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Messages - malcop

Ophis' MST / [MST] 1.6.6 Errors
November 21, 2012, 05:07:19 PM
Hi Ophis,

Since your upgrade to 1.6.6 I now get an error.

Please see attached pdf document.


but YouTube is not a site where people discuss ideas.
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 21, 2012, 03:26:35 PM
Frankly, I think it's wrong.  But if we're going to do it I think the post owner should give fair waring at the start.  Who in the hell wants to spend thirty minutes with and well-thought-out point of view and see it trash caned?  Not me.

As long as I am moderator and someone asks me to, I will try to dig their deleted post out of the trash and post it to a new thread where it can't be deleted.

This old stuff about, "If you don't agree with me, stay off my thread." is totally against the learning process.  How do you learn from a bunch of people who are all in agreement?  What if they agreed the world was flat?  That man could not fly to parts unknown?  That if you die, there's no way I could have your heart tomorrow?

People who disagree--who stir the pot--are the ones who cause someone else to say..."Wait a minute!!  He may have a point.  If we form iron into this shape, it might well float!!"


Your attitude sucks!!  If I were a deleter, you'd have darn few posts on this forum.   But I believe you should have your say.  If you want to be a jerk, have at it.  Others may not be so forgiving and you may not be heard of much in the future.  And that's the pretty side of the pancake.


I am with you on this, I had a debate going on a thread yesterday, it must have been over 12 posts, with his responses, and he has removed all of them before anyone else could see them and comment if they wished to, what ever happened to free speech, so what we have now is the situation if someone dose not like what you post, they will just remove them, oh sorry tidy up the thread!

If I start a thread and people comment on it, I always leave comments on good or bad, positive or negative, I think people should see the whole picture, and not the thread creators edited view!

This is just a form of censorship,  only say nice things or I will delete you!

I agree %100 with you Sam this is stuff!
Quote from: Bayes on November 21, 2012, 09:44:06 AM

I play this form of HAR myself - look for "favourable" opportunities, get in then get out. There's a big difference between doing that and the kind of HAR JL recommends in PB and his other systems.

I totally agree with you on your style of play, this is exactly the way I have been playing for a long time now, I't works and I don't think of it as HAR just common sense game-play.

I call it my "satisfaction point", when I get to my satisfaction point in a session I exit.

I have no problem paying a monthly subscription, we don't pay tax on gambling in the UK, so this would be my betting tax :)
Quote from: albalaha on November 19, 2012, 02:51:23 AM
I don't use RX.

Tell me something, have you already found the solution to this problem?
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 15, 2012, 02:30:13 AM
JL you said PB4 was not good, so how do you rate Pattern Filler?

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 14, 2012, 11:00:06 PM
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 14, 2012, 10:46:50 PM
OK thanks subby, I will just stick to using PM in the MST tracker.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 14, 2012, 10:18:33 PM
Has anyone tried to play PB, PF & PB4 at the same time using MST?

If yes how did you get on with it?


General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 10:15:41 PM
Steve has just unbanned JL
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 07:27:52 PM
I saw the post over at rouletteforum.cc and had to reply to speed, why can't we have different views and sometimes just agree to disagree, I just think some people just feel they have to be right all the time, and to be honest it just dose my head in.

I think all views should be welcome!