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Messages - james

Do you have a money management plan to take care of such adverse runs?

Thanks for posting. If you add mirror bet selections, you will get the same number. B+P=1074+1823=2897, TBL+OTBL=1172+1725=2897, OLD+FLD=1272+1624=2896. It is interesting to note that STC gives exactly half the sum. It could be a coincidence. It is also interesting that M-STC beats mighty B. B loses at 0.94% (1074/114073*100=0.94%) instead of 1.06%. P loses at 1.60% (1823/114073*100=1.6%) instead of 1.24%.

M-STC loses at 0.77% (876.5/114073*100=0.77%). Unbelievable and mathematically impossible. How can you combine 0.94 and 1.6 and get 0.77. Possibly an error in computation.

Bally's Blog / Re: The Perfect Unit!
May 20, 2019, 12:05:55 PM
Thanks Bally for the win progression. The progression depends on parlays. If you get W,L,W,L,W,L and so on your progression will perform worse than flat betting. Flat betting you are 0 units.
Progression will be 3,-5,3,-7,3,-5. Net -8 units.
Real-World Casino Action / Re: Koetsch G3M1
May 13, 2019, 07:05:10 PM
G3 is 1,2,4 and not 1,2,4,8.
Gamble to Win Roulette is the book that contains the 3Q System. Check Amazon or other book store near you. In Amazon, you can even browse some pages of the book.
Care to share the 2 triggers that you are using.
General Discussion / Re: Regarding Beatthecasino.
September 23, 2018, 01:09:12 AM
Quote from: CT70 on September 22, 2018, 04:51:10 PM
Glen,for your information, BTC does not sell or endorse systems. It is just a forum where players can chat about baccarat. Novices have access to professional players who enjoy helping new players. Like any business, the owner Keith is entitled to charge a fee for membership. He must be doing something right if 42% of his members are paying members.
There are several professional players there that play for a living.
I think it's time your members stop bashing BTC and call it what it really is, "a great Baccarat forum where you can learn from professional players".

I agree that Keith is entitled to charge a fee for membership. Keith advertises his forum in "youtube". You will see in "youtube" many others advertising their products claiming they make their living playing baccarat. There are many websites selling baccarat systems.

Baccarat is a negative expectation game. Yet all the guys in the "youtube" and web sites make a comfortable living playing baccarat!                                 
General Discussion / Re: Regarding Beatthecasino.
September 17, 2018, 11:50:47 AM
They have got number of subscribers who are members of the Baccarat Hall of Fame. I wonder where the Baccarat Hall of Fame is located.
Are you assuming that the weak will continue to be weak and not become strong and come back with a vengeance?
Thanks for the reference to the article. Understanding casino math is important so that the math can be reversed to obtain player advantage.
Can you elucidate "Global Effect"? Can you illustrate the "occurrence of global effect" with an example of baccarat or roulette. I tried many search engines to know about "global effect", and I could not come with any answer. Perhaps this is a new Science that is being developed by you.
General Discussion / Re: The "No System" System
May 30, 2018, 11:25:26 PM
In my local casino, the following line appears on the screen intermittently, "It is true unicorns are not real, but the house's advantage is." But after reading how the in-house experts consistently beat the house with systems, I have started to believe in unicorns.
General Discussion / Re: The "No System" System
May 30, 2018, 06:06:10 PM
Intuition can be more powerful than rationality. Developing "Blink", the power of thinking without thinking may be the key to the "No System" System.

Click on the link above. Everything you want to know about Van der Waerden theorem is in this interesting thread.
March 03, 2018, 02:10:22 PM
Thanks for taking the time to code and publish the results.