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Messages - warrior

General Discussion / Re: THE FLAW OF RO- LET
September 21, 2015, 12:32:59 AM
The wins are good but not enough to get Rich. The 3 loss I had was a joke ,not even to put a dent in my method. But thanks for your inquiry .

General Discussion / Re: THE FLAW OF RO- LET
September 20, 2015, 11:30:07 PM
Why stop .I have everything I need  . It just got boring.
General Discussion / THE FLAW OF RO- LET
September 20, 2015, 09:41:04 PM
I have not been in a casino for six months. I am retired ,then one day a buddy would not stop pestering  me  to go so I agreed ,my wife just shook her head , anyway he wanted to show me this new system ,and I said to him there is not much yo can show me that I haven't seen. Anyway itwas disastrous he will never learn he lost all profit that was made prior sessions. It does matter how many times I gave him ways to beat the game, some people will never listen. I said to him before I stopped playing I was at 461 game to 3 losses .He thought I was shitting him. So I showed him my profit before he even got there.and I gave him a demo after he lost ,and still no ? On how I'm getting to the wins. Oh well the game has a flaw . People  have flaws when playing the game .
Roulette Forum / Re: Law of the third stats
December 13, 2014, 01:32:30 PM
Quote from: sqzbox on December 13, 2014, 09:29:14 AM
As I clearly stated Al, bear in mind that the answer to this question will be probabilistic, not "absolute". And I was merely presenting the mathematical truth.

People are endlessly creative and given this truth who knows what they may come up with? You have made an assumption that the only possible strategy that derives from this relates to, in your own words, "which one will hit in which order" and so you have failed to acknowledge the endless other possibilities. This is short-sighted in the extreme.

Never underestimate the power of human creativity and I would suggest to you that you should not insult the intelligence of the good folk who congregate here. Some are beginners looking for advice it is true, and some are extremely experienced and knowledgeable and, in my opinion, it would be unwise, not to mention insulting, to treat them in so condescending a manner.

A good strategy is not about guessing the next number to come out - this is fruitless as the maths of probability shows.  But it is not unreasonable to work on constructing a more sophisticated game strategy which is based around playing the statistical necessities that must be obeyed over a series. Roulette is a closed game in the sense that there are only 37 possibilities and all 37 exist each and every spin, and so over a series, since only these possibilities exist, if a distortion happens in a certain way then there is a consequential distortion elsewhere.

I'm not going to go into detail here as I do not want to limit or steer in any particular direction, people's thought processes, but consider for example if after 24 spins you have seen only 12 "shows", what do you think is likely to happen in the next 14 spins (making up a cycle of 38)?

Here's another example - what do think is most likely going to happen in the next 14 spins if, after the aforementioned 24 spins, you have 20 unique "shows" and these are imbalanced by 8 blacks and 12 reds?

There are endless possibilities.  Let people do what they must, which is to "create". Such is our nature and I can assure you that your attempt to shut them down by expounding your own particular version of the "truth" is fruitless - thank goodness!

This is what I tried to do on The other forum I gave them something and let them create. I got called a scammer by Iggiv and Steve the owner of the forum ,and all because I liked what one person from years ago had to say about roulette ,and used some saying which lead me to finding something that works.in the game . They ban me  for getting heated up but when you look at who started the heat that would be the moderator  and I get crucified . So Al let people do what the they want with the  info that's givien to them on FORUMS. There is no harm done .as far as I m concerned I will not share anything on forums again. Being Creative is all we have .

General Discussion / Re: Real play
December 11, 2014, 03:17:06 PM
If there is a system that you knew you would always win .
Well if I had one I would not share it.  Why you ask because it would get so watered down , people on forums would just move on to the next way and the next way they wouldn't even know the HG was right in front of them. It's just the way public forums work .anyway happy finding. I don't want to say to much I might get booted out of this forum . My 7 day ban went to life in prison ha ha.
General Discussion / Real play
December 10, 2014, 12:43:57 PM
Real play in live casino is only for the elite because there are so many distraction and if you don't have a solid method and discipline to stay focus then play on line but those places are not to be trusted. Testing is important but don't be a slave to it because real play is where it's at. I just came back from my favorite place Las Vegas love there this place is like getting into a real cage a get ready for a fight, even with a strong method one should take care . All though I have Casinos  10 mins away from where I live but Vegas is where it at. Happy winnings everyone.
Dozen/Column / Re: Follow the wheel dozens roulette
November 11, 2014, 01:49:42 PM
Quote from: Carlitos on November 11, 2014, 11:38:43 AM
... there is an selection on the wheel that one can use for betting dozens..... it gives sometimes an pretty nice ride..... look at the numbers of the dozens and look were the ball is hitting on the wheel then play that selection of dozens.

Usualy play 2 dozens at the same time.

For example, when hitting the section from number 29 to 32, one can play dozen 1 and 3.
Same as for number 25 to 8, with exception of 2 numbers 17 and 13.

From number 23 to 18 one can play dozen 1 and 2, with exception of 2 numbers 31 and 33.
... and an little section from number 15 to 2, dozen 1 and 2.

Carlitos  8)

I will save you time I have tried this years ago no difference to any 2.you need a bet that is going to take advantage of repeats and new numbers with in as set cycle. Have a good day,
General Discussion / Re: Ronjos Climb
November 05, 2014, 04:08:05 AM
Where did he disappear to.[smiley]aes/cry.png[/smiley]
Are you playing one chance at a time,can you show ex.with real #
Methods' results / Re: 122 method ...
September 09, 2014, 11:07:49 PM
This method is a grind but it works ,while waiting for the system to lose 3 in a row I reversed it and when 3 wins in a row came I would bet the same instead of the opposite.and when the 3 Ls would appear I would do the opposite I think you would get more betting opportunity in .and if there would be an idea for when you get 3 chops ,this would be good but I don't have one for this. What do you think Sputnik ?
Methods' results / Re: 122 method ...
September 08, 2014, 05:01:23 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on September 08, 2014, 02:32:08 PM
Cool that it help you.
Did you use it as recovery after some heavy loses?


Yes that's exactly what I did  :thumbsup:
Methods' results / Re: 122 method ...
September 07, 2014, 09:06:54 PM
]This  one saved me today thanks mr Sputnik :thumbsup:
Street / Re: Simple Street System
August 27, 2014, 02:50:30 AM
Quote from: muggins on May 25, 2014, 12:46:22 PM
As requested here is a very very simple street system that I have been experimenting with which I originally posted on Betforum.cc:

Record spins in multiples of 5 until you get 1 street or more that has hit twice WITHIN the a five spin cycle.

Place 1 unit on any street that has hit twice or more within the last 5 spins (must be within the last 5 spins) for the next 5 spins, BUT remove all bets anytime within the next 5 spins when a Bank Roll high is  achieved, but continue to record the streets hit for the completion of the 5 spins.

If no hits during the five spins, increase stake by 1 unit on any multiple hit streets for the next 5 spins.

Basically we are playing in 5 spin cycles betting on hot streets from the previous 5 spins and increasing stakes if we don't get a hit within any 5 spins.

1 (S1)
11 (S4)
12 (S4)

21 (S7)
26 (S9)

Street 4 repeats so we bet on it for next 5 spins or until it hits if it is the first betting cycle.

Sometimes you won't get any repeats within 5 spins, keep doing 5 spin cycles until you do.

In my trials I have found that it makes about 50 units per 100 spins with very few misses.  The most units I have had to bet per spin is 6 per street. I have tested about 10,000 spins so far with live spin data.

Here is a graph of a 300 spin session based on live recorded spins.  I have a lot more similar graphs and a few that lose, but the losers have been rare so far.

Playing live it took me 1750 spins in 8 sessions to double my 1000 unit BR:

Session 1 365 spins 205 units
Session 2 200 spins 176 units
Session 3 280 spins 109 units
Session 4 215 spins 128 units
Session 5 160 spins 133 units
Session 6 260 Spins 128 units
Session 7 120 Spins 56 units
Session 8 150 Spins 104 units

Total spins 1750 for 1039 units return.

So far I have been pretty lucky, although there have been a few large drawdowns, they mostly seem to occur at the beginning of the session.   For the last week I haven't had time to play, so my BR has not altered.  :)   Most likely this has been beginners luck.
Can you use lines for this method with the same results?

Dozen/Column / Re: Is this unusual?
August 18, 2014, 09:52:54 PM
I have only seen 10 in a row 1 st dozen in the last 11 years .
Mike what ever happen  with this.