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Messages - malcop

In my last post I told you that you could use the same concept on EC bets, I re-played the same 301 live spins, and here is the results.

EC Demo 001

high +8
Low -10
End +7

I only used two triggers BB & RR, but when I tried this a while back I think I also used ABA & BAB patterns.

This was just a quick demonstration how versatile this type of bet selection is.

Patterns repeat so why not try and use them :)


I forgot to mention this idea could be used for EC bets also, so if you was playing for Red or Black you just have two triggers BB or RR, then all you do is just play the same as the dozen & Column method.

Just look back to the last time the trigger show up and play the pattern until a win.

Hi All,

Here is the same sessions played on Columns only.

Demo 001 Stats.

High +17
Low - 25
End +4

Demo 002 Stats.

High +22
Low -8
End +20

Demo 001: Each trigger was played until I got a win then stopped and waited for another valid trigger.Demo 002: Each trigger was played and win or lose I stooped and waited for another valid trigger.

Flat bet no progression!

The zero's are a problem for me remember I said when playing Dozens and a zero appears in the string I'm playing I treat it as a Dozen 3, and when play Columns I treat it as Column 2.

If a zero comes between potential triggers like D1 0 D1 then I ignore this as a trigger, but maybe what would be better is just to pretend the zero never happened.

Only time will tell what is the best way to treat the zero's with the method.

One more thing I know I keep stressing flat betting, that is because I will not even look at a method if it needs a progression to show any kind of profit, I feel if you must use a progression it should be to improve profits not make a losing bet selection a winner.

For me progression should be a form of leverage, that you use to improve your end plus figure.

And because I'm mainly a flat better, I normally take my profits around the +5 to +10 mark.

Sorry to go on folks but those that know me know I am mainly a flat better only :)


Hi All,

Bellow you will find two attachments, these were played slightly differently to the pdf I attached at the start of this thread.

When I first came up with this idea I only used three triggers 11, 22 & 33.

Also I only played a trigger until I got a win and stopped and waited for the next valid trigger.

The other six triggers were added later I suppose to get more bets, but not sure if they improved it or just made things more complicated.

Demo 001 Stats.

High +19
Low -10
End +16

Demo 002 Stats.

High +13
Low -10
End +12

Demo 001: Each trigger was played until I got a win then stopped and waited for another valid trigger.

Demo 002: Each trigger was played and win or lose I stooped and waited for another valid trigger.

The demo spins were taken from a very long live dealer session I played last month, I used 301 spins from that session.

No progression was used in the demo's results are all flat betting only!

Will using the other six triggers improve this bet selection, I really don't know, what I do know is just playing the 11, 22 & 33 triggers dose make play less stressful :)

If I have some spare time, will replay the same spins but using columns only.


Hi Adualy,

When I first started with this idea I only used 11, 22 & 33 as the triggers, all the rest came in later, I know remember why I wanted a tracker, because it was getting too complicated to play.

Also not a bad idea to treat 11, 121 131 as the same trigger, just think of the number in-between as a blip!  The same goes for 22, 212, 232 and 33, 313 & 323.

So you may just want to use three triggers 11, 22, 33 and introduce the rest later once you get used to the method.

Also the zero, maybe just ignore a zero, as far as tracking is concerned, so if you had 101 then you could still treat that as 11, up to you it depends on how you feel about the effect of zero's


Hi All,

I was tying up my hard drive and came across something I was working on last year.  I remember asking Victor if he could create a tracker for this, but not sure what happened after that.

Bellow you will find the instructions I put together at the time.
I hope this may be of interest to some of you :)


This Bet selection method can be used for Dozens, Columns or both at the same time, the premises is that if a certain outcome occurs you look back to the last time that event took place and bet the outcomes that came directly after that event, you continue to follow the trigger outcomes till one of the following happen:

  • You are at a new session high of +1 or +2
  • A new trigger occurs, you continue to a new session high of +1 or +2
As soon as a new valid trigger appears you will start to play it immediately sometimes that could be directly after or when you just completed a sequence of plays for a +1 or +2 new session high.

Here is an explanation of all the triggers, and lets just talk about dozens for now but columns work exactly the same way.
We have nine triggers 11, 121, 131, 22, 212, 232, 33, 313, 323.

If last two unbroken spins produced 11 then that is a 11 trigger.
If last two unbroken spins produced 22 then that is a 22 trigger.
If last two unbroken spins produced 33 then that is a 33 trigger.
If last three unbroken spins produced 121 then that is a 121 trigger.
If last three unbroken spins produced 131 then that is a 131 trigger.
If last three unbroken spins produced 212 then that is a 212 trigger.
If last three unbroken spins produced 232 then that is a 232 trigger.
If last three unbroken spins produced 313 then that is a 313 trigger.
If last three unbroken spins produced 323 then that is a 323 trigger.

Note: you may have noticed above I used the term "unbroken spins.." that referrers to the dreaded zero!!!.  For example if we have 202, that would class as a broken set of spins, and would not classify as a valid 22 trigger.

That's all the triggers we record and play off as a session progresses.

Now for an explanation of how we use the above nine triggers while we play our session.

As session progresses we record the dozen outcomes, 12323012 etc.

Triggers are marked in bold in the demonstration session, when we first start a session all we will be doing is mark the triggers as they occur, we only start placing bets once a new valid trigger has occurred for the second time, for example we mark a new 11 trigger, has that occurred before?  If yes, then we play the outcomes directly the after last 11 trigger, if no then we keep recording outcomes and triggers until we have a valid trigger to play off.

OK lets start our demonstration session, remember we are only playing the dozens in this session.

1 (mark 11 trigger here)
1 (mark 121 trigger here)
2 (mark 212 trigger here)
2 (mark 232 trigger here)
1 (we have new 11 trigger, mark it, play last 11 trigger outcome 2123.., bet D2)
2 (win +2, session high, no new trigger, stop and wait for new trigger)
1 (mark new 121 trigger, and play last 121 trigger outcome 23211.., bet D2)
1 (loss +1, mark new 11 trigger, last 11 trigger outcome 211.., bet D2)
1 (loss +0, we have 111, but do not mark a new trigger, bet D1)
1 (win +2, now we mark new 11 trigger, last 11 trigger outcome 11.., bet D1)
1 (win +4, session high, no new trigger stop, wait for new trigger)
3 (mark new 33 trigger, no bet, 33 trigger has not occurred in this session)
3 (mark new 323 trigger, no bet, 323 trigger has not occurred in this session)
3 (mark new 33 trigger, last 33 trigger outcome 3233.., bet D3)
3 (win +6 new session high, no new trigger so no bet)
3 (mark new 33 trigger, last 33 trigger outcome 33.., bet D3)
1 (loss +5, bet D3)
3 (win +7 session high, mark new trigger 313, no previous 313 trigger no bet)
1 (mark new 131 trigger, no previous 131 trigger no bet)
1 (mark new 11 trigger, last 11 trigger outcome 13332333.., bet D1)
1 (win +9, new session high stop and wait for new trigger)
2 (mark 22 trigger, 22 trigger has not occurred yet so no bet)
2 (mark new 232 trigger, last 232 trigger outcome 11211.. bet D1)
2 (loss +8, mark new 22 trigger, last 22 trigger outcome 2322.., bet D2)
2 (win +10, new session high, no new trigger stop, wait for new trigger)
2 (mark new 22 trigger, last 22 trigger outcome 22.., bet D2)
2 (win +12, new session high, no new trigger stop, wait for new trigger)
2 (mark new 22 trigger, last 22 outcome 22.., bet D2)
1 (lost +11, we now have a 221.. string, bet D2)
3 (lost +10, we now have a 2213.. string, bet D1)
2 (lost +9, we now have a 22132.. string, bet D3)
3 (win +11, new 323 trigger, last 323 outcome 3331.., bet D3)
1 (loss +10, bet D3)
1 (loss +9, mark new 11 trigger, last 11 trigger outcome 12223.., bet D1)
3 (lost +8, bet D2)
3 (lost +7, mark new 33 trigger, last 33 trigger outcome 13111.., bet D1)
3 (lost +6, bet D3)
2 (lost +5, bet D1)
1 (win +7, bet D1)
1 (win +9, new 11 trigger, last 11 trigger outcome 333211.., bet D3)
2 (lost +8, bet D3)
3 (win +10, bet D3)
0 (lost +9, bet D2)
2 (win +11, bet D1)
1 (win +13, new session high, no new trigger stop, wait for new trigger)
1 (new 11 trigger, last 11 trigger outcome 230211.., bet D2)
0 (lost +12, bet D3)
2 (lost +11, bet D3, we play 0 here because we have a 0 in our trigger string)
3 (win +13, bet D2)
1 (lost +12, bet D1)
1 (win +14, new session high, new 11 trigger, last 11 outcome 0231.., bet D3)
3 (win +16, new session high, no new trigger, stop wait for new trigger)
1 (new 11 trigger, last 11 trigger outcome 3011.., bet D3)
2 (lost +15, bet D3,we play D3 here because we have a 0 in the trigger string)
3 (win +17, new session high, no new trigger, stop wait for new trigger)
3 (this is a broken 33 trigger, we have 303, no bet wait for new valid trigger)
3 (now we have a valid 33 trigger, last 33 trigger outcome, 3211.., bet D3)
1 (lost +16, bet D2)
2 (won +18, new session high, stop and wait for new trigger)

When you are playing dozens and have a zero in the trigger string, we replace the zero with a D3, if we were playing columns and had a zero we would play C2, why?  Very simple if you look at the European wheel we have 26 & 32 on either side of the zero, D3 & C2

You will see examples of this in the demo session above.

When for example you have 1111 then you would have only two 11 triggers, like so  1111 outcome 11, new 11 trigger, bet based of last 11 trigger, next 111, no new trigger, next 1111 second 11 trigger, last outcome 11.., next bet D1, you will see examples of this in the demo session above.

That's it "Simple Trend Catcher for Dozens & Columns", is based on playing the outcome the last time a trigger occurred and play it in sequence, until either you are at a new session high, or a new trigger occurs and then you play that until a new session high or another new trigger comes along while you play.

Session buy-in, 20 units, or 40 units if playing both Dozens & Columns. A target of +5 to +10 is reasonable to aim for, don't be greedy be happy for small wins.


Quote from: ADulay on April 25, 2013, 04:02:47 PM

Hey!  Another guy "gets it" !!

If you're going to play EC, go with baccarat for sure.

I'm with you AD  :thumbsup:
XXVV Well said & Merry Christmas
No problem Monaco, that's what this forum is all about sharing and hopefully learning from each other.

I attached two more live dealer sessions I played this morning, the first session I ended it at +17, the second session got to +15 and I ended it at +4, normally I would have bailed out at about +10 if I got as high as +15, but just wanted to let it play out, but then I ran out of time and had to go out.

On the subject of progressions, note how we have long WWWLWWL type of patterns so a progression that could capatialise on those kind of patterns is what I'm looking for.
But the main thing was the sessions attached was totally flat-betting :)


Hi All,

Attached you will find a excel tracker for monaco's idea, it dose not tell you if there is an imbalance just when you have a valid trigger, I may do a version where you can configure it to only have a trigger when the STD reaches a user configurable point, and bet Marginy style instead of just FL until you lose three times in a row.

The sheet allows you to configure if you want to use a progression or not 0 = no progression, 1 = progression on.

The progression in the sheet is what I call an extended PLUSCOUP, you can say can decide how many wins or losses it would take for the progression to go up.

In this each file you will see four sheets, Main, RB, EO & LH, the Main is where you enter the spin numbers and also has a summary of each of the EC bets, so when you are using this as a tracker as I do when Playing I only use the Main, if you go to lest say the RB sheet you will see how the RB bets are tracked, also that is where in the right hand side you will be able to configure if you want the sheet to work flat or progression and what type of progression.

What I am looking for now is a progression that takes advantage of short winning streaks, if you look at the three live sessions attached you can see how if an EC is on form how the wins are grouped together.

If you have any questions just ask.


Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 04, 2012, 01:37:53 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 04, 2012, 01:33:54 PM
Yes the Uk is brilliant for that. Feel sorry for the Americans, it seems they can do everything but that.
I know what you mean the US is so far ahead in a lot of things, then on the flip side they are in the dark ages.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 04, 2012, 01:22:37 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on December 04, 2012, 01:07:33 PM
At least you get to enjoy the "option" of playing online  :)  Perhaps someday here in the USA ::)
I keep forgetting how lucky we are here in the UK, multiple sites to play on-line, and gambling profits if you are lucky enough to be a winner non taxable!
General Discussion / Re: Numerology is back!
November 29, 2012, 04:59:17 PM
Haha I saw that, and thought "what's all that about?"

But I am monitoring the thread just to see where it goes.

What relay caught my eye was the author "Orchi" was new and had only posted a few times before, and then a couple of new members with less than 10 posts come along showing interest, call me suspicious, I wish I could check all there IP addresses.

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 28, 2012, 02:12:09 PM
Quote from: monaco on November 28, 2012, 02:10:36 PM

DublinBet live dealer Baccarat is 50p minimum.
Yes you are right been about a year since I was on there.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 28, 2012, 01:54:39 PM
William Hill, Party Casino and a few others lets you bet pennies on outside bets for live dealer Roulette play, but the lowest I have seen anywhere for Baccarat is £2.00.