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Messages - mogul397

Dozen/Column / Re: Dozen Repeater III
June 29, 2016, 01:37:44 AM
Quote from: TheLaw on June 29, 2016, 12:52:09 AM
The largest dd I see on the above testing charts would be around 120 units deep (not sure the actual count of progression).

What dds did you see that concerned you?

Thanks! :)

I did not closely examine the charts presented for that. Although since you called it
to my attention they exceed my wildest expectations.

My concern was with my own testing in zumma. I didn't write down the page, but
once or twice the double dozens just happened in a row, maybe toward 10+ in a row.

My tolerance for a betting progression like that is around 7.  Or 10. Once it goes there,
you have to have the bank, confidence, and patience that you will come back.  That
was the source of my concern.  But the dips in the chart are surely a concern.

So to separate and start over a bit I guess you need to define what "never lost" means.
What that means in terms of bank and betting level. I chose a simpler, more wimpy
way to look at it. I guess my own internal brake kicks on. Possible a brake that would
prevent me from ever logically playing and winning. Or I would have to disarm that
brake and go with the correct set of parameters of betting level and bank.

Having said that, I already mentioned stuff about playing the other side after losses. It also
seems prudent common sense what Nathan said about not chasing losses past 3. And I mentioned
the notion of "stop loss". A valid tool.

Having said that, if you are losing, then bet the opposite way, and you will win. OR stop losing.
During those loss spikes in the graph.

I'm trying to develop a pattern of thought her.
Dozen/Column / Re: Dozen Repeater III
June 29, 2016, 12:26:16 AM
Somebody MIGH be playing it. Like Ignatius...

The problem that I have is I don't see the drawdowns that I experienced
in actual testing.  Don't really happen that often, but you see them.

Like I said, maybe some protection. I've seen NAthan say "3 losses in a row and we're out".
That kind of methodology.

When trading online the idea is to have a stop loss and let your profits run.
Dozen/Column / Re: Dozen Repeater III
June 28, 2016, 09:57:59 PM
There is another layer of defense required. An intermediate stop loss?

One thing that is pretty cool is that as you walk up the ladder, you make your
loss up in one bet (as opposed to equal wins and losses on EC.

1   -1     +2 win
2   -3     +3 win
3   -6     +3 win
4   -10    +2 win
5   -15    0 (even) win.

Stop betting after so many losses and wait for a virtual win.
Or maybe spread out the bets. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5.

Either way it's pretty good. But I still see a lot of just double
dozens so playing flat on the other two dozen is good.

No hard testing. Soft testing.  But it is attractive.

Dozen/Column / Re: Two dozen method by Turbo
June 28, 2016, 05:14:32 PM
Quote from: NathanDetroit on January 21, 2015, 05:09:41 PM

You only need to bet the first and third dozens  with a positive progresssion as long  as myou   confine yourself to the wheel lay out of a single 0 wheel.. ( I emphasize SINGLE  0 wheel) )
Just  take a glance  at the wheel sequence and you shall see .Then all that matters are the Win and Loss rules.

P.S. Wish  I had the  saturation of  single 0 wheels here in the US of A. I would have  a ball with no sweat.

For recreational purposes only. Play at your own risk.


Why is the single zero layout special?
Dozen/Column / Re: Dozen Repeater III
June 28, 2016, 05:09:08 PM
I just opened my zumma book to page 228. And I looked at columbs.
Should be no difference?

It was the  8th set of double dozens that hit 3 in a row. That's a lot
to chase with a D'alenbert.

There was an idea I had, which I still hang onto for paradigms like this where
there are two sides, where I say to bet the last thing happening. Weather it's
EC, or dozens.  So I would have continued to bet the two other dozen on
page 228 till I lost (A 1-2 bet) . and change to the triple (which is a 2-1 bet).
Dozen/Column / Re: Dozen Repeater III
June 28, 2016, 05:04:47 PM
Can you be more specific on drawdowns, or what constitutes
a bust?

Thanks for running tests. In my own simple tests, once in a while it seems to
"get away" from you and I have observed some fairly long streaks where
all you got were the 2 in a row.  Do you have any data on how long the losing
streaks were?

It seems funny, but I feel road blocks with this method, but everyone seems to like
it and do well.

I just finished a jaunt with the "grass roots" method, playing 2 dozen. And lost.
It is interesting because what you are looking for with this method is to select the
single dozen (2-1 and less likely). When I saw my grass roots data, and finding it
was not that difficult to get 3 losses, it occurs to me that I am actually picking
3 single dozen in a row. And that somehow that methodology was good at doing that.

Anyway, just some single dozen thoughts. Looking forward to your comments about
the rest.

Double-street / Re: Devils DS Strategy
June 09, 2016, 12:59:24 PM
Quote from: RouletteDevil on November 17, 2014, 09:45:45 PM
Here's the link
Think it's on page 34 onwards, used in craps but can be played on any  50/50 chance

Very rarely am I ever at a loss end of session, I play to win only 5% of BR each session and compound for 30 sessions, then withdraw my initial BR and continue, the process again.
Anyone post some spin data and let's see what would happen


Link doesn't work.
Dozen/Column / Re: Dozen Repeater III
June 09, 2016, 01:52:48 AM
Quote from: ignatus on December 29, 2014, 05:46:44 PM
This is nothing new, it's one of my old system, but with a new progression. Works very well. (both on RNG and Live)...

it's a single dozen bet.

trigger: wait for one dozen to repeat -bet for a third repeat once, then STOP

progression +1/-1, +1u for each loss, -1u for each win. Reset when reach a new high

fist test, played with 25u bets

How far up the betting progression ladder is typical for you?
Dozen/Column / Re: Two dozen method by Turbo
May 14, 2016, 10:54:20 PM
Quote from: NathanDetroit on January 23, 2016, 09:06:30 PM
Today about one year  later I still favor the First and Third  dozen  playing at  the single 0 wheel.



You only need to bet the first and third dozens  with a positive progression as long  as    confine yourself to the wheel lay out of a single 0 wheel.. ( I emphasize SINGLE  0 wheel) )
Just  take a glance  at the wheel sequence and you shall see .Then all that matters are the Win and Loss rules.

P.S. Wish  I had the  saturation of  single 0 wheels here in the US of A. I would have  a ball with no sweat.

For recreational purposes only. Play at your own risk.


It's great that you have single zero wheels.  Stop rubbing it in.
Dozen/Column / Re: Second and Third Column
February 19, 2016, 12:39:44 AM
Quote from: NathanDetroit on February 13, 2016, 09:44:30 PM
Additional information on columns:


Tried some zumma pages and results came out as the same mish mash it usually does.