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Messages - subby

Straight-up / Re: ZONE MAXIMUM
November 20, 2012, 02:17:42 PM
What is a "zone" how is it defined?

What is the betting situation...how?
General Discussion / Re: Roulette Autoplay
November 20, 2012, 12:04:10 PM
I just remember seeing something like this

And since then that's made me suspicious of all RNG
General Discussion / Re: Roulette Autoplay
November 19, 2012, 08:28:21 PM
If this is for RNG roulette there won't be many takers. Too many people think RNG roulette is rigged. Better to bet live wheel every time.

If it's for live wheel then well done on getting a bot to do it  :thumbsup:
Off-topic / Re: The Sad Passing of Common Sense
November 19, 2012, 08:24:33 PM
Right we all know you don't like JL, or his methods, but less of the discreet sniping please Giz.... :no:
My mother said if you haven't got anything good to say about someone then don't say anything at all.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 19, 2012, 04:49:36 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 19, 2012, 04:00:14 PM
Red and Black have turned out to be the worst of em all ! So thinking  :-\  of playing H/L and O/E only from now on...

I'm in it to win money and i won  £1775.00 last month, which works out about £ 400.00 a week cash  :applause: :applause: :applause: ...

As long as the strike rate is 10/1  on average, there is no reason why this can't be done again next month.

A quick question JL... If someone keeps taking money, each month off there lets say Paddy power for example.... Do you reckon they would keep paying , or do u think they will make there excuses and close the account. Do u know of anyone who has had this happen to them.  :thumbsdown:

Split the bankroll between 2 different casinos and aim to take out £500 a month from both. Make sure they aren't connected financially...i.e. they are run by different companies, and you'll take out £1000 a month and stay under the radar better.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 19, 2012, 04:46:00 PM
Red and Black have turned out to be the worst of em all ! So thinking  :-\  of playing H/L and O/E only from now on...

I'm in it to win money and i won  £1775.00 last month, which works out about £ 400.00 a week cash  :applause: :applause: :applause: ...

As long as the strike rate is 10/1  on average, there is no reason why this can't be done again next month.

A quick question JL... If someone keeps taking money, each month off there lets say Paddy power for example.... Do you reckon they would keep paying , or do u think they will make there excuses and close the account. Do u know of anyone who has had this happen to them.  :thumbsdown:

Quote from: subby on November 16, 2012, 03:32:43 PM
I've noticed R/B bets losing by a good 10% more than the other 2 types (O/E and H/L)

That's why Speramus decided to ignore the R/B in our playing rules.

Yep I said so, from experience red/black DOES kill you more. I'm convinced it's the wheel layout of the colours against the layout of say the even/odd layout, which gets you. I don't know why but it does.
indeed  :thumbsup:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 19, 2012, 11:04:44 AM
That should be the mindset of anyone who plays Pattern Breaker.

Unit wins are the key here, not the VALUE OF THE UNITS

Mindset should be a 20 unit grind each month regardless of what values those units are.

We all need to become godam unit grinding casino destroying robots  :P

If a pirhana (unit won) bites a whale(casino) it'll not do much damage...if that pirhana takes multiple small bites out over months...and grows(grow your banroll) up to be a bigger fish and bigger mouth (unit value increases) where it's taking larger bites(higher unit values) from the whale...then that whale will eventually have lumps chomped out of it to the point where serious damage is being made (large withdrawals)

It is growing that wee fish up to a point where the teeth(method of playing) lets it take larger bites....grow your deadly little fish slowly and watch it bite ever harder and deadlier for you  ^-^
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 19, 2012, 11:02:24 AM
Patience is the key here and mantra #1 for me.

If you build a house too quickly(play lots of games daily) then you'll not have put down sufficiently strong foundations (bankroll) so when a storm(loss) comes then your house could fall down or be badly damaged.

Patience is the key and we should all be taking efforts to try and move away from the "make money fast" mindset.

As I've said before if you just take care of the units...the unit values will take care of your bankroll for you. :thumbsup:

Quote from: Trebor on November 18, 2012, 11:24:38 PM


For me I'd ideally want the gambling part to be "will I win the next bet", whilst being much more confident about the overall position.
To that extent I suppose you can be a conservative gambler.


This is where having a bankroll of 20 times a loss comes in. That mental safety net - knowing you have lost but it's only a small 5% of your total bankroll, is comforting and less of a mental anguish scenario to deal with. That bankroll safety net is the difference between playing relaxed and enjoying your gaming and "panicking" as you've lost some money and you're tense and annoyed that you have lost, and you're down money, etc....

Playing with a smile will prevent greed and over playing to the point where your win:loss ratio is barely covering a loss....less(games) is more(bankroll units) with a few good streaks in between  :thumbsup:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 19, 2012, 09:56:53 AM
Quote from: shogun on November 19, 2012, 05:14:50 AM

start I only played with £1 units but as it was going so well I increased to £5 units. Then I started to get more losses and only got back in profit yesterday.

This is the key point of correct money management and PATIENCE..you jumped the gun too far too quick. Stick to something like...

Ideally you need a BR of 140 to bet £1 units (20 times a total loss of 7 units betting £1 units)

When you hit a BR of £280 ........................You can then move up to £2 units
When you hit a BR of £420 ........................You can then move up to £3 units
When you hit a BR of £560 ........................You can then move up to £4 units
When you hit a BR of £700 ........................You can then move up to £5 units

When you have a BR of 20 times a loss you should really ever be down in money ever again and be able to take out 20 units a month without fear of losing everything  :thumbsup:

Just my thoughts mate  :nod:

no matter if those units are £2 units...or....my goal...£20 units (  :nod: ...Taking out 20 units when they are each worth £20 is the pot at the end of the rainbow for me :P ) you are still only taking out 20 units each month...month in ...month out...no matter the money value of those units...20units is still just 20 units.

Have a UNIT MINDSET when playing and only think about money at the end of the month when you go to my flow chart
Mixed / Re: Pattern Breaker money management
November 19, 2012, 09:40:26 AM
Just a few more thoughts on this from me if I may. I tend to ramble but I hope someone somewhere finds it in some shape or form...interesting enough to read. These are just my own thoughts so when I refer to "we" I mean myself...it's a british thing to do that lol.

Touching again on the mentality of playing Pattern Breaker with an almost "robotic single minded" mindset...

When we play with money management systems in place, we aren't really playing for money, we are playing for units or chips. No matter what the unit value of these chips are, we are only looking to play for a monthly + units level on to our starting bankroll at the beginning of the month.

When you look at units in a monetary sense...i.e "I'm betting £2 chips" then you become to attached too the "money factor" and as Geko once said "greed is good" well I disagree...."Greed is bad!" (for your bankroll)

We are all looking for that way to be able to lift out £500 a month for lifes nicer things yes? Well we need a shift in mentality to achieve that.


If you have a £100 deposit in your bankroll but you are playing £2 units then mentally convert your bankroll into a unit bankroll....You have a starting bankroll of 50 units***


When constantly looking at the money aspect of the units then we can get distracted from the primary goal....which is to have more units in the bank than we did at the start of the month! If we can disassociate ourselves from the money and only think about having a positive unit increase by day 30 (roughly 1 month in days) then we are on to a winner.

Why are we on to a winner you ask? Well for some reason unknown, the PB method gives you long streaks the less you play it. The longer the win streak before we hit a loss then the more the units you have got for your BR before another win streak kicks in. If you play more games you'll get more losses and your win:loss ratio will fall lower and lower. Ideally we are aiming to have a 10:1 ratio which gives us a +3 unit "achievement"

If you had, at the end of the month (day 30), even a unit increase on your starting bankroll (50 units***) of just 20 units...i.e. you end up with after day 30, somewhere in the region of 70 units - Then you can, if you want, convert it back to money (70 units when betting £2 as shown above) = £140 and look to take the money out of your account. Even when taking a loss (7 units) if you are thinking about units lost and not trying to think of the money value of those units, then thinking "I've lost 7 units" is a lot easier to deal with than "I've lost £14"

If you KNOW that from experience, you streak often up to 12 or 13 or more before a loss then you know that that 7 unit loss is merely a blip in the bigger monthly aim picture.

If you can mentally shift your thinking into grind units...grind units...."even if it is only 20 units a month I will grind it out" for 7-10 months then you are well on your way to shifting through the gears into the "real money" zone.

Having that "minimum of, 20 times a loss, as your total BR" along with seeing the bigger long term picture will let you start to progress up through the unit values so that around month 10 of grinding out 20 units a month you can have the BR in place to be betting £5 units....BUT still only grinding out 20 units a month in your head.

If you look after the units each month then the unit values will look after your bankroll.

Imagine you have seen the bigger picture (top graph in that drawing) and you know you have the iron will to grind out units as opposed to "winning money" then imagine 18 months down the line when you are STILL grinding out 20 units a month...but those unit values are £20 units, that's where you should be aiming for...£400 a month on average isn't to be sniffed at in todays world.

For those who have serious balls but that same simple "Grind out 20 units a month only" mindset - They can take this to £100 unit values but still playing for only those 20 units every month that everyone can play for...£2,000  :cheer:

...you now see why I'm excited about this method  :D

It is the "grind out 20 units a month" ....month in....month out....at the beginning of your journey, when it doesn't seem that you are winning much in money terms....think of that as "20 units done and that month is merely a small part of the BIG PICTURE graph" and you'll refocus yourself and kick on into month 2... for another 20 units overall in that month etc...

Do you have the mindset to do it? Do you have the eye on the BIG picture and not so much the mundane small picture? Do you have the mindset to refer to units as opposed to actual money? DO you have the desire to be somewhere in 18 months that could change the way you live your life (extra £400 or more a month? while having a huge UNIT bankroll to mentally easily absorb those 7 unit losses you will get)

...If you have answered yes to the above then you are well on your way and I'll not be too far behind you  :thumbsup:
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 18, 2012, 05:20:24 PM

If I could get 10-1 win ratio, I'd just take it and play.  Using the MST, this would be very easy to play alongside another system.  No frantic placing of bets.  Just one click.


yup  :thumbsup:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 17, 2012, 11:22:11 PM
That's pretty much the issue...bankroll. If you have the BR to easily absorb a 280 unit loss, without losing the head, then you're doing just fine  :thumbsup:

There are various money management strategies out there and John's 3 tier option is one for those that play multiple games each day = 15+ ( I class a game as a chance to win once or have a total loss)

For those with a lower BR and are prepared to put 6-8 months into a grinder then you can read over my take on MM for this PB method :)

If a total loss is 7 units (betting 1, 2, 4 units) and you just suck up any loss and never increase your bet, then your bankroll needs to be 20 times a loss....minimum.

Why 20 you may ask?

It's to do with the "fear/panic factor" when we take a loss.

Say you have a bankroll of £100 (I'm using GPB £'s as I'm from the UK) say you have that 100 bankroll and you were playing £5 units, due to the fact you didn't really know much about money management techniques. Your 3 bets would be £5, £10, £20 - That's a loss of £35 which against a £100 bankroll is over a third. If you lose a third of your bankroll then the fear can creep into your mindset and make you try to recoup some of it back fast...You've just lost a third of your bankroll, that's a scary thought and one that catches MANY people out and makes them chase a quick recovery. We all know that this can be fatal to your remaining bankroll. NEVER CHASE - PATIENCE WINS....NOT RASH "FAST RECOVERY" BETS

BUT...and here is where the "20 times" bankroll mindset comes in...When you take a loss of £35 but your bankroll is in excess of £700, well, that's a SERIOUSLY less fearful loss when you look at your bankroll 1/20th which is mentally a LOT easier to take and even walk away with a "Oooh nice one random, you got me there but I@ll get you the next time"...perhaps with a wry smile from you too

This is just my money management suggestion for pattern breaker -

ASSUMING £1 is 1unit

Ideally you need a BR to be at as a MINIMUM-
£140 to bet £1 units
£280 ...........£2 units
£420 ...........£3 units
£560............£4 units
£700............£5 units

I'd suggest that, ON AVERAGE, you stick with £5 units as you only need to play 2-4 games a day to take out a nice amount of money at the end of each month for life's nicer things (holiday, presents for kids etc) You can of course ignore this and go ahead and bet your comfort unit size.

£840 ...........£6 units
£980............£7 units
£1120..........£8 units
£1260..........£9 units
£1400..........£10 units

I'd also suggest that you reach the next bankroll mark before betting the corresponding unit size. By that I mean this

Wait until your bankroll is £280 BEFORE MOVING UP TO £2 UNITS...i.e. stay at £1 units until your BR is £280 ONLY THEN move up to using £2 units and so on....wait until your BR is at £420 BEFORE MOVING FROM £2 UP TO £3 UNITS

If you have a substantial BR like £3,500

You can then look at really serious money making by using units worth £25 betting sequence would be something like £25, £50, £100.

With a bankroll that size you can perhaps afford to cover the green Zero on the last bet with perhaps a £5 on green zero as insurance...each to their own on that green zero bet though. I cover green on my last bet as I@ve hit it so many times on a final bet.

Remember to keep your BR in your own savings account though and not all in a casino account  Let the interest grow it as well as your game play winnings 

If you have a bankroll of 100 units and you lose 7 (1 total loss for pattern Breaker) that's not much really of a % loss of your overall bankroll.

Play 6 games in one day and from experience you will get 3 or 4 days of no losses which will let you build your bankroll up when you DO finally lose a game. Remember it is an ULTRA MARATHON...not a sprint

---a game is HIGH/LOW
---a game is ODD/EVEN
---a game is RED/BLACK

So if you're tracking all 3 then you only play twice day! If you only play 2 methods ( I personally only play ODD/EVEN and HIGH.LOW as I found RED/BLACK loses more often due to the board layout) then you'll log in 3 times a day for 2 games each time...of course you can play less...the call is yours - JUST REMEMBER TO SET YOURSELF A GOAL AND DON'T TRY TO PLAY TOO MUCH OR BE GREEDY - Ultra marathon remember!!

If you say to yourself...today I'm going in to play 6 games only ...then that EXACTLY what you do. Regardless of if you get six wins in those 6 games, or four wins and two loss etc...

Never play more than six games in one day. More often than not you will win all six games and you can go 2 or 3 days or more when you win all six games.

The more you play consistently at one table the more likely that random will find a way to beat you. I know most people don't believe in playing hit and run but I swear by it. I think that there are long periods in a day when things will go your way in numbers spun by the wheel but if you play long hours then you'll be more likely to hit one of the times in the day when numbers will go against you. Just my opinion.

If you play hit and run for six games there is more chance of you playing in the zone when things will go your way. If you play longer then there is more chance that you'll also hit the bad zone when things will go against you...like hitting a triple spun number etc..

Take the LONG outlook view for playing a method...it's a REAL hard grind at the start to get your bankroll up high but if you can do it, the rewards are there for sure.

Say you play 5 games a day (I use 5 as an easier example for number adding purposes as opposed to 6) of PATTERN BREAKER for 30 days...that's 150 games in one month...just as an example ok.

Taking a 10win to 1loss view then you can expect, from that 150 games, something like...

130 wins of 1 unit = 130 units

You'll expect to hit 10-13 losses over that month's worth of 150 games which works out at - 7units x 13losses = 91 units lost - I'LL USE 90 AS AN EVEN FIGURE TO EXPLAIN

130units won - 90 units lost = 40 units profit for the month

40 units @ £1 or €1 doesn't sound much...but if you build on that and do this a number of months so your bankroll lets you play £5 or €5 units....then that 40 units profit each month x £5/€5 = 200 which is a nice earner each month.

...take it one stage further like the poster called Pilot has...where your 1 unit is £50/€50 then multiply that by 40 units profit each month...2,000!!!   That is where you want to be. BUT...and this is the HUGE BUT...it is the patience needed to GET your small bankroll up to a huge level that is the hard part. Playing the system isn't hard, it's the mental ability to stick to a method that seems to be going slowly...only for it to explode after 5-6 months.

Can you do that 5-6 months play to get your BR up? That's the key.

Say you started with £100 bankroll

End of month 1 -

Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £100 plus 40units you win = £140 betting £1 units

End of month 2 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £140 plus 40units you win = £180 betting £1 units

End of month 3 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £180 plus 40units you win = £220 betting £1 units

End of month 4 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker going to be about £220 plus 40units you win = £260 betting £1 units

End of month 5 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker going to be about £260 plus 40units you win = £300 betting £1 units

At this stage...£300 in our BR...we've now gone past the "bankroll needed to move up a unit value" (20 times a total loss) 7 units as a loss x 20 = £140units

I'd also suggest that you reach the next bankroll mark before betting the corresponding unit size. By that I mean this

Wait until your bankroll is £280 BEFORE MOVING UP TO £2 UNITS...i.e. stay at £1 units until your BR is £280 ONLY THEN move up to using £2 units and so on....wait until your BR is at £420 BEFORE MOVING FROM £2 UP TO £3 UNITS

Ideally you need a BR of 140 to bet £1 units
£280 ........................£2 units
£420 ........................£3 units
£560.........................£4 units
£700.........................£5 units

You're at end of month 5 and now with a BR of over 300 it allows you to move the unit value up from £1 up to £2 units

End of month 6 -

Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £300 plus 40 you win(BUT NOW £2 UNITS INSTEAD OF THE £1 unit) = £300 BR plus (40 units won x £2) = £380

End of month 7 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £380 plus 40 you win(BUT NOW £2 UNITS INSTEAD OF THE £1 unit) = £380 BR plus (40 units won x £2) = £460

At this stage you can move up to £3 unit values form the £2 as you've passed the threshold for moving up a unit value while still having 20 times a total loss as your BR

End of month 8 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £460 plus 40 you win(BUT NOW £3 UNITS INSTEAD OF THE £2 unit) = £460 BR plus (40 units won x £3 = 120) = £580 <- new unit value threshold

At this stage you can move up to £4 unit values from the £3 as you've passed the threshold for moving up a unit value while still having 20 times a total loss as your BR

End of month 9 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £580 plus 40 you win(BUT NOW £4 UNITS INSTEAD OF THE £3 unit) = £580  BR plus (40 units won x £4 = 160) = £740

...and so on

***REMEMBER THAT THIS IS AN ULTRA MARATHON - NOT A SPRINT!!!!*** 9 months sounds a LOT and will take a LOT of dedication

You can see not a lot of movement in the unit value for the first 6 months but then it starts to rocket when you have a BR big enough to let you bet higher unit values. It's this 9 month plan that we should all be sticking too  which will let us fleece the casinos for all we can get

You can accelerate your speed if you place £50 each month into your bankroll as a topup - ONLY DO THIS IF YOU ARE WORKING AND CAN AFFORD TO!!! Remember don't bet with money you need to pay bills and eat!!!  :thumbsup:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 17, 2012, 09:37:08 PM
How are you measuring a triple loss? What "makes" a triple loss? Just curious myself :)