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Messages - subby

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 15, 2012, 01:13:50 PM
Batches of 3 numbers mate

say you spun 5, 23, 24
that is a LHH line which you cross off to leave you with 7 other possible combinations

You wait for another 3 spins and if it is say....36, 2, 30 then you would cross off HLH to leave 6 possible combinations left....when you have only 2 possible outcomes left to get in your 3 spin set...if you get either one of those combinations you then bet AGAINST the last combination spinning at that exact moment.

Just get the Ophis tracker and just load up Pattern Breaker and let it track all 3 outcomes for you. It'll then tell you when you bet and what to bet, you just click the numbers as they spin in and watch out for a betting notification  :thumbsup:
Even chance / Re: Subbys Six Steps
November 15, 2012, 08:00:56 AM
Yeah that's an option too. The main thing is that you have a possible 36 different outcomes of the string of numbers and you're asking random to repeat that EXACT same string of numbers you generated at that exact same time. Random found it hard to do so I won a good few units before I hit a run of 3 or 4 losses in 20-30 games which put a real dent in the win to loss ratio.

I'm sure if I played it more I'd get that back up again but now I'm playing Speramus so I don't play other methods apart from PB.
Online Casinos / Re: Real table full screen games
November 14, 2012, 11:38:01 PM
Good tech there to pull that off  :thumbsup:
Online Casinos / Re: Real table full screen games
November 14, 2012, 11:10:11 PM
Don't most of these casinos have that?
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 14, 2012, 10:56:24 PM
PM?  ???

Even chance / Re: Subbys Six Steps
November 14, 2012, 10:55:36 PM
At one stage I was 110:1 with this but it has dropped back a fair bit to about 35:1 which for an outlay of 31 units (total loss) isn't great...but never the less it was the first system I thought up myself. Not sure if Someone had done it before though.
Even chance / Subbys Six Steps
November 14, 2012, 10:45:43 PM
Right there are 6 even bets in roulette they are...

We are going to play only these bets.

Step 1 go to http://www.random.org/ change the random generator from 1 and 100 .....down to 1 and 6

Click generate and write the number down


then click generate again for your second number


then click generate again for your third number...and so on until you have seen all 6 combinations and you have something similar to

4 2 6 1 3 5

If you get a duplicate number then just keep clicking until you get all your six numbers that you need

Looking at the top piccy...write down what the numbers correspond to like so

4 in the pic is BLACK or b
2 is EVEN or e
6 is HIGH or h
1 is LOW or l
3 is RED or r
5 is ODD or o

write them down like so....

b e h l r o


right how I've tweaked this bit is like so, using the above line b e h l r o...WAIT UNTIL YOU GET A BLACK NUMBER DRAWN, this is your trigger to bet

Say 33 was the next number out...it matches the BLACK or b of your line. write a b under the b in the line liek so

b e h l r o
b <trigger as it matches the b in the sequence


b e h l r o *b*

Your new sequence looks like this now

b e h l r o b

with the 33 being the number that last hit put the b under the first b in the sequence

b e h l r o b
b  < Now we bet 1 unit AGAINST (e for EVENS)...ie we bet ODD

say a 15 is next number out...it wins and you are +1 unit

scrap the total sequence and go to the random number generator and get another six numbers to make a new sequence and repeat - I'd leave it 10 spins between games if you want...but you don't have to :)


if a 2 comes out for example then you lose as you were betting ODD and 2 is an EVEN number, then as 2 is an even (e) number...put an e under the (e) in the sequence like so

b e h l r o b
b e  ^<We are now betting 2 units against h so we bet LOW

if for example a 11 comes out, it is LOW and you win.

if for example 29 comes out you have lost and put a h under the (h) in the sequence and move on

b e h l r o b
b e h ^<We are now betting 4 units against l so we bet HIGH

Again if you win great if not, record the type of even bet under the sequence and continue until you reach the final (b)

At this stage if you have a setup looking like...

b e h l r o b   <sequence
b e h l r o b   <betting line

Then that is a lost game and you've spent...1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 units = 63 units as a loss

***For a "less units needed" bet***

Don't move the trigger to the end, just leave it and have a 5 bet sequence

b e h l r o
^ trigger

b e h l r o
b ^start to bet against here ...against the EVEN (e) bet

this 5 step will be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 = 31 units

You don't need to worry about the actual numbers spun..just what they represent against your six number sequence you got from RNG.org :)

When your bet is complete that's you done for the day. Log out at +1 unit...OR....

go back to http://www.random.org/ and pick another string of 6 numbers...match them up to the even bets and repeat the steps:)

I think that low level BR's should play the 5 step option with the first in the string as the trigger...and play the other 5 numbers.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 14, 2012, 10:41:21 PM
I tried it but you end up getting 2 methods conflicting...i.e one telling you to bet Even and the other telling you to be odd....at the same time

Just stick to one. I found PB4 very much an either "I'm up laods" or "I've lost 40 units in 50 spins" type of method

General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 10:33:55 PM
Quote from: wannawin on November 14, 2012, 10:31:05 PM

Simply I leave there and never come back. One has to have integrity.

100% as they say in Belfast. Spot on. I know where I want to learn.
General Discussion / Re: THE FIRST 100 MEMBERS!!
November 14, 2012, 05:06:49 PM
Given what's happened to some of our members here on other boards, might it be an idea to be vetting new applicants here? Or set permissions to view a board specifically for people who want to join, as opposed to letting new members auto reg and see everything.

Have you set a limit on the numbers that can see the private board for subscriber people?
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 04:59:38 PM
Like him or loathe him - JL helped Steve's forum a lot with methods that got people debating and interested.

I honestly think Steve has shot himself in the foot with banning you mate. I for one will be staying out here in VLS's forum and unless I'm REALLY Bored I'll not be back on Steve's forum.

Nice to have positive people on here and little ,if any, sniping at people.

I'm 100% hoping, but fairly sure, that the mods on here will dispense with those that seek to ruin a nice burgeoning community  :P

[You can bet the house on it! Esoito, Moderator.]
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 03:46:49 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 14, 2012, 03:12:40 PM
there's more to it than you realize Subby. I can fill you in by email. I was leaving that forum anyhow. Its gone the way of VLS. It all started as you know two weeks ago when Pilot came on with his amazing claim for PATTERN BREAKER. Steve immediately saw a threat and jumped in to basically dismiss the legitimacy of it.

The last thing he wants is a free method on the forum that actually works. Pilots endorsement was the fuse lit. Me being a person who doesn't hide my passion for my methods which I absolutely know work. I defended Pilot and made it clear I am going to play his way on the BV challenge and turn 200 euros into at least 10,000 by the end of 2013. And have Superman verify it on the forum.

That REALLY was the red flag to the bull. PROOF that a free method works. What would that mean for him and his Computer scam?? Think that over. So of course the only way he can make sure that doesn't happen is get me out of there NOW. Hey presto here we are.

Ridiculous behaviour from him if you ask me. Hope this site doesn't go down that route and anyone who stirs is put off this site pronto. This place has a nicer feeling than Steve's forum imo. Onwards and upwards though JL...you know it and so do I that PB will work
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 01:40:29 PM
That's a bit stuff if true  :thumbsdown:

Surely we can have our own opinions without someone going off on one.
Off-topic / Re: The Best Pubs Are Irish
November 13, 2012, 09:15:30 AM

not bad at all
Mixed / Re: Pattern Breaker money management
November 12, 2012, 08:00:45 PM