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Messages - malcop

I've been in the Computer Industry for over 30 years now, and know first hand when administrating email systems they are not private.

I agree the best way to think of it when you send an email is you're sending a post card.

But this goes further than just email, even private chat is not as private as you would like to think it is. 

The administrators for the system you are using can see that also!

I know this and just accept it, but if I wanted to make sure my communications are strictly private will never use any form of electronic communication.
Yes I would appreciate a more detailed explanation please.
I see where you are coming from each DS would have it's own progression, so how about starting easy and see if that would work on EC's
Yes sure if that's what you want to do, so many ways you could use this.
Ken you got me thinking about this why dose it have to be EC bets? for example I have been playing a lot of double streets lately so why could you not start with say just 1 as your string?  If you get a win and it is in plus then start a new string.
Quote from: Tomla on August 24, 2013, 05:57:44 PM
i have used bruces midas awhile back--all cancellation systems get out of hand ---I know some who play them but they are too scary for me:)
Tom I agree with you that is why I stopped using it.
Quote from: Mr J on August 24, 2013, 05:21:46 PM
Got me thinking......on a loss, you add up the two ends and put that number to the right. If you lose with that ONE number, what would you add to it?

If all you had remaining was 1 number and you lose your string would now be 1 1 and your next bet would be 1+1 = 2, if you then went on to lose the 2 unit bet your string would now look like this 1 1 2.

And your next bet would be 3 units and so you would continue until you finally clear the string.

And yes you can make up any string you want, so for example if you wanted to make +4 on the successful completion of each coup, you could have 1111 or 112 as your cancellation string.

In Irwins book he demonstrated how he used the cancellation method by just betting on one color, as far as he was concerned it made no difference what he chose to bet on.

I have also used it when playing Blackjack.

As far as I remember Ken if you only have one number lest then you just bet that number.

I have a copy of Bruce Irwin's book "The Winners Edge, How to Win at Casino Gambling" just checked and that is how he handles one remaining number.

I used to use this method quite a lot a few years ago, but it could get pretty scary with how large the bets could get, but he did demonstrate how you could split your remaining bets to reduce the bet size if you so wished.

I recommend this book to any that is interested in Casino Gambling, it's a very good read.

It gives you very good insight to the mind of a professional Gambler.
Quote from: Carlitos on August 24, 2013, 07:41:20 AM

You need to play the good and the bad numbers, and look how the game is developing, and use all of your roulette experience.

Carlitos  8)
I agree with this statement "use all of your roulette experience" that is fundamental in trying to get the edge in Roulette.
Yes I do but not with a 100% mechanical system/method.

Such a system/method could not be coded or bot-ed because it would be part system/method and part subjective and played based on the users experience and skill level.

For example you can learn the rules of chess inside out, but that will not make you a grand master, that is down to skill and natural talent.

How many hands in the shoes your testing from?

The drawdowns are low, is this with the stop-loss you talked about?
Quote from: soggett on August 22, 2013, 01:49:56 PM
thanks for your answer malcop

did a few quick test runs and it performs quite ok for now

gonna look at the baccarat too

so you say a BR of 20 units is ok - still valid or do we use bigger BR cause you had a few -20's back there?
Yes I found 20 for each side enough, no point in chasing a bad session, the good sessions make up for any bad ones that may come along.

I was just running some tests with the EC mode and that seems to work out OK.  The only issue I had was what to do about the zero, when the zero came up I put the same bet back up again.  Played 300 spins flat-bets had a high of +14, Low -5, end +9.

I know I don't need to say this but I'm going to anyway, please don't play this for real until you are confident with how it performs for you.

Guess what I'm trying to say is prove it for your self first, and if you are happy and want to move on with real money, just play for very small stakes to start with.



Hi andrebac,

Nice results  :thumbsup:

I have played a lot of Baccarat in the past and anyone that has played Baccarat will understand getting +3 - +5 flat betting is very good.

Each shoe is roughly 60 hands per session and over in less than an hour, so it's all about the bet size.

When I play roulette I set my win goal at approximately 50% of my buy in. 

This morning I played my first session of the day, the first 4 bets placed lost so I prepared myself for a long session, but by spin 46 I was up +10 so quit happy with what I got :)



Quote from: andrebac on August 21, 2013, 04:06:39 PM
I started playing it with EC's, it seems to work quite well, at a first attempt.
I'll keep you updated...
Hi andrebac,

I'm glad to hear trying this on EC's seems to be working out for you, I have haven't done much with the EC idea just wanted to see if it could be done.

Let me know how you get on with it.


Quote from: soggett on August 21, 2013, 02:13:16 PM
thanks for sharing malcop
one question, what if after a trigger we get a zero? do we dicard that trigger or record what happens after zero?
or if ie we have AA0 then we don't bet the next time we have the AA trigger and wait for A,B or C to come after AA for our next trigger?
Ah the zero's at the moment I ignore the zero in the triggers so A0A is still a AA G1, but if we got AA0 and I was recording the outcome for the G1 trigger I would record it as G1 C.

You could instead wait for the outcome directly after the zero, so AA0B so record G1 B.

In my tracking sheets the zero is ignored when a zero comes up so A0A is a G1 trigger, but if a zero comes directly after a trigger like AA0 then the sheet records C as the bet to be placed when that trigger is activated, and for columns if we had KK0 then the sheet will record L to be used for the trigger bet.

The reason I did that was when you look at the European wheel on the opposite sides of the zero we have 26 & 32 which for dozens and columns 26 & 32 are C & L.

It all depends on how important you think the zero is and how you treat it.

The best thing to do is see for yourself which way you prefer.

