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Messages - ignatus

Double-street / My best shot 2
July 21, 2014, 01:08:20 PM
4 out of 6 doublestreets are bet. All except the two ds last hit.

progression +1u bet for each loss, keep bet until reach a new high, then reset.

this has proved good recovery-rate
Split / Last in Line
July 11, 2014, 01:09:44 PM
This is a six splits bet, (or 12 numbers).

Track each column hit within each dozen. There are 3 columns within each dozen, there are 3 dozens, this gives us NINE individual lines to track. ok

Trigger: wait until 6 individual dozen/column lines have been hit, then bet the remaining 3 unhit lines.

progression: negative dozen progression (splits) 1 1 2 3 4 6 9 14 21 31 47 70

to make it easier i use notepad and for each new trigger i look at the history of spins:

write down 1,2,3 (these are the 3 columns) then a, b, c, this are the three dozens

so it would look like this:

six hits, (the remaining 3 is bet):

1: a b (first and second dozen is hit within column 1) bet would be c: column 1, dozen 3
2: b    (second dozen is hit within column 2) bet would be a & c: column 2, dozen 1 & 3
3: a b c (all dozens is hit within column 3) no bet.

I have tested it playing on dublinbet for 3-4 hours, won totally ~300u, and not a single trigger lost.
Multiple locations / Re: 27
July 08, 2014, 02:46:53 PM
Thanks :) 
Multiple locations / 27
July 08, 2014, 01:18:49 PM
proud to present: 27! why 27? 27 numbers are bet. This sound absurd to you maybe but i will explain why it works, i just tested it for fun and won 1000u easily (playing with 5u bets) OK

in each dozen a doublestreet and a street is bet always bet

how are they placed? imagine a dozen divided into two doublestreets, now as one street hit, the other street is bet (in the same ds), and the remaining ds in that dozen is bet.

so for an example:

number 2 hits, street 4/6 is placed, also doublestreet 7/12.

number 16 hits, street 13/15 is placed, also doublestreet 19/24.

number 35 hits, street 31/33 is placed, also doublestreet 25/30.

This is an ongoing process to change the bets, but bets are only changed when a street hit.

when a doublestreet hit, no change is made, since that will simply give the money back, only the streets gives profit.

progression: martingale. this sounds scary maybe, but it's not, progression works just fine and it doesn't go very far in normal cases: -only if those three streets not bet and zero hits you have to double.

Straight-up / Shifting Targets
March 30, 2014, 12:31:55 PM
This came from observing the live-wheel, and it seems that the last 5 hits comes in clusters. so, i tried figure out a way to take advantage of this phenomenon.

I tried bet each number that comes with it's 2 neighbours, for 3 spins then restart- start with bet the next number with it's 2 neighbours, (5u) (keep that bet) then the next number with it's 2 neighbours, (10u) (keep that bet) then finally the third numbers with it's 2 neighbours is bet, do one spin (with a total of 15u, 5 5 5 numbers).... then restart again with a new target. (restart at any win, with one new target...) it's a progressive bet.

betting this way will make sure if hits comes in clusters it's bound to have a high hitrate, furthermore, targets shift continuously,(this is also true from my observation) always progressively betting for 3 temporary targets once then selecting new targets. from my own test results have been good, but more testing is needed.

I need your help testing.

all live tables have a function to bet each number with it's 2 neighbours with just one click, so no difficult tracking/betting is needed, furthermore it's flatbetting.

Straight-up / Re: 2 numbers with progression
February 25, 2014, 03:52:03 PM
no, haven't tried that
Straight-up / patterns & progression
February 21, 2014, 10:33:41 AM
This is the only way to beat roulette In My Humble Opinion; using patterns & progression.

Trigger: wait for 3 black odd/even or 3 red odd/even, then bet for the opposite (same color)

for an example 3 black odd hit, (trigger) then bet for all black even, with progression

3 even red hits (trigger) then bet for all red odd...and so on

progression 8 number =

Progression for 10 numbers
1 1 1 2 2 3 4 6 8 11 16 22 30 42 58 80
Dozen/Column / Re: Attack Modes
February 12, 2014, 10:53:48 AM
one thing i forgot to mention is, after you got a hit after a trigger, wait until the modes will change "defensive mode" / "attack mode" and look for a new trigger.

Dozen/Column / Re: Attack Modes
February 12, 2014, 10:19:42 AM
Quote from: FLAT_IN_O on February 12, 2014, 07:36:55 AM
Could you describe difference between --last dozen hit and new dozen hit...can't grasp this part.
Pressuming 1,2,3......new dozen hit would be 3.....what about last dozen hit.

as i play this method, i've did a short study of these patterns, now the average repeats of these patterns are 3. both for "attack mode" (new dozen hit) and "defensive mode" (repeat or last doz)...

so, there are only two basic patterns. as soon as a new dozen hit,(attack mode) you start to calculate that this pattern will continue for not more than 3 spins:i.e new doz will hit 3 times in a row, then it will change into "defensive mode" (repeat or last doz)-pattern, as soon as repeat or last doz hit, you start to calculate that this event will happen now more than 3 spins; when you got that trigger you start to bet for new doz hit "attack mode" so doz hit

1 (start from here this is the first "defensive mode" trigger)
2 <- now you got 3 "repeats or last doz hit" in a row, so now you start betting for new doz hit (attack mode) that would be doz 1 and 3 in this example.

3 (start from here this is the first "attack mode" trigger)
2 <-now you got 3 "new doz" hit in a row so you startbetting for a repeat or a last doz hit (defensive mode) that would be doz 1 and 2 in this example.

as for you question;

1 <- last doz hit - this is "defensive mode"


Dozen/Column / Attack Modes
February 11, 2014, 11:44:12 PM
This is a double dozen-strategy.

First, there are only 3 basic patterns/movements among dozens:

1. Repeat.
2. Last dozen hit
3. New dozen hit

I divided these two:

"Defensive Mode" this is a Repeat or Last dozen hit.
"Attack Mode" this is a new dozen hit.

so these two basic patterns i've calculated they will each last in average for 3 spins each.

Trigger: wait for 3 "Defensive Modes"-patterns (repeat or last doz hit) or 3 "Attack Modes"-patterns (new dozen hit) to occur, then bet for the opposite pattern with a 1-1, 3-3, 9-9 progression.

so, for an example

dozen 1 2 3:

1 <-trigger, start calculate "defensive mode from here" (repeat or last doz hit)
2 <- now 3 "defensive modes" has happened so,start betting for "attack mode" , (in this case doz 1 & 3)
3 hit.

another example.

3 <-first "attack mode" -trigger (a new dozen hit)
1 <-second attack mode trigger
2 <-third attack mode trigger. Now bet for defensive mode (repeat or last dozen hit): in this case doz 1 & 2
2 hit
Straight-up / Re: 2 numbers with progression
February 11, 2014, 06:42:27 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on February 11, 2014, 06:12:10 PM
Stick with it ignatus.  Put that joint down and keep pluggin' away.  I'm a big believer in hot numbers.  Watching your results with a drool or two.


Thanks Sam  :D
Straight-up / Re: 2 numbers with progression
February 11, 2014, 05:22:59 PM
This is one lucky session flatbet 2 numbers for 10 000 randomspins;
Straight-up / Re: 2 numbers with progression
February 11, 2014, 05:15:47 PM
These two games was played with random numbers: (same two numbers 0 & 1) and as you can see from these charts progression & recovery works very well, both in theory and practice. To play with hotnumbers gives a greater hitrate, ofcourse. so, it's not a failure at all.
Straight-up / Re: 2 numbers with progression
February 11, 2014, 10:05:41 AM
if you don't have Roulette Xtreme you can use Spinmaster. it's free, it can track hotnumbers

Straight-up / Re: 2 numbers with progression
February 11, 2014, 09:58:59 AM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on February 11, 2014, 09:11:02 AM
Please define your "hot number"...

well, you must have some kind of software to be able to track the hotnumber. A hotnumber is the number(s) who have had the most hits, in comparison to all other numbers. so, the 2 hottest numbers are bet, ....and as the general roulettewisdom says "hotnumbers can sleep too" yes, they can, but with progression such a bad streak is recovered, (most of the time) nothing is 100% sure in roulette ofcourse, but from my testings this progression/recovery works very well. 2 numbers is also important factor in this method; i have done testings from all number combinations, and 2 numbers have the best results from 10 000's of randomspins i've done in rx....