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Messages - ignatus

Straight-up / Re: Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 15, 2013, 07:19:21 PM
Quote from: Koolkat on February 15, 2013, 07:00:44 PM

Hi ignatus
Is this a spin off of Jack wise Kennedy positional roulette Many thanks Koolkat

Hi, I don't know anything about Jack wise Kennedy ...this is my strategy, but betting same color was inspired by another system.
Straight-up / Re: Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 15, 2013, 06:43:01 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on February 15, 2013, 06:38:46 PM
OK, thanks guys.

Would be glad if you tested it? And your results etc.

I had only good results so far
Straight-up / Re: Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 15, 2013, 06:36:32 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on February 15, 2013, 04:33:25 PM
If spinresult is ccw x R, bet is (all RED) ccw4, ccw6, ccw8, ccw10, ccw 12.

I've tried the tracker and understand it.  What I don't understand is the 4,6,8,10 and 12.


It's because most hits come within that range. Like over 70-80% ? or so. I choose this distance because that's the most frequent hit sector (average distance) etc
Straight-up / Re: Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 15, 2013, 04:08:59 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on February 15, 2013, 02:45:35 PM

That was pretty murky.  OK, my last spin was cw (wheel going clockwise?)  and I landed on red.  So on my next spin--and my next spin only--what is my bet?


you only have to type in the spins, and numbers to bet are displayed.

Some small fixes in the tracker; (No bet when distance 0, and 18 Red cw displayed one wrong number)
Straight-up / Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 15, 2013, 02:23:24 PM
Was thinking to keep this to myself before it's thoroughly tested, but I've decided to do a pre-release since all my results have been good so far.Now, bets are at the same direction & color as last spin. If spinresult is ccw x R, bet is (all RED) ccw4, ccw6, ccw8, ccw10, ccw 12.
That's a five numbers bet. So bet is always at 4-12 range in cw or ccw direction (same as last) and same color as last bet.

This Strategy is for Live Wheels Only
General Discussion / Re: wheelmov tracker
February 12, 2013, 09:48:17 PM
Quote from: RouletteKEY on February 12, 2013, 09:30:13 PM
How would this work with a flat bet for 7 spins then stop if no wins on 7 spins...then res-start after a virtual win...again for 7 spins and if you wanna use a progression...bump up after each new losing series.

WLLLLLLLstop bettingLLLLLW(now start at 2 units per number)LLLLLLLstopLLLW(now start at 3 or 4 units per number...I would go 3 here and then work down one unit after a winning session based on how it looks from your brief posted results).

Just a thought to keep your progression from immediately killing you.  With a decent strike rate on a 5 number bet you shouldn't get too many losing series in a row so you shouldn't get too deep on the drawdown.  Flat all the way with the stop-loss is probably safer...but I know you want to use a progression.

Might want to look at an enhanced bet somewhere in the 5 numbers if you hit a hot streak...after a win add 1 or 2 units to your primary target number...something along those lines so you can potentially really make some money without risking much beyond your previous winnings.

There's alot you can do with a 4 or 5 number bet...I would start there...but that's just me

Yes, flatbet with stoploss would work very well playing this. Good ideas  :thumbsup:

I think it's possible to play this with a 3 numbers bet also (one at the same distance/directions and only one neighbour since many hits come within a close range)

It's possibe to combine this with one hotnumber system; Bet for that number repeats most within 23 spin

(bet for 23 spins then change hotnumber) etc

Many tweaks are possible.
General Discussion / Re: wheelmov tracker
February 12, 2013, 09:07:37 PM
Testing this now with a 5 numbers bet, (R/B only). The way I play is bet single number in same color at the same distance and direction and 2 neighbour numbers on each side (same color);

For an example

25 CW 8 Red
27 CW 4 Red - This is a win, because the numbers bet would be: 34, 27, 36, 30, 23 all Red numbers27 in the middle at CW 8 distance and two red neighbours on each side whenever possible.

ALL 5 numbers within 1-18 range. So, if spin is CCW 17 B, bets would be; (all Black numbers) ccw17, ccw15, ccw13, ccw 11, ccw9

This could be played flatbet with stoploss, OR progression for 5 number:

5 numbers progression: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-6-7-8-9-11-13-15-17-20 = 138 units

A less agressive progression that would work very well playing this is +1 bet each 7th spin.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3...

Longest losingstreak from this session 16 L. (progression is 24 steps) What this means; ALL PROFITS from this session.

CCW 5  R  L
CCW 8  R  W
CCW 9  R  W
CW 5   R  L
CCW 12 B  L
CCW 8  B  W
CCW 7  R  L
CW  5  B  L
0         L
CCW 16 B  L
CCW 5  B  L
CCW 4  B  W
CCW 12 B  L
CCW 16 B  W
CCW 10 B  W
CW 7   R  L
CCW 11 B  L
CW 11  R  L
CW 6   R  W
CCW 9  B  L
CCW 14 B  W
CW 7   0  L
CW 16  B  -
CCW 3  R  L
CW 7   B  L
CCW 9  B  L
CCW 12 R  L
CCW 13 R  W
CW 18  R  L
CCW 4  R  L
CCW 17 B  L
CW 10  B  L
CW 1   R  L
CCW 2  R  L
CCW 11 0  L
CCW 14 R  -
CW 5   B  L
CCW 13 B  L
CCW 8  R  L
CCW 16 R  L
CCW 15 B  L
CCW 2  0  L
CW 1   R  -
CW 10  R  L
CW 14  R  W
CCW 6  R  L
CCW 14 R  W
CCW 18 R  W
CCW 5  B  L
CCW 5  R  L
CW 13  B  L
CCW 15 R  L
CW 8   R  L
CCW 18 R  L
CW 15  B  L
CW 2   B  L
CW 9   R  L
CW 13  R  W
CW 17  B  L
CW 4   B  L
CW 18  R  L
CW 12  R  W
CCW 14 R  L
CCW 2  R  L
CW 17  B  L
CW 14  B  W
CCW 7  R  L
CCW 16 R  L
CCW 7  R 
CCW 12 B  L
CW 16  R  L
CW 12  R  W
CW 5   B  L
CW 16  R  L
CCW 11 R  L
CCW 18 B  L
CCW 18 R  L
CW 12  B  L
CCW 13 B  L
CW 15  B  L
CCW 16 R  L
CCW 10 R  W
CCW 8  R  W
CCW 15 0  L
CCW 12 R  -
CCW 12 B  L
CCW 5  R  L
CW 1   B  L
CW 12  B  L
CCW 15 B  L
CW 10  B  L
CW 11  B  W
CW 7   R  L
CW 10  R  W
CW 4   R  L
CW 4   R  W
CW 14  R  L
CW 11  R  W
CW 2   R  L
CW 5   B  L
CCW 15 R  L
CCW 13 R  W
CW 11  R  L
CW 13  R  W
CW 14  R  W
CCW 17 0  L
CCW 16 R  L
CW 7   B  L
CW 9   0  L
CCW 2  R  -
CCW 17 B  L
CW 16  B  L
CCW 4  B  L
cw 8   R  L 
CW 13  B  L
CCW 1  B  L
CW 19  B  L
CW 15  R  L
CW 14  R  W
CCW 15 R  L
CW 5   B  L
CCW 16 B  L
CW 13  R  L
CW 13  R  W
CCW 8  R  L
CCW 11 R  W
CCW 11 B  L
CCW 6  B  W
CCW 4  B  W
CW 9   R  L
CW 10  R  W
General Discussion / Re: wheelmov tracker
February 12, 2013, 08:17:24 PM
New tracker display colors R/B/zero.
General Discussion / Re: wheelmov tracker
February 11, 2013, 08:48:19 PM
Quote from: esoito on February 11, 2013, 12:04:47 AM

You might find  Square Roulette of interest.  All the chapters are here:


That's very interesting! Thanks alot!  :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: wheelmov tracker
February 10, 2013, 11:16:08 PM
Here is my fist test using this (live spins):

CW 7
CW 6
CW 16
CCW 10
CW 12
CW 11
CW 3
CW 10
CW 13
CW 9
CW 4
CW 6

Can you see the pattern? I think I can.

What's great with this, you can place a single bet in a specific area to catch any trend/pattern!

Cheers  8)
General Discussion / wheelmov tracker
February 10, 2013, 10:51:44 PM
I've made a tracker to study the wheel movements (European)

DISTANCE is always the shortest distance between two numbers 0-18.

Clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) directions are shown.

Any problems let me know. Should work 100% correct. (final fix'd)
Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
February 04, 2013, 10:45:35 AM
Quote from: peauke on February 04, 2013, 08:09:10 AM
Update testing:

until now i tested 200 sessions (about 8345 spins live casino) total of +13668 units. (see graph and profit/loss per session)

new update when 250 sessions tested  :thumbsup:

I haven't tested the method when lose 4 in a row wait Virtual win. Will do this when i complete my 300 sessions.

Thanks for testing!  :D
Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
February 04, 2013, 06:37:23 AM
Half my wingoal for today reached.+1600 SEK! (my wingoal is 1000 SEK/day)

About the +1 progression: After 4 losses in a row, I use to start next session with 5 unit bet. (not more than 5 units) Sometimes I have to start with 5 unit bet several times to get fully recovered and profit
Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
February 03, 2013, 02:43:48 PM
Thanks  :P
Straight-up / Re: The 123-Move
February 03, 2013, 01:48:16 PM
Update: +662 SEK Real money!