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Messages - wannawin

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Dispersion kILLINg
May 15, 2013, 01:42:56 AM
Quote from: GGasoft on May 14, 2013, 09:45:21 PM
Manrique give you the board.

GGasoft will expand it for you creating a few more universes.

The Siege

Bet 1-54
Bet 1 unit on any line if you win bet 6 units on any corner.
If you win bet 1-54 is complete. If lose try any other time from begin whenever you need the
1-54 universe.

Bet 1-72
Bet 1 unit on any line if you win bet 6 units on any street
If you win bet 1-72 is complete. If you lose try any other time from begin whenever you need the
1-72 universe

Bet 1-81
Bet 1 unit on any corner if you win bet 9 units on any corner
If you win bet 1-81 is complete. If you lose try any other time from begin whenever you need the 1-81 universe.

Bet 1-108
Bet 1 unit on any corner if you win bet 9 units on any street. If you win bet 1-108 is complete.
If you lose try any other time from begin whevener you need the 1-108 universe.

Bet 1-144
Bet 1 unit on any street if you win bet 12 units on any street. If you win bet 1-144 is complete.
If you lose try any other time from begin whenever you need the 1-144 universe.

Bet 1-162
Bet 1 unit on any corner if you win bet 9 units on any split. If you win bet 1-162 is complete.
If you lose try any other time from begin whenever you need the 1-162 universe.

Bet 1-216
Bet 1 unit on any street if you win bet 12 units on any split. if you win bet 1-216 is complete.
If you lose try any other time from begin whenever you need the 1-216 universe.

Bet 1-323
Bet 1 unit on any split if you win bet 18 units on any split. if you win bet 1-323 is complete.
If you lose try any other time from the begin whenever you need the 1-323 universe.

Bet 1-431
Bet 1 unit on any street if you win bet 12 units on any straight up.
If you win bet 1-431 is complete , if you lose try any other time from the begin whenever you need the 1-431 universe

Bet 1-486
Bet 1 unit on any line if you win bet 6 units on any corner if you win bet 54 units on any corner, if you win bet 1-486 is complete.
IF you lose try any other time from the begin whenever you need the 1-486 universe.

Bet 1-648
Bet 1 unit on any split if you win bet 18 units on any straight up if you win bet 1-648 is complete
IF you lose try any other time from begin whenever you need the 1-648 universe.

Bet 1-729
bET 1 unit on any corner if you win bet 9 units on any corner if you win bet 81 units on any corner.
If you win bet 1-729 is complete.
If you lose try any other time from begin whenever you need the 1-729 universe

Bet 1-864
Bet 1 unit on any line then if you win bet 6 units on any street if you win bet 72 units on any street.
If you win bet 1-864 is complete if you lose try any other time from begin whenever you need 1-864 universe.

Bet 1-972
Bet 1 unit on any corner if you win bet 9 units on any corner if you win bet 81 units on any street. if  you win bet 1-972 is complete
If you lose try any other time from begin whenever you need 1-972 universe

Bet 1-1296

Bet 1 unit on any straight up , if you win bet 36 units on any straight up if you win bet 1-1296 is complete.
If you lose try any other time whenever you need the universe 1-1296

This are GGasoft Siege Bets , now you have more space to increase and decrease your bets without increasing the mass.

Has this been tested yet? It would be interesting to see whether to bet both in quantity and suddenly bears fruit in the long term.

Thank you for sharing your way.
Go and take notes.

Regardless of the casino where you go one thing is certain. There will be few taking notes.

Turn yourself into one of them. Become one of the few who take notes.

Unless you are privileged to easily scoring a lot of data in your mind then book entry is your ally.

More than once I have said to myself "how expensive these numbers." But then I see the value of the numbers that I take myself. They are reliable. They are real game. They are really a piece for fair testing. Annotations value goes beyond the walls of the casino.

One observation I made is that among those who take note it usually are the older players who are seen with their log book. There must be something to it. Or maybe it is because older people are having more common sense.

Write those game results down. Study them at home.
Quote from: Albalaha on May 12, 2013, 05:48:09 AM
Sports betting is not as much random as casino gambling. Would you like to bet upon those bets which are more than 80-99% likely to win? If you want, I can give picks for various games like football, basketball, golf, cricket, boxing and tennis.
How much money are we talking to enjoy the service? I make it clear I am not saying that charging is obscene. If the service is good it should pay for itself. With more than enough in dividends.

Good sports information is still information. Information has a value attached to it. Nothing wrong with charging.
Split / Re: +1 splits method
May 12, 2013, 10:19:40 PM
Has anyone tried or better yet programmed this system? In my hand tests at home and then at the casino  the times I have used it went well.
Speaking of comments to avoid sleeping. I published a game system for splits a few months ago:


It is based entirely on those who are currently in play. A pity that this system has not been paid much attention. It has treated me really well.
Do not bet the sleeping that he may be dead.

Something that has made ​​a difference for me is to avoid sleepers.

When I started playing I was a big fan of sleeping numbers. That has not appeared in more than 100 draws.

An anecdote which marked the end of my sleeping numbers game is having had a marathon session playing numbers which had certainly had much time without showing. And a few sets after having lost everything I brought I saw roulette took them out. One after another. The numbers I were no longer betting were coming out disgustingly. There was even a double spun I recall clearly.

At first it seemed like they were mocking me. I blamed dishonest magnets and a tricked roulette. But after reading and experiencing it myself I realized that the locations asleep fall asleep and no one knows for sure when they are awaken. They may well be dead throughout the game session. Then by the natural dynamics of the game such locations will become those that are stuck and become the pure hot fire at another part of the game.

Well then we must learn to use what is coming. This may be what leads us to win. And if we lose we know we are betting sensibly.

If there is anything I have learned is that in roulette what did not come out in a year it may show several times in one day. No sleeping bet is part of common sense my friends.
Quote from: NathanDetroit on May 12, 2013, 10:04:30 PM
..............therefore  PLAN your PLAY  and  PLAY your PLAN . ( with a PROPER bankroll. )

Exactly. Who is likely to deviate from his game must face the consequences when later he needs the units squandered.

Enough banking. Full progression.

When a person decides to confront as David to Goliath that is the casino you should go with all needs met. If your game plan calls for 1000 in banking do not go to the casino with 500. To go with less bank than you need is to call more random play you already face.  You are calling to go see if this session is not about the budget not completed.

I have experienced it myself. To take less money than the strategy says because it almost never happens to go past a certain amount of deficit. But when it goes above then to utter curses for not bringing enough money. And the fault is mine and no one else to blame because I was the one that did not took enough bank to play as it should be. To be properly prepared for the battle.

If you do not need to risk in full to win it is better. But to have enough bank is like insurance. It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Now if I lose a progression because I shorted the bank then I am following a middle act of masochism. It almost does not happen now. But if I leave my plan and start spending on other bets and ruin my full gambling budget I stay taking notes. To see if only I had brought to withstand anything more would have won. It happened to me. And I have learned to restrain myself no matter if there are other opportunities apparent in other gaming systems. So 15 reds go, so go 7 times the same dozen. I stand to not break the budget of my current system.

I learned my lesson and now it is part of my common sense.
Gambling Philosophy / My thread of common sense
May 12, 2013, 09:19:31 PM
There are many things I have collected over the years. Reading, testing, watching. I want to locate in this thread many of these things. Every time I make a trip to the casino in my town or out I always see people at the tables making the same mistakes. Leaving aside common sense.

My first observation with common sense is that if you do not have at least one strategy that is promising you should not play.

Personally I see no rhyme or reason to go to the casino without any plan. To play anything without an obvious reason. I would rather stay at home playing Monopoly And not lose.

If I am going to face an economic activity as it is playing a gambling game first I have to study my abilities according to how my strategies perform within many trials, with a good margin of earned sessions, with a proven record. Then based on a calculated risk develop a way of playing based on the strategy or multiple strategies that can allow me to at least say I gave a battle.

No plan, no game. That is my first point of common sense.
Really interesting thoughts have been exposed. I like to have initiated the topic. I personally think the pay looks bad on simple chances. that is why I asked first.

Thank you for your contribution with your point of view.
I must say , Thank you all for your input.
General Discussion / Re: A BET WITHIN A BET
May 02, 2013, 01:38:12 AM
Friend Sam: things go by themselves. If this is an attempt by someone to get unhealthy fun then praise to you for being the voice of reason.

If however there is something to be learned from Bayle messages then everyone will benefit.

I want to give the benefit of the doubt. but I can not forget your word. Many times the first impression is the right one itself. Hopefully Bayle really want to teach his concept about ​​how to win.

All of us will want to hear the constructive contribution that he could give.

Off-topic / Re: "Its £5.00 per inch........."
April 26, 2013, 07:56:55 AM
Very funny.

Imagine the scaffolding for a skyscraper
Off-topic / Re: Automated Roulette gallery
April 26, 2013, 07:51:36 AM
Traditional look.



Off-topic / Re: Automated Roulette gallery
April 26, 2013, 07:43:24 AM
Thank you they are not mine. Do you play or have played automated roulette?