bonus with some wager requirements. You start playing it random with 1 dollar unit. After a while there is a very good chance that u will lose 3% and will stay with 97 bucks. Let's say u are done with your wager requirements. And u can withdraw your money. What happened here? Despite the house edge you made money out of NOTHING, like a magician. You made 97 bucks with zero dollars down. Now imagine that 1000 people from all the world came to this online casino and just followed the suite. Casino lost 97k.

Will they let this happen? Don't fool yourself.
Off-topic / Re: Monday sucks
April 14, 2013, 04:48:17 PM
thanx bud :)

i actually like the song, monday doesn't bother me so much.
Off-topic / Monday sucks
April 14, 2013, 04:29:40 PM
General Discussion / Re: OUR BEST WISHES TO BALLY
April 12, 2013, 03:40:21 AM
my best wishes  :rose:
General Discussion / Re: WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS
April 07, 2013, 04:28:07 PM
it takes a lot to win. There are quite a few conditions that must be met by a really successful player. One of them i think is not to trust
methods with really stiff patterns like EC or dozens. When i see someone charging hundreds dollars for such methods i feel something wrong already. Another method i would not trust is betting only 1, 2, or 3 numbers. That's too hard to predict (unless u use AP of course). Such a small part of 37 or 38 numbers which may come out. Doesn't look right to me. Another sign of scam is that someone will tell u that u can easily play and play and play with no stop with their methods. All am i saying does not include AP methods, they are very different by their nature.

General Discussion / Re: WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS
April 07, 2013, 04:08:16 PM
500 is a big money...What was the base for his trust in this stuff to pay that much?
i read the description of his methods and i should tell u i would not send him that much money for this stuff. That's IMHO.
I don't trust methods based on EC or only one number to bet.
Off-topic / Re: Te gusta tacata?
March 31, 2013, 02:19:12 PM
Ray make a search on Tacata
Online Casinos / Re: Casino Bonus Question
March 29, 2013, 07:38:49 PM
let's say u lost the bonus and a little more, can u get rid of wager requirements at all? U should not get into this stuff when u see a bonus...get rid of it or don't play at all
Off-topic / Re: Te gusta tacata?
March 29, 2013, 07:23:35 PM
i don't think so.
Online Casinos / Re: Casino Bonus Question
March 25, 2013, 11:40:39 PM
Spike, why u did not insist so they remove the bonus? Till u started playing with the bonus u have no wager requirements. They made mistake, they can correct it. U start playing with it -- and that's it.
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General Discussion / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Victor
November 12, 2012, 01:01:32 AM
happy birthday amigo!