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Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 24, 2012, 02:23:47 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 02:03:31 PM
JL,  here is a quick snapshot of October/November results:   
280 Games Played.
Lost 11 total games and 9 were due to zero(s). Lost 1 on  H/L and 1 of E/O.  I have had a good run over the past 60 days with PB.  So the zero's usually get to me before anything esle. *LOL*  I never play when the last pattern is HHH, LLL, OOO oe EEE and I never play R/B.  Had I played R/B, I certainly would have more losses.   The  amount of my opening bet is also based on the number of spins it took to get to the trigger.  For example, if the last pattern to form falls between 40 and 50 spins, my opening bet is much more aggressive, which is not often.   If I breach the 80 spin count, I start over.  Also, if I get a pattern that has formed 3 times in under 45 spins (doesn't happen often for me)  I will bet against it forming a 4th time.  Those are just a few observations that have worked for me that I can share.  I will pull the results for the past 6 months so you can a better picture of the stats.  If you stay in the "moment" or in the "now" so-to-speak, when you are playing this game and really observe everything that is going on and not just focus in on the one trigger you are waiting to occur, the game offers a lot of opportuity to challenge randomness on many different levels, but you just have to be in the moment, open your mind and be aware of everything going on!

we have an experiment going on here and in the 4 unit bet we also cover green zero....do you not cover it?
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 24, 2012, 12:41:01 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 12:33:19 PM
Hi JL ... finally made it!  Just finished with Thanksgiving and the hunting season is all done here....so now it's just the last two Holiday's and Roulette :)  As you know, I really enjoy all the methods and really enjoy PB.  I curently play PB, Code 4, P4 and Hybrid D&C, D&C and a few tweaked versions to better fit the wonderful world of 0/00.  I have played 1006 live games of PB and like you, I have never had all 3 EC lose and seldom encounter a double loss.  It makes the method is very powerful and I don't doubt fir a second that Pilot accomplished everything he posted.   Over this past year I have only seen a pattern repeat itself and actually breach the 8 mark only 7 times and 5 of those were on R/B.  As you know, I have tweaked Code 4 to play to the strength of this data.  Of course this is all live play for me.  I stumbled across another local casino that has a automaic live wheel which spins every 30 seconds and that has helped me play PB more frequently so I am thanksful on this Thanksgiving Day for that great find :thumbsup:   Look forward to being a part of this great forum and all the great players that contribute and sharing my observations!

Hello and welcome Mr C  :cheer:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 23, 2012, 08:41:13 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 23, 2012, 07:07:54 PM








Hi Guys,

Another update. I have stopped playng Red/Black as i have had 6 losses and only 5 to the other 2 EC's. My strike rate would have been better not playing Red/Black.
Still very happy.


Quote4. Tracking all 3 methods but I'll only be playing HIGH/LOW and EVEN/ODD - I won't play RED/BLACK.

4th rule in Speramus and you're doing it in real life...tut tut lol. Honestly red black DO give out worse losses than the other 2 methods. Bizarre but true for me anyway.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 23, 2012, 07:49:37 AM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 23, 2012, 05:31:41 AM
That's right B.C, its losing both in the same session.

ok thanks

btw that's an early start for you posting that lol
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 22, 2012, 11:05:13 PM
Can you both clarify a double loss. To me if I@m using ophis's tracker a double loss would be 1 session playing but losing H/L AND O/E in the same session. Or do you mean any 2 losses even if they are both H/L for example...in the 1 session?
Ophis' MST / Re: [MST] 1.6.6 Errors
November 22, 2012, 07:34:21 PM
Just a side note. I've "upgraded" from the older version to this one and no errors bugs thus far for me.
I don't understand baccarat so I don't know about that. Is it a good game?
Wouldn't you have to sit playing the game for a long time to work out imbalances? In my experience the longer you sit at a table the more chance of random biting your behind with a triple spin or something.

Interesting concept though and worth a read further if you put up more info :)
Mixed / Re: Mixed INTER-SESSION Money Management
November 22, 2012, 11:09:34 AM
Quote from: VLS on November 08, 2012, 02:26:47 PM
This is a most-interesting topic to elaborate on.

There are plenty of mixed inter-session MM rules; yet one set I particularly like being:

Winning session procedure:

33% - Added to attack session's bank (increase base unit for next session)
33% - Add units to the last session bankroll of the lifetime reserve.
34% - Player profit.

Losing session procedure:

Attack bankroll returns to base unit.

Money management goal:

Compounding profits on concatenated winning sessions.

Safeguarding the lifetime bankroll on concatenated losing sessions.


can you elaborate more on the bit underlined?
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 22, 2012, 11:05:21 AM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 22, 2012, 10:49:18 AM

I think that is how will I play from now on. my initial plan to make profit on the second round bet is not working out, because the first round is strong strike rate, I rarely get second round to bet.

It all adds up though...every little helps as they say. That's a great position to be in, multiple small money wins with the odd ten fold win thrown in, sounds good to me  ;)

Also take a side thought at the small bets adding up...

1 win with a small bet might equal 1% of a total loss of the huge 2nd bet....you get 100 smaller bets and you have covered the loss with the 2nd huge bet...given how frequently you lose on a second bet then that's a great safety net.

Can I ask what sort of units you are betting and what your bankroll is? If you'd rather not say I'll understand  :thumbsup:
Ophis' MST / Re: [MST] PB Grids extension request
November 21, 2012, 01:40:53 PM
You're a gentleman...much appreciated Ophis  :applause:
Ophis' MST / Re: [MST] PB Grids extension request
November 21, 2012, 11:51:47 AM
Might as well then for all methods. PB especially as I've rarely seen the same letter down the columns 10 or more times..before it hits the opposite needed right underneath...i.e.

OOE <then the opposite(O) hits after 9 straight E's down the 2nd column

To have that larger grid would enable me to see a possible betting chance say after 8 "E"s in a row reading down...

Cheers  :thumbsup:

I think random has times when it is as random in its spins as it can be, i.e. a fairly "normal" irregular trip around the wheel for 6 spins....then there are slots in the day when for whatever reason, random will land the ball 6 times within three numbers. I had this happen to me this morning...6 spins in a row that were in the 26, 0, 32 three square area.

Two or three times it can land there and little will be noticed but when there were 6 spins in a row where it landed in the same area of the board and managed to avoid 92% of the rest of the board.....six times in a row, then I see that as an example of ebb and flow.

IMO it's being fortunate to start a game while not in one of those "not random at all" times in the day when the board plays funny beggars with the ball, that is when you win units.

Nobody knows when those "not random at all" times will hit but random, by its very name and nature, is just that....random more often in its spins during the day as opposed to regulary "not random" in its spins....if that makes sense...it kind of does in my head but maybe I'm not writing it up properly lol
Get away from the "money" value you are playing and focus instead of a grinder method with "units" in your head as a value not money.

Take care of winning long steady amounts of small units and the unit values will look after your bankroll.

When you are 10 times a total loss in your BR you really shouldn't lose again...or go into negative money I mean...lower bankroll than when you started.

Fewer games a day on the wheel = longer unit adding win streaks and at the end of the month it's the amount of units you win that you convert to money and cash out.

Even grinding out 20 units+ a month...not £20 or £20,000 but 20 "UNITS" leaves you in profit. Play less and have fewer losing streaks. I'm currently on a 18+ chip run on EVEN ODD which is over twice a total loss amount of 7 chips. Streaks like that add units gradually to your BR and month-end...you'll be up more than when you started
Ophis' MST / [MST] PB Grids extension request
November 20, 2012, 10:47:39 PM
Would it be possible to increase the amount of lines showing in the grid in Pattern Breaker...from 5 lines deep to 10 lines deep?

You see it is


just now? any way to extend that to a 10 lines deep grid? Would it be hard to do?