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Messages - james

Roulette Forum / Re: Use Math to beat Roulette/Baccarat
September 22, 2017, 07:36:13 PM
If you put 18 red balls, 18 black balls and one green ball in a bag, is an educated guess based on AP better than a wild guess to predict what the next ball drawn will be? Mathematically an educated guess and a wild guess will result in 48.6% hit rate in the long run.
His 3.0 book is available in Amazon. Paperback is $94.07 and kindle edition is $99.00.
As per Math no bet selection or progression can beat casino games with negative house advantage. There are claims by some that they are beating the game. They do not divulge the method, because they will be killing the hen that lays the golden eggs for them.

Normally, when you throw an object it will go away from you. But the Australian natives throw Boomerang that comes back to them. You can read the thermodynamic laws why Boomerang comes back in journals. Science can not refute or prove claims, unless the evidence is presented. Some people endowed with psychic powers can perhaps buck the house advantage. Unless the evidence is presented, Math can not prove the validity of the claim. It is very unlikely, that the evidence will ever be presented for the obvious reasons.
Goto www.amazon.com. Hopefully, You can buy the ebook for $50.00.

Does your strategy in the book make use of the derived roads that are shown in the baccarat board? Do you have examples of the strategy in the book?
Please add me in the free give away list. I bought both the editions.
He doubled the kindle price to $19.72 after he posted in this site. Perhaps his posting generated some sales. One reviewer was considering leaving her day job and become a professional baccarat gambler. This will be a quick road to povertyville, since  playing professionally in a negative expectation game  is not easy, if not impossible.
Probably he deleted the threads he created. He is a British writer and perhaps opened the threads to expose his books to a wider audience. He doubled the the price of his kindle book after he opened the thread, perhaps due to booming sales.

He is a prolific writer and coauthored two books on Melania Trump, besides many other books.
Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 05, 2017, 08:37:52 PM
This is not only for Roulette but for all even chance bets. This can be used for Baccarat and Craps even chance bets.
Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 04:05:53 PM
Always use the last decision (B) and compare it with the previous decisions B,R,R,R.
Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 02:17:47 PM
R,R,R,B,B (last decision)

R           C

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 02, 2017, 05:03:26 PM
How do we use the important information for bet selection? What is an event? Does 5 results constitute an event?
Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 02, 2017, 08:12:19 AM
Last 5 results b r r r r i.e. c x x x. Bet for change i.e. b. Win or lose write down next 5 results. If c and x are 2/2 no bet. If 3/1 bet accordingly. Write down next 5 results and so on.
Is this right please.
Sports Betting Forum / Re: THANKS SOXFAN !!!!!!!!
October 12, 2016, 11:51:56 AM
Wish you continued success with your progression.
Sports Betting Forum / Re: THANKS SOXFAN !!!!!!!!
October 11, 2016, 09:39:18 PM
I could not come up with a bet selection that gives positive return using this progression in baccarat and craps. It busts often and the small returns is offset by the loss of 175 units when it busts. If you are playing at a $20 table, you will lose $1750 if it busts.

I do not have access to sports betting since it is not allowed in USA except Nevada. Sports betting is not allowed since authorities believe that betting will impact the integrity of the game!