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Topics - ignatus

Multiple locations / A different Kind of Monster
May 19, 2013, 05:22:50 PM
This just like any other doubledozen bet, only this is playing with 1 doublestreet, 2 corners, 1 street, 2 splits and 3 single numbers.This will cover 24 numbers.

This strategy will beat most doubledozen-strategies.

The bets ARE;

1 doublestreet. (6u bet)
2 corners           (4u bet on each)
1 street             (3u bet)
2 splits               (2u bet on each)
3 single numbers (1u bet on each)

OK, place the bets AS YOU WISH. Randomly over the carpet. My betselection would be, (for an example);

1 doublestreet on 16/21
2 corners on 1/5 & 32/36     
1 street on 25/27         
2 splits  on 11/12 & 31/34             
3 single numbers on 0,10,23

Now, start spin.

1. Stay on the same level bets until one loss,

2. As soon as a loss occur, one step ahead in the progression is made;

1u Single Numbers  +1 Progression
2u Splits               +2 Progression
3u Street              +3 Progression
4u Corners            +4 Progression
6u Doublestreet     +6 Progression

3. After 3 hits in a row, (when progression has advanced) RESET progression, start over, go back to basic bet;

1 doublestreet. (6u bet)
2 corners           (4u bet on each)
1 street             (3u bet)
2 splits               (2u bet on each)
3 single numbers (1u bet on each)


Double-street / Hot Doublestreets (Live-Strategy)
May 18, 2013, 01:29:37 PM
1. Wait until One doublestreet hit, now look if that doublstreet has been hit during the last 10 spins. IF that is true - that single doublestreet is bet.1u bet IF that is not true, wait for another doublestreet hit (repeat procedure) (If this single doublestreet is hit before the second one is placed, no change, bet is kept).

2. Next doublestreet hit, (same thing) look if that doublestreet has been hit during the last 10 spins. IF that is true - that second doublestreet is bet. Now with 2u bet. IF that is not true, wait for another doublestreet hit (repeat procedure)

3. Now, the progression start from 2u bet. Bet those two doublestreets, with progression until hit; (2 Doublestreet)...2 3 4 6 8 12 19 28 42 65 100.

4. When a doublestreet hit. That single doublestreet hit, is kept, Reset progression to 1u bet. (the second doublestreet is removed). Repeat procedure from step 2.

Live-session played at "Lucky Live Casino";

Straight-up / 4 Numbers-Strategy
May 18, 2013, 12:11:20 AM
The bets to look for are the "corner numbers" of dozen 2 & 3:

Doz 2 "corner numbers": 13,15,22,24.

Doz 3 "corner numbers": 25,27,34,36.

Trigger: Wait until either Doz 2-corner numbers hit OR Doz 3-corner numbers hit. When this event occurs, bet those corner-numbers not hit.

For an example, if one of Doz 2-corner numbers (13,15,22,24) hit; Then you bet the Doz 3-corner numbers: 25,27,34,36. With 4 numbers progression, (until hit).

Likewise, if one of the Doz 3-corner numbers (25,27,34,36) hit; Then you bet the Doz 2-corner numbers: 13,15,22,24. With 4 numbers progression, (until hit).

4 numbers progression 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 23 27 30 35 40 46 52 59 68 78 89 101 116 132 151

I played this and was +259u, before I stopped.
Straight-up / The Missing Sector
May 17, 2013, 11:00:22 AM
..... this should perhaps be in the "testing zone", but i publish this for everyone to try. Reason why i found this out, I have a statistical program STATA, I loaded some livespins, then divided the wheel into three parts and did three new variables according to those numbers it represented. Now, I could study the *patterns* if there was any? And, yes, I found a clear pattern... that this strategy is based on;

Missing Sector:

These numbers are the wheel divided into three equal parts. (see picture)

A: 2,4,6,13,15,17,19,21,25,27,32,34

B: 1,5,8,10,11,16,20,23,24,30,33,36

C: 0,3,7,9,12,14,18,22,26,28,29,31,35

What i found: -When two parts of the wheel hit, most of the time, or atleast very frequently the third, *missing sector* will hit. This event is very common according to my statistics. So...

How to play this? Wait for two different sectors to hit, and then bet for the third.

Some losses must be accepted....

Sure it's good to be critical, but I only wish *find out* if this pattern is real?....You can see for yourself (this pattern), from my statistics. it's saved in an .rtf file (viewed in wordpad)...

Sectors are called here x y z.

"Statistics says all numbers will land about equal times in billions of spins" This statement says nothing against my findings, now two sectors hit. The third sector *will* in most cases hit within the next 3 spins... so? I didn't say it always will, but frequently enough, obviosly that we can take an advantage of this pattern, and make some profits ? I'd like if someone could run this in RouletteXtreme , and try larger number of live-spins to see if this can last...I need help testing this one.

I played this live now at "Lucky Live Casino"...

LLWLWWWLLLLWLLWLLLWWLLWWW +300u from this session, using progression for 12 numbers 1-1-2-3-4-6-9

Straight-up / Ace of Spades
May 16, 2013, 12:55:02 AM
Because of the simplicity and effectiveness I call this strategy "Ace of Spades".

Perhaps this is not a "new" strategy, it has been tried before, I know.

This is a repeater-system;

1. As soon as a number hit TWICE within the last 10 spins, it's bet. As soon as a new number hit twice it's bet... and so on endlessly.

2. A number hit -is removed-

3. TurboGenius-Grail progression is used; As a new number hit twice. A single bet is placed. As another number hit twice +1 unit is bet. That is 2 units on each of those two numbers are placed. As another number hit twice +1 bet. That is 3 units on each three numbers and so on.....When a number HIT. That one is removed and +1 on all other bets.

This progression is excellent for this type of bet. But it goes on endlessly, and numbers added also. This has to be played wisely. Now either you go broke when numbers add up, and progression advance. OR you don't. Thing is, that you have to reset the progression manually when it goes out of hand, when you get a hit that give you a positive bankroll. Ok (But don't be afraid when you got 10+ unit bets etc, that is when hits comes that will give you a positive bankroll...)

Numbers added and numbers removed when hit usually go in a regular flow, so numbers bet are normally less than 7.

This strategy works.

I've made  1000u playing with 1u bets at paddypower (at the NewAR-roulette). Haven't played this Live, yet.
Straight-up / 8X8 Patterns Complete
March 03, 2013, 01:55:31 PM
This tracker is betting according to the most common 8X8 patterns; Playing wheelmov-strategy 8 numbers bet.

No bet for 3 spins if distance=0 or zero=0 because 3 data is needed to calculate next bet (also when playing no bet for the first 2 spins, because 3 spins are needed).

This is the most advanced tracker i done so far. Combined 8X8 betting patterns for R/B & CW/CCW:









BRR = B 

(if you wish to use any other betting pattern - I can fix that perhaps).

Fist test performance:



Straight-up / Wheeldist tracker (Wheelmov5 + AVGdist2)
February 22, 2013, 02:14:57 PM
This was a request to combine these two (wheelmov5 & AVGdist2).

First test (Live at DB):

This must be one of my most complex and greatest projects so far.

A 2 numbers bet. This is bet is the average distance of the last two spin distances calculated (dist1+dist2)/2. For an example if first distance was 6 and the second 14, average distance is (6+14)/2 = 10. So next bet will be at distance 10 (both cw and ccw).

18 distances cw and ccw for each 37 numbers gives 18*2*37= 1332 different betting combinations.

First test preformance (Live-session at DB)


2. LLLLW 5 spins

3. W 1 spin

4. W 1 spin

5. LLLLLLLLLLW 11 spins



8. LLLLLLLLLLLW 12 spins


Straight-up / Mary Jane
February 17, 2013, 03:34:18 AM
This for European Live Wheels only. (ofcourse!)

Following cw, ccw gives high hitrate, betting 14 number in cw or ccw direction (same as last) at Range 3-16.

This strategy is only based on wheel movements, (frequent patterns) --> cw & ccw Repeats

Flatbetting is the best option playing this, and using stoploss at 3 losses in a row.
Straight-up / Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 15, 2013, 02:23:24 PM
Was thinking to keep this to myself before it's thoroughly tested, but I've decided to do a pre-release since all my results have been good so far.Now, bets are at the same direction & color as last spin. If spinresult is ccw x R, bet is (all RED) ccw4, ccw6, ccw8, ccw10, ccw 12.
That's a five numbers bet. So bet is always at 4-12 range in cw or ccw direction (same as last) and same color as last bet.

This Strategy is for Live Wheels Only
General Discussion / wheelmov tracker
February 10, 2013, 10:51:44 PM
I've made a tracker to study the wheel movements (European)

DISTANCE is always the shortest distance between two numbers 0-18.

Clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) directions are shown.

Any problems let me know. Should work 100% correct. (final fix'd)
Straight-up / The 123-Move
January 25, 2013, 11:34:17 AM
This strategy is based on a very frequent pattern I found on the live-wheel. it's dozens hit in sequence 1,2,3 or 3,2,1. (Note. This is not ordinary dozens on the carpet. It's dozens on the livewheel)

A random session taken from livespin


As you can see winrate is high. 51/66= 77% winrate.

This is how I play it: Wait for trigger doz 1,2 movement then bet doz 3 for 3 spins OR trigger doz 3,2 then bet doz 1 for 3 spins. (this is one session)

Progression +1 progression after 1 session of 3 spins, +1 bet if next session of 3 spins is lost and so on until hit. Progression reset after 2 sessions in a row is won.

Bankroll needed:  I would say enough money to cover 3 losses in a row (this is a worst case scenario) a LLL-session calculating with 12 chips =doz 1 bet (doz 2 bet is 9 units)

So, to cover a LLL-session 12+12+12+12*2+12*2+12*2+12*3+12*3+12*3=  216 units is needed.

This can be easily played at real casinos, just write this down on a piece of paper (and notice the sequence, and you'll know when to bet) This is based on the Real European Wheel:

Dozen One: 4,6,13,15,17,19,21,25,27,32,34 Split 0/2

Dozen Two: 1,5,8,10,11,16,20,23,24,30,33,36

Dozen Three: 3,7,14,18,22,35 Split 9/12, 26/29, 28/31

or use any of the simple trackers:
General Discussion / Pattern Found!
January 24, 2013, 06:50:48 PM
I think I found something here: I call it the "123-movement". It's a particular movement on the live-wheel that seems to occur very often. I would say it has 80-90% hitrate in the first 3 spins

I've only studied 3 list of live spins so far, but these pattern occurs very frequently in all these spins.

The movement is (on the live wheel) doz 1, 2, 3, or doz 3, 2, 1 This movement is reccuring like this (see the chart!)




to play this:

Wait for trigger doz 1, 2 hit then bet doz 3 for three spins.


Wait for trigger doz 3,2 hit then bet doz 1 for three spins

By dozen I mean Wheel-dozen (European Wheel)

I've tested this live and it works!

I will make a tracker for this! :cheer:
General Discussion / Wheel movements
January 14, 2013, 02:29:26 AM
Did a short study of wheel movement using the "Real Wheel Carpet" dividing it into 6 sections (doublestreets)

Zero belongs to the first section. Distance is calculated in doublestreets. (next hit) 0=Repeat.

1: 5,3,6,3,0,4,4,6,3,3,3,5,4,6,0,5
2: 4,1,0,0,4,6,5,0,5,6,3,4,4,5,1,6,3,6
3: 4,0,1,0,2,1,0,2,5,0,5,0,6,2,6,4,5,4,6,4
4: 0.6,3,6,6,6,1,0,1,2,1,3,3,0,0,3,1,2,0,0,2,6,3,5,0,0,0,0,2
5: 1,4,2,4,1,0,1,2,4,3,6,4,2,6,2,0,4,0,3
6: 0,1,2,5,2,4,1,5,3,4,3,4,2,1,2,4,2,4

What is the most common movement (and hitrate)? I use statistics to find out: 0,1,2,3-step movement:

0-Steps (Repeat)

1: 5,3,6,3,0,4,4,6,3,3,3,5,4,6,0,5
2: 4,1,0,0,4,6,5,0,5,6,3,4,4,5,1,6,3,6
3: 4,0,1,0,2,1,0,2,5,0,5,0,6,2,6,4,5,4,6,4
4: 0.6,3,6,6,6,1,0,1,2,1,3,3,0,0,3,1,2,0,0,2,6,3,5,0,0,0,0,2
5: 1,4,2,4,1,0,1,2,4,3,6,4,2,6,2,0,4,0,3
6: 0,1,2,5,2,4,1,5,3,4,3,4,2,1,2,4,2,4

Result: 24/120 = 20%


1: 5,3,6,3,0,4,4,6,3,3,3,5,4,6,0,5
2: 4,1,0,0,4,6,5,0,5,6,3,4,4,5,1,6,3,6
3: 4,0,1,0,2,1,0,2,5,0,5,0,6,2,6,4,5,4,6,4
4: 0.6,3,6,6,6,1,0,1,2,1,3,3,0,0,3,1,2,0,0,2,6,3,5,0,0,0,0,2
5: 1,4,2,4,1,0,1,2,4,3,6,4,2,6,2,0,4,0,3
6: 0,1,2,5,2,4,1,5,3,4,3,4,2,1,2,4,2,4

Result: 30/120 = 25%


1: 5,3,6,3,0,4,4,6,3,3,3,5,4,6,0,5
2: 4,1,0,0,4,6,5,0,5,6,3,4,4,5,1,6,3,6
3: 4,0,1,0,2,1,0,2,5,0,5,0,6,2,6,4,5,4,6,4
4: 0.6,3,6,6,6,1,0,1,2,1,3,3,0,0,3,1,2,0,0,2,6,3,5,0,0,0,0,2
5: 1,4,2,4,1,0,1,2,4,3,6,4,2,6,2,0,4,0,3
6: 0,1,2,5,2,4,1,5,3,4,3,4,2,1,2,4,2,4

Result: 44/120 = 37%


1: 5,3,6,3,0,4,4,6,3,3,3,5,4,6,0,5
2: 4,1,0,0,4,6,5,0,5,6,3,4,4,5,1,6,3,6
3: 4,0,1,0,2,1,0,2,5,0,5,0,6,2,6,4,5,4,6,4
4: 0.6,3,6,6,6,1,0,1,2,1,3,3,0,0,3,1,2,0,0,2,6,3,5,0,0,0,0,2
5: 1,4,2,4,1,0,1,2,4,3,6,4,2,6,2,0,4,0,3
6: 0,1,2,5,2,4,1,5,3,4,3,4,2,1,2,4,2,4

Result: 19/120 = 16%

From this short test the 2-step movement has a clear dominance with 37% hitrate.
General Discussion / Ballistic Experiment
January 12, 2013, 03:52:24 AM
Been working on this system for awhile.

Average movements can be used by betting 1 street OR 1 doublestreet on each side in the calculated distance to predict next hit.

+1 Progression (for each 2nd spins without hit for two doublestreets. For each 5:th spin for two streets)

Best bet selection is not 100% worked out yet, but you got some statistics. (ideas about this is welcome). Most common movement according to earlier calculations is 2.7 (using this system)

Any distance from 1-5 should be a good choice. As long you stick with it.

Other bet selections might work as well.

Playing with two doublestreets: distances and bet selection 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5.

Two Streets is another option (it last longer in progression +1 for each 5:th spin)


Distance calculated in number of streets from the last number hit. Reverse distance is used, from End to the beginning, from beginning to End. (shortest distance) So, Distance can be no greater than 6.
Always between 0-6.


1, 1, 5, 5, 1, 3, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2, 4, 0, 4, 5, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 5, 2, 2, 5, 4, 6, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6, 5, 5, 3, 3, 5, 0, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 3, 0, 5, 5, 4, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 4, 4, 0, 1, 6, 2,3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 5, 0, 5, 4, 2

distance hit

0: 5  times
1: 11 times
2: 12 times
3: 12 times
4: 13 times
5: 22 times
6: 3  times


4, 3, 5, 5, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 3, 5, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 0, 4, 2, 4, 5, 0, 6, 5, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1, 4, 1, 4, 5, 2, 5, 3, 2, 5, 1, 5, 0, 3, 3, 6, 1, 2, 4, 1, 5, 5, 3, 1, 5, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 5, 0, 0, 5, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 5, 1, 1, 4, 1, 5, 4, 1

distance hit

0: 7  times
1: 18 times
2: 10 times
3: 10 times
4: 12 times
5: 19 times

.Live 2.

2, 4, 5, 3, 2, 6, 4, 3, 1, 1, 4, 3, 4, 1, 1  2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 3, 5, 4, 2, 2, 5, 4, 5, 5, 0, 2, 5, 2, 5, 0, 2, 3, 6, 2, 2 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4, 3, 6, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3, 5, 1, 3, 0, 2

distance hit

0: 3  times
1: 8  times
2: 17 times
3: 13 times
4: 9  times
5: 11 times
6: 3  times
General Discussion / Why we're tricked (Wheel & carpet)
January 11, 2013, 01:11:28 AM

To design a working live roulette system, the wheel numbers must be taken into consideration. Ordinary carpet numbers doesn't matter and have no relevance, (they don't make any sense, really!) only true wheel numbers count.

This is how true carpet, representing wheel numbers would look
Straight-up / Hooping numbers
January 10, 2013, 12:40:33 AM
Some of this has been inspired by Turbogenius' Strategy, but it's played differently.

It's a singlenumber progressive strategy.

Bet first number to hit, now bet that number for 18 spins, if no hit, bet next number hit, so, now bet those 2 numbers for 18 spins.

If no hit, 18+18 =36 spins (always +1 bet after 18+18 (36) spins) add one unit to all bets, and bet next number hit. Now bet those 3 numbers for 18 spins. if no hit, bet next number to hit, and bet those 3 numbers for 18 spins.. and so on.

Anytime a number is hit, that number is removed and counting stop/reset, +1 bet on all other units.

One session&progression End when all numbers are hit (and removed)

Restart: Do one more spin and 1 bet that new number for 18 spins... etc

Negative side with this system. if two (or more) sleepers are bet when progression goes far, bankroll sink pretty fast. Normally you will recover when they hit.

Positive side with this system. In normal cases, numbers are hit in a regular order to keep you floating, and also, make great profits. As new number are bet they can save you when they hit, so that makes it a well balanced system. Hits come regularly and you do very well in the way this progression/system is constructed
Straight-up / How to use the philosophers stone Matrix
January 09, 2013, 01:16:19 PM
This is how I use the philosophers stone matrix.

I divided the matrix into four.

Now, I wait until 3 matrix' have been hit.

Bet the unhit matrix

9 step progression:

General Discussion / The Golden String
January 08, 2013, 01:45:50 AM
Could "The golden String" be useful in some way to overcome randomness? I would say yes.

Can someone verify this?
Straight-up / Last Nine -ULTIMATE-
January 06, 2013, 02:34:37 PM
Well, now. To present this system I can say for sure it's a long term winner. Why? The only thing we know for sure, that will happen all the time is repeating numbers

I did some experiments with hotnumbers and repeating numbers. But recent numbers in spin history is even hotter than hotnumbers. So, this is a fact. Based on this fact I've constructed a very simple system that has very high hitrate. Both on RNG and Live. It's througly tested and works amazingly well. I don't know what to say more? I'm just suprised no one has played this way before

Always bet the last 9 numbers in spin history. As a new number comes bet that one, and remove the oldest in spin history. This way we catch all repeters. Using a 9 number progression (As a number hit, reset progression.) As repeaters happens very frequently you don't have to go very far in the progression.

I advice using some software to keep track of the numbers. Spinmaster or Roulette Xtreme. I could be done manually writing down numbers (playing live in a real casino)

I wish everybody luck, and it's time to make some serious money.

Off-topic / Forex Robots
January 04, 2013, 07:00:12 PM
For the last 3 days I've been seriously wanting to find a good Forex trading robot. Reading on forums and reviews etc. But everybody has different opinions, and I don't trust the reviews (except on some forex forums etc) Read some of the best bots can increase the money 50%-100% per month.

Most popular seems to be Fapturbo. (don't trust that one)
others say, Forex hacked, Thor II, Forex Robin VOL, Synergy, Growth both etc.

It's rare that I find the same bots recommended on different reviews. What to do? I think it's hard to find reliable information about the  forex bots.
Community Software / Spinmaster
January 04, 2013, 06:33:43 PM
Best free tracker you'll ever need! Hotnumbers, cold numbers, last hit numbers and much more!
General Discussion / Betselection
January 04, 2013, 02:22:56 AM
I've had a dream/vision about 4 numbers in a horizontal line on a roulette table. Pretty f**kt up when you start to dream about roulette!  :))  it's not the first time this happens!

Anyway, I've start to experiment with this 4 numbers in a horizontal line, and tried to build a system around it. Worked pretty well. But I wonder what is the best betselection for this kinda bet? I figured, two hits within a 4 number horizontal line...? Any ideas?
Sports Betting Forum / Sportsbetting System
January 02, 2013, 04:31:18 PM
Seems to be a very good system, I'm going to try it.  :D
Double-street / Winning Twinings
January 01, 2013, 08:27:46 PM
This is just one application of my progression method.

Bet two doublestreets. (your own bet selection or random) I use to bet same two doublestreets 10/15 and 22/27.

For each 2 losses in a row +1 bet.

That's it! Very simple and very effective. Trick is not to reset after afew hits, but continue progression until you reach a new high atleast 3 times. Then reset. Risk of getting to greedy and continue progression will only result in new highs.  But I would say after 3 new highs reset progression.