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Messages - klw

General Discussion / Re: What motivates XXVV -- Continued.
September 21, 2015, 09:53:11 AM
" However I wondered at your incomprehension of the generic term which is used in the NY managed trading account terminology which is 'multi directional trading'. "

Again you make a defamatory remark ( above ) !

From Google ---- Defamatory -- (of remarks, writing, etc.) damaging the good reputation of someone; slanderous or libellous.

I have provided to you previously indicitive evidence of my trading experience, I know just about every trading term there is to know from my 20 years of experience and for the last time , multi directional trading doesn't exist. You buy or sell. That's it ! Your attempt at describing markets going up , down or choppy is just that , describing types of markets, it is not multi directional trading. Do you not get this ! I have traded all asset classes in my 20 years not just Forex and they all require the same method of entry, a buy or a sell. There is no other type. Your scrambled attempt at backtracking to explain this is pathetic.

You keep using buy and hold mantra statement as some type of weapon to bolster your investment vehicle , buy and hold rapidly declined after the tech. bubble burst in early 2000 , day trading and short term swing trading has been the norm since then, you are only 15 years out of date using that angle as a plus for your scheme. You really are out of your depth here XXVV , no wonder you don't want
to continue these threads.

Your behaviour in this has been disgraceful. On being repeatedly challenged by me, you deleted threads , locked threads, deleted my posts ( and others ) and edited your own posts countless times in order to backtrack, make defamatory comments against me, belittle me and scramble to improve your own meanings/positions. That is not the behaviour of someone with nothing to hide.

Now that I have at least some posting history on this matter I am done, especially with you XXVV.

At least my challenges to XXVV may have saved some members here $1000, that must count for something in all of this.
General Discussion / Re: What motivates XXVV -- Continued.
September 20, 2015, 10:58:27 PM
" Again I will note here the arguments 'ad hominem'. Why this personal attack?
This matter must be resolved and I will seek Moderation and Administration advice. "

Again, this is not a personal attack just defensive postings against your defamatory remarks and ensuring the true version remains in print,because as usual you modified posts to suit your own end and deleted mine.This is why I started this thread out of your moderation reach. I too will be contacting Victor regarding your defamatory remarks and your attempts to belittle me.
General Discussion / Re: What motivates XXVV -- Continued.
September 20, 2015, 10:45:49 PM
Quote from: XXVV on September 20, 2015, 08:00:52 PM
Oh for heaven's sake what is wrong with you people? Can you not read? How many times do I have to state....

Once forum members contacted me and they explained and demonstrated their genuine interest, no fee was required!

How many times do I have to state this. No payment was made. This was a 'filter' to prevent time wasters.

Your comments which disregard my repeated and detailed explanations of a complex subject are just coming across as  trouble making and petty. My intention in all of my work is to assist others genuinely and on lots of levels. Do you not get this?

No I don't actually because that's not how it unfolded. You wanted $1000 for contact details for your special investment. I challenged this a number of times,it went down to a reduced price, then free to trusted forum members , then free to all. It's not trouble making it's ensuring the true version stays in print , not your back tracking , re-edited numerous times version which you then deleted the whole thread. Very slippery !

General Discussion / What motivates XXVV -- Continued.
September 20, 2015, 11:24:10 AM
I have to continue this thread here as XXVV has made many accusations against me and despite his offer of a right to reply thread in " What motivates XXVV " he again deletes my posts and locks the thread so that all the readers only see his version of events. Totally undemocratic and dictorial. What is it you have to hide XXVV ?

I will reproduce below the exact post he deleted on his " What motivates XXVV " thread below:-

" Hello.

I would be more than happy to move on once a few things are cleared up.

I am not negative towards your efforts on producing a market report just your effort to solicit funds in the manner that you did.

Re. multi directional trading , here is my original reply before you conveniently deleted it :-

" What on earth is this !!! There is no such thing. You either go long a currency or short it,traders have done that for years. What other direction is there to trade !!! "

So stop trying to belittle me for exposing your amateur attempt at glorified marketing. So again you are twisting things and trying to mislead the readers as to my trading knowledge. Your last ( re-edited ) attempt at trying to explain multi directional trading was laughable, plus you talk about me not making defamatory statements yet this is exactly what you have done when you wrote above :-

"  you had no comprehension of the term 'multi directional trading "

You expose yourself XXVV more and more for the person that you are with each and every post you make.

I am not being defensive at all just clearing up a few things. I do not wish to change my descriptions of your writings as " twisting things " and " misleading readers " as you have proved that yet again in your last post to me.

So, now that I have corrected what I needed to , I am now prepared to move on as you seem to be very keen to do this.

So unless you have more to say on the matter it's goodbye. "

This is the EXACT post , not an edited or re-edited version that XXVV seems to constantly do. I have proved several times that you do indeed twist things and mislead readers,your closing post on the afore mentioned thread another such example :-

" who do not listen or comprehend material that is out of their sphere of experience "
"  although a self described market trader you had no comprehension of the term 'multi directional trading' " ( from your first reply in the thread )

I had already provided indicative information as to my considerable trading experience, these are DEFAMATORY statements.

" KLW just does not get it. I made no charge for the direct links and introduction to/from my private investment colleagues. " 

The whole point is YOU TRIED TO CHARGE $1000 originally and only bactracked several times to free after being challenged repeatedly by myself. Of course you again conveniently deleted these posts as well as repeatedly editing yours to improve your version !!!

" Instead I have received  a stream of abuse and defamatory comments from GG and KLW which astonishes me."

Please show me one abusive remark or defamatory comment I have made about you ? Every comment I have made I can back up with evidence that it is true. I have evidence of your editing and re-editing and re re-editing of your posts, I have copies of my deleted posts especially where I provide indicative information as to my trading experience and still you belittle my trading knowledge with defamatory statements.

You can take any  " firm action " you want, I have done nothing wrong except maybe expose your , let's say your character flaws to be polite and save some readers here $1000.

There are plenty of successful investment vehicles available on the web and they don't want a $1000 introductory fee. Just Google "  list of top 10 fund managers " or similar , there is plenty of information available quite quickly , none of this cloak and dagger introduction needed ( yes you deleted that post as well,the one where I asked for past performance details etc. )

So stop making defamatory remarks about me , it is clear from my postings at Trade2win that I have considerable trading experience.

That others may think negatively of you is down to you and the way you have conducted yourself on public forums. We are all not stupid.
Bally's Blog / Re: Studying Kimo Li's work!
June 23, 2015, 06:03:27 PM
Hi Kimo Li --- Many thanks for an introduction to some of your work. May I ask why you are not posting any more ? Personally I have been studying your work for the last 2 weeks and am finding some very interesting results. Would be nice to know that you would be around should the need arise.



Thank you once again horus.
Hi horus - Just did another DB session of 64 spins and had a losing steak of 13 losses followed by 1 win then another 7 losses , worst I've come across so far but it was always going to happen at some stage. I think you're right about the 5/6 losses , most losing streaks are done by about the 7th loss we just need to be prepared for those types of runs. As always bank roll management is the key.

Excellent stuff as usual horus and thank you very much for your hard work and sharing it with us. I love reading your posts and my one of my favourite posters.

Just done my own Dublin Bet test and got + 252 points after 52 spins. Drawdowns were similar to yours 40 - 60 points and upside a lot more.

I have very limited time at the moment but will test as and when I can.

Hi horus --- would really like to thank you for your quality thread , it has been a big help to me at my stage of my roulette education. Please continue with your insightful posts on this and other threads , they are much appreciated.
Excellent stuff Horus and thanks for bringing it to our attention.

How close would those stats. be to what we could expect from a similar analysis of roulette spins ? Any ideas ?

Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Follow the frog
October 08, 2014, 07:06:09 PM
Great results Leapy.
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Longshots
September 17, 2014, 02:35:24 PM
Thank you for your time and replies gents.
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Longshots
September 17, 2014, 10:40:32 AM
Good stuff Leapyfrog.
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Longshots
September 17, 2014, 10:29:23 AM
Hi Muggins -- A couple of questions if I may. Well done with the winners by the way, hopefully we've hit bottom  :)

The credits for your last 2 winners are less than the odds you have displayed e.g Hostile fire yesterday , the sp was 6.6 and your winnings were £53.20,that doesn't make sense to me, why is this ?

Secondly my winners for the last 2 days show 10.5 and 9.0 when yours shows 7.8 and 6.6. Not complaining in any way, just wondering why ?

When I place my bets I click on the " sp " to the right of the horse on the race card , the bet slip comes up I put my stake in and click on " place bets " . I don't touch anything else. Am I doing anything different to you ?

Don't want to miss out when the big 1 comes in lol.


Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Longshots
September 13, 2014, 12:28:10 PM
I still believe Muggins. Keep up the good work.  :thumbsup: