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Messages - stringbeanpc

Off-topic / Re: SOCHI
February 08, 2014, 10:29:09 AM
Quote from: Xander on February 07, 2014, 11:53:45 PM
Canada is a safe place to live and visit.

Xander, that is what is marketed to the world for immigration & tourism, but IMO it seems that you have NOT experienced the "Real Canada".

In my opinion Canada & the USA are heading toward what the Soviet Union represented. Meaning a police state and "show me your papers".

And I believe there are major differences between the Soviet Union & modern Russia.

I have the utmost respect for Russians after what they have been through. A friend of mine had a neighbor who was a Moscow police officer. After moving to Canada he was alarmed at the high rate of cancer in Canada/USA.

I have never been to Russia or Eastern Europe, but about a year ago I found this video blog about life in Russia.


They started in Ufa, but recently moved to Moscow.

Perhaps, someone who lives in Russia or Eastern Europe can confirm this ?
Off-topic / Re: DublinBet.....
January 28, 2014, 04:00:16 PM
Dublinbet audio & visual match up fine for me
General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 04, 2013, 11:32:17 PM
I was simply answering your question about whether Kimo Li has spreadsheets/trackers.

Best Regards,
General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 04, 2013, 12:43:19 PM
I have both of Kimo Li's books and some of his European wheel spreadsheets, which are listed on his website, under store.

IMO all of these are a very worthwhile purchase to learn the Kimo Li methods.

Best Regards,
General Discussion / Re: Back to business
November 13, 2013, 11:33:39 AM

You manage a GREAT forum, thank you for all the work.

And welcome to Canada, eh !!

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Do you have it in you?
July 27, 2013, 02:37:06 AM

Very informative videos.

Thanks for posting !
Off-topic / Re: Happy Children's Day!
July 21, 2013, 05:22:50 PM
I was also unaware of this day.

All the best to you and your family Victor !

Best Regards,

Straight-up / Re: The Finale Crossing
July 20, 2013, 11:14:50 AM
For anyone who is interested. I asked Winkel for his opinion of this method. The response is here:


Meta-selection / Re: TIMELINE & "continuation"
July 12, 2013, 11:00:21 PM
Victor, thank you, now I understand what you meant by "random walk in progress"
Meta-selection / Re: TIMELINE & "continuation"
July 12, 2013, 08:47:28 PM
Quote from: VLS on July 12, 2013, 03:37:04 PM
* as a special option you should be OK with holding a bet active for as many cycles as required shall you encounter a "random walk" in progress.

Hello Victor,

I do not understand this sentence above. Please give an example if that would help to better explain.

General Discussion / Re: Au revoir
June 27, 2013, 05:30:12 AM
Best Wishes GreatGrampa

Look forward to your return in a few months.

You had a great idea with modifying GUT in your thread "The Finale Crossing"
I sent a ticket to uxsoftware to answer this.

While I wait for a response, has anyone else ran into this problem (and possibly found a solution).

With the following RX code

   Track last Horizontal Split for 12 spins to Record "PrevSpins" layout

I receive these results for the following winning numbers
Number 1    Split(1-2)
Number 3    Split(2-3)
Number 8    Split(7-8)
Number 10  Split(10-11)
and so on

The results I would like to receive are
Number 1    Split(1-4)
Number 3    Split(3-6)
Number 8    Split(8-11)
Number 10  Split(7-10)
an so on

It seems Vertical Splits are the default, even though I coded for a Horizontal Split.
Off-topic / Re: horsemeat found in 'tesco' burgers!!
January 19, 2013, 04:41:30 PM
Where's the beef ? ha ha
Proof, Best Wishes to both you and your mother.

And Merry Christmas to everyone !