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Messages - ignatus

General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 17, 2013, 05:35:41 PM
I've been playin this now for hour or so, this is my understading of this system (and how i play it)

* First of all, progression need to be modified. I use a much more agressive progression (since profits are hard to get when playing with your suggested progression) OK

* Second, I don't know if i follow the rules, but this is how i play it; I begin with EC's. --> First start betting on Even/Odd (followinig last outcome) for 3 spins. IF that hit. --> Next bet is Red/Black.(following last) OK if that hit --> Next i bet on High/Low(following last) OK that hit--> Next I go back to Even/Odd... and so on...this is the cycle i bet on for EC's. IF at any stage no hit for 3 turns, I go betting on Dozens.

Dozens--> if hit during 3 spins I go back to betting on EC's (starting with Odd/Even...that cycle decribed) IF not, then i go betting on a doublestreet.

Doublestreet-->if hit during 3 spins I go back betting on Dozens. IF not I continue betting on *a new* doublestreet (current hit) for 3 spins... and so on until I get One hit. THEN Go back to betting on Dozens, after one hit. Ok

Progression I use a very agressive progression +2 for each loss. Reset to *2u* at hit (at any stage). 2u is minimum bet. So progression would look like this: 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16..... and so on.

I've made +50u now playing this for half an hour. (at paddypower NewAR-roulette)...

Thanks you GreatGrandpa for this system! (with my modifications)  :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 17, 2013, 04:36:17 PM
Quote from: GreatGrampa on May 17, 2013, 04:34:02 PM
d'alembert after every loss of three continuous 123 losses in double street level. refer table 7 example.

Yes, I read it now in the file. Thank you :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 17, 2013, 04:29:29 PM
Thank you, very nice, (simple that even I can understand it!)  :D 
Straight-up / Re: Ace of Spades
May 17, 2013, 03:36:15 PM
Thanks  :thumbsup:
Straight-up / Re: Ace of Spades
May 17, 2013, 01:37:59 PM
Quote from: ozon on May 17, 2013, 12:48:37 PM
More   rules   to  check.
We   track  12   numbers    for   repeaters ,  If we  got    repeater   in   this   12   sipns  ,   we   bet him for  18-20   spins .
We    add  new  bet ,if  it  repeat   in last  12   spins  ,  we   always   check  the   last   12   numbers   for   trigers.
We   play  4    max  5  numbers   ,  a  the  same   time . 
we   play   1u   if    we   win   ,     if   we   -36u to  starting   bankroll  ,      we  start   plaing   bet   for   2u  ,  if   we   -72 u  ,  we   start plaing   for  3u   .
When    we    hit  ,  we    got  two  options , restet   to    1 unit   or  decreas  -1    curent   stake   , I   think  first   is   safer.
This   play   is   for   long   seassins   ,   we   wait   for   wawes   of    wins .
Bankroll   needed      1000u.

Great! Thanks alot!  :thumbsup:
Straight-up / The Missing Sector
May 17, 2013, 11:00:22 AM
..... this should perhaps be in the "testing zone", but i publish this for everyone to try. Reason why i found this out, I have a statistical program STATA, I loaded some livespins, then divided the wheel into three parts and did three new variables according to those numbers it represented. Now, I could study the *patterns* if there was any? And, yes, I found a clear pattern... that this strategy is based on;

Missing Sector:

These numbers are the wheel divided into three equal parts. (see picture)

A: 2,4,6,13,15,17,19,21,25,27,32,34

B: 1,5,8,10,11,16,20,23,24,30,33,36

C: 0,3,7,9,12,14,18,22,26,28,29,31,35

What i found: -When two parts of the wheel hit, most of the time, or atleast very frequently the third, *missing sector* will hit. This event is very common according to my statistics. So...

How to play this? Wait for two different sectors to hit, and then bet for the third.

Some losses must be accepted....

Sure it's good to be critical, but I only wish *find out* if this pattern is real?....You can see for yourself (this pattern), from my statistics. it's saved in an .rtf file (viewed in wordpad)...

Sectors are called here x y z.

"Statistics says all numbers will land about equal times in billions of spins" This statement says nothing against my findings, now two sectors hit. The third sector *will* in most cases hit within the next 3 spins... so? I didn't say it always will, but frequently enough, obviosly that we can take an advantage of this pattern, and make some profits ? I'd like if someone could run this in RouletteXtreme , and try larger number of live-spins to see if this can last...I need help testing this one.

I played this live now at "Lucky Live Casino"...

LLWLWWWLLLLWLLWLLLWWLLWWW +300u from this session, using progression for 12 numbers 1-1-2-3-4-6-9

Straight-up / Re: Ace of Spades
May 16, 2013, 08:24:07 PM
Quote from: ozon on May 16, 2013, 08:20:23 PM
This    strategy   is   almost  the  same   ,  like  MrJ   12  repeater numbers  .  Its   is  on   old  VLS.
He   tracks   12  numbers   and   use   flat   bet  .   
Yours   progression    is   too   agressive .
Maybe   plaing   cycles of  10   or  20   spins   with   the   same   stake ,  will be  better .  If   cycle   is  in   profit  we   stay ,  if   minus  we   play  +1.
I   think  3  numbers   at   same   time   is  max.

Ok, Thanks.
Straight-up / Re: Ace of Spades
May 16, 2013, 06:25:20 PM
OK, I finished my game. Sorry, it was a little long. First of i wish to say, better someone program and run this is RouletteXtreme, because playing it live like this is tricky. (to get real result)....Furthermore, one improvement of this strategy is *wait* for 6 repeaters and THEN start betting, since hits usually come after 6-7 repeters.

I continued playing this in a longer session to see if hits would come in a regular flow, and perhaps they did? But i reached table-limit, (at 10u, and lost all numbers once in the middle, but i hope all is correct.)

Progression may be improved. And some other things, all ideas are welcome.

This was my results from the Live-session at "Lucky Live Casino";


Here is the game- (as requested);

23 --WIN.Number 23 is removed.
6  --WIN.Number 6 is removed.
5  --WIN.Number 5 is removed.
21 --WIN.Number 21 is removed.
17 --WIN.Number 17 is removed.
1 --WIN. Number 1 is removed.
8 --Number 8 is bet.
28 --Number 28 is bet.
6  --Number 6 is bet.
5  --Number 5 is bet.
21 --Number 21 is bet.
28 --WIN.Number 28 is removed.
29 --WIN.Number 29 is removed.
23 --23 is bet
3  --WIN. Number 3 is removed. (20u bet, *tablelimit*)
11 --WIN. Number 11 is removed. (19u bet)
19 --WIN. Number 19 is removed. (18u bet)
33 --Number 33 is bet. (17u bet)
29 --Number 29 is bet. (16u bet)
6  --WIN. Number 6 is removed. (15u bet)
22 --WIN. Number 22 is removed. (14u bet)
34 --Number 34 is bet. (13u bet)
17 --Number 17 is bet. (12u bet)
1  --Number 1 is bet. (11u bet)
17 --WIN. Number 17 is removed. (10u bet)
3  --Number 3 is bet. (9u bet)
25 --WIN. Number 25 is removed. (8u bet) 
25 --Number 28 is bet. (7u bet)
19 --Number 19 is bet. (6u bet)
17 --Number 17 is bet. (5u bet)
22 --Number 22 is bet. (4u bet)
11 --Number 11 is bet. (3u bet)
15 --Number 15 is bet. (2u bet)
6  --Number 6 is bet. (1u bet)

Straight-up / Re: Ace of Spades
May 16, 2013, 04:28:00 PM
Quote from: GreatGrampa on May 16, 2013, 04:24:44 PM
Thansk ignatus. Even if you can explain only those spins in your LW string that will also help.

Ok, i will give it a go, and save the numbers , and give an explaination of gameplay. (it's not hard really -just bet on those numbers hit twice within the last 10 spins... and number hit are removed....) the progression is explained in game description....

Anyway... bbl in 1 or 2 hours then. ;)
Straight-up / Re: Ace of Spades
May 16, 2013, 04:22:24 PM
Quote from: GreatGrampa on May 16, 2013, 01:47:24 PM
Confused. Are you able to give a spin by spin view?
I can.. sure... I played a longer session on Dublinbet, but it went straight to hell because i reached table limit (10u) playing with 1u bet... yesterday i played on RNG-funmode at Paddypower, I won 1000u playing with 1u bets, so.. it seems to work pretty good on RNG also... well? some ppl claim fun-mode is fixed? and real RNG play is different? I don't know.

"Lucky Live Casino" has table-limit 20u. I can perhaps do a longer session there, if there is a wish?
Straight-up / Re: Ace of Spades
May 16, 2013, 01:46:08 PM
Quote from: Chrisbis on May 16, 2013, 12:26:51 PM
Do u mean 4 bet selection positions, with 9 units on each?  :nod:

Straight-up / Re: Ace of Spades
May 16, 2013, 11:42:15 AM
OK, I did my first Live-session playing this; LLLLLLLLWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLWLLW -Wingoal reached +200u.

At this point i had 4 unit with 9u bet on each... After a win like this it's a good idea to reset progression.
Straight-up / Re: Ace of Spades
May 16, 2013, 10:22:23 AM
Quote from: Turner on May 16, 2013, 06:31:07 AM
A marriage between Ignatus and Turbogenius. Something I never thought i'd see in my lifetime ^-^

lol  :P
Straight-up / Re: Ace of Spades
May 16, 2013, 02:32:16 AM
Quote from: VLS on May 16, 2013, 01:17:11 AM
Thanks for sharing your strategy with us Ignatus!
So nice to see you here  :thumbsup:

Thanks  8)
Straight-up / Ace of Spades
May 16, 2013, 12:55:02 AM
Because of the simplicity and effectiveness I call this strategy "Ace of Spades".

Perhaps this is not a "new" strategy, it has been tried before, I know.

This is a repeater-system;

1. As soon as a number hit TWICE within the last 10 spins, it's bet. As soon as a new number hit twice it's bet... and so on endlessly.

2. A number hit -is removed-

3. TurboGenius-Grail progression is used; As a new number hit twice. A single bet is placed. As another number hit twice +1 unit is bet. That is 2 units on each of those two numbers are placed. As another number hit twice +1 bet. That is 3 units on each three numbers and so on.....When a number HIT. That one is removed and +1 on all other bets.

This progression is excellent for this type of bet. But it goes on endlessly, and numbers added also. This has to be played wisely. Now either you go broke when numbers add up, and progression advance. OR you don't. Thing is, that you have to reset the progression manually when it goes out of hand, when you get a hit that give you a positive bankroll. Ok (But don't be afraid when you got 10+ unit bets etc, that is when hits comes that will give you a positive bankroll...)

Numbers added and numbers removed when hit usually go in a regular flow, so numbers bet are normally less than 7.

This strategy works.

I've made  1000u playing with 1u bets at paddypower (at the NewAR-roulette). Haven't played this Live, yet.