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Messages - wannawin

Coding MARKETPLACE / What is this section?
December 12, 2012, 05:39:08 PM
Is it for developers to post their rates or is for users to publish how much are they willing to pay for a program as well as the features wanted?

Is it for multiple users to collaborate with a payment schedule for a paid program?

What is the purpose?

Thank you.
Community Software / Re: Petition for last X tracker
December 12, 2012, 05:16:22 PM
Quote from: VLS on December 10, 2012, 08:13:46 AM
Creating a full blown long term testing suite with betting bot included is expected to be a VERY TRIVIAL TASK with it.
Sorry. I believe that making robot roulette bot is extensive work. Not to mention that the casinos change regularly. I do not think anyone is going to make a bot without an amount of effort.

I have done a bit of programming and I know for a certain I do not have the skills to create a roulette bot.

I can barely make a simple program in Basic256. Are you saying that there is a way to make a complete bot in Basic256 with ease?
The ideal is a public forum with the camaraderie of a private group.

I was once a member of a private group. Now is closed because it did not not reach anything valuable in several years. Nobody wanted to give money to pay a programmer for systems testing. All you did was talk of a potential system and nothing else.

I put many pdf even with copyright when for a time there was discussion. The group did not have a forum. It was by email so email attachments only.

In the end what remains are comrades. But the real discussion will always be in the community sharing.

I am not interested in joining another private group. I do not know if all but apparently that is the fate of private groups.
December 09, 2012, 09:02:06 PM
THIS is something similar to the system known
as the ' Montant Beige.'

It requires a good large capital, the patience
of Job, and plenty of time at your disposal. If
you have got all three, and wish to make win-
ning a practical certainty, there are not many
better methods than this, and I believe there
are a few persevering mortals who regularly win
their 5 or 6 units a day at it.

It does not really matter very much what you
elect to play it on it is the ' massage ' or
Progression that is the important thing. It can
be played on Red or Black, on the Sequences
or Intermittences, or if you like on the ' Avant
Derniere' which means that you always play
on the colour that came out last but one it is
probably as good as anything else, and the same
may be said of the Wrangler's method.

You play to win your units one by one, each
as a separate and distinct operation, and when-
ever you win one you stow it away in another
pocket as a definite gain.

If you commence losing, you continue to
play flat or level stakes of i unit, until either
you are one to the good, or the Bank has won
5 from you. As soon as this has happened you
begin playing flat stakes of 2 units, crossing out
wins as they occur, and keeping a record of the
losses. Say you start with 3 losses, 2 wins, and
then 4 losses, your score would look like
this --

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

You are now 5 units to the bad, so you
write down --

1 1 1 1 1

and start playing flat stakes of 2 units. Suppose
the game goes as follows --


Your score-sheet will appear thus --

1 1 1  1  1  2 2

You continue staking 2, and the
table wins.


Starting afresh with the figures re-
maining, viz. i, 2, your score-sheet will
then read like this --

1 2 2 2 2 2 2

You have now lost 5 twos on balance, so you
commence staking 3, and every time you win
you will cross out 2 twos and write down a 1.

N.B. Be sure you do this. If you cross
out a 2 and a i it will alter the whole system,
and make it more dangerous for the player.

The table comes round in your favour, and
gives you --


Starting with your score as follows --

1 2 2 2 2 2

the result after the above coups of 3 have
been played will be as follows --

1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1

Now as all the twos have disappeared, you
drop from a stake of 3 to 2 again, starting as
follows --

1 1

Supposing you get one loss and two wins,
your score will appear --

1 2 2

and you are quits once more you must then
recommence with a stake of 1 unit.

The Bank has won 15 ' coups ' to your 11 ,
and yet you have come out without loss.

This is the merit of the slow and safe Pro-

How much capital it would be necessary to
have, to make this method nearly infallible, I
am unable to say, but the player who had
2000 units would be in a very strong position.
Remember that all safe systems are necessarily

Of course, if the table had continued un-
favourable, you would have commenced staking
4 as soon as five threes appeared on your score-
sheet, and you would have lowered your stake
to 3 again as soon as all the threes had been
wiped out.
December 09, 2012, 08:08:10 PM
THIS system consists in playing that the Bank
will not beat you three ' coups ' in succession.
If it does, you lose one capital or ' sautez,' and
must recommence with a unit of 1 again.

The Progression employed is 1, 2, 4, to
commence with. If you lose your 1 + 2 + 4
= 7 pieces, you then attack with a capital of 11
pieces, and play 1, 3, 7 until you have got back
the 7 just lost, in which case you return to your
original method of 1, 2, 4.

Supposing you lose your second capital of 1 1
pieces, you would then double your unit and
play 2, 4, 8, and if this also goes down before
all losses are recovered, you would play 2, 6,
14, and if still unsuccessful 3, 6, 12, to be
followed by 3, 9, 21.

Provided you have lots of patience and plenty
of capital behind you, there are many worse
systems than this.

Author: V.B.
Multiple locations / The Ladies' System
December 09, 2012, 06:34:05 PM
Two ladies of a certain age, who had just
arrived from England, and had evidently not
much experience of the game, were having
their first flutter at Roulette. Said one to the
other : " I see you always play on Red." " Of
course," she replied, sinking her voice almost to
a whisper for fear the croupier should hear ;
" don't you know that you get an extra number
on the Red side ? " " No," said the first, " how
do you make that out ? " " Why," said the
other, "number i is Red, and number 36 is
Red, so of course you get an extra number in
your favour on the Red side ! " " How clever
of you to discover it," said number one, and
down went her stakes on the Red. I suppose
she did not want the croupier to hear of her
great discovery, for fear they might alter the
arrangement of the colours and so defeat her
imaginary advantage on the Red side ! I did
not point out to her, that 10 and n were both
Black, and so were 28 and 29, and as the only
two red numbers following one another were 1 8
and 19, this made up for the first and last
numbers both being Red. It would have been
a pity to have dispelled her illusion, especially
as she seemed to be winning.

Probably you have never noticed that whereas
in the First Dozen there are five numbers Red
and Impair, in the Middle Dozen there are only
three, and in the Last Dozen only two. It is
the same with Black and Pair : in the First
Dozen there are five of them, in the middle
three, and in the last only two. With this
knowledge we can frame an amusing little

If you fancy the Red side of the table you
put one piece on Red, one piece on Impair,
one on the First Dozen, and one on either the
Transversale 19 to 24, or 22 to 27. The result
of this will be that the worst that can happen to
you is a loss of four pieces, and this can only
occur when one of two numbers appears.

On the other hand, if one of the Red numbers
of your Transversale appears, you can win six
pieces, and as there are three of them, you may
reasonably hope to win six pieces once in every
twelve spins, whereas you ought not to lose all
four of your pieces more than once in eighteen

This system can be played with a capital of
twenty pieces, but I think the player should
move from table to table as soon as he is a
winner of ten pieces at any one of them.

If the player prefers Black and Pair, the
stakes on the First Dozen and Transversale
are the same, and the results will be precisely
similar. There will be three numbers on which
he can win six pieces, and only two on which
he can lose as much as four.

Perhaps I ought to point out that mathemati-
cally speaking this system is not to be recom-
mended, on the principle that the more numbers
you cover, the bigger the advantage you allow
the Bank to have over you. If you stake in
the manner described above, their advantage
will be about eight per cent, whereas if you
were content to stick to the even chances it
would only be about one and one-third per

In spite of this, however, the system is
amusing, and should bring you to very little
harm, unless you have exceptionally bad luck.

Author: V.B.
General Discussion / Re: Roulette Forums
December 09, 2012, 06:27:55 PM
What is the link to the Roulette 30 forum?

I search in the main website and I can not find a forum.

Thank you.
I wish to have the ability that you have at your age.

This is greatly appreciated.
Bayes' ware / Re: Colour coded tracker
December 09, 2012, 06:19:47 PM
Thanks for the program.
General Discussion / Thank a programmer today
December 09, 2012, 06:17:38 PM
Thank a programmer today. Many of them give their time generously to carry out a program and only hope for our thanks and appreciation.

Thanks to: Opis, Gizmotron, Bayes, Ralph, Victor, Stepkevh, Normy2000.

I have tried to create programs in the past. I know how hard it can be for something to be programmed. Sometimes you do not know what that entails a simple box with a few buttons. These generous people please receive my admiration.
Online Casinos / Are roulette bots illegal?
December 09, 2012, 05:46:42 PM
Wow, it is true that a roulette bot is illegal? I did not know.

It seems rather that casinos prefer that players keep playing on autopilot. It is expected the players will lose in the final balance. what is the difference if it is a hand or if it is a program that puts the chips.

Can anyone shed light on this? Are there cases of people who have been punished for using the bots on their real money account.

Thank you.
Thank you for posting the tracking software here.

It is appreciated.
Thank you for your generosity.
General Discussion / Re: At least one (1) post a month
December 08, 2012, 08:56:20 PM
I am not worried to post a message in a month to get every message.

The question is: does only one message per month grant access to the private sections and payment software?

Thank you.
General Discussion / This forum is better than a book
December 08, 2012, 08:39:03 PM
This forum is better than a book in my opinion.

Some messages can match the gaming authors formally published.

Not to mention the kindness of the benefit of programmers and interactive feedback.

Just wanted to say go ahead. Although many do not say yes is appreciated.