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How to set the win target in the bot!

Started by Ralph, December 10, 2012, 04:59:50 PM

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The GUI in the bot is simple,and will be changed later.  To set the win target so the bot stops when reach it, you must have less than 100.00 in the game account, and the win target and the game account can not be more than 100.00 together. You can play with other sums, but the bot can not read the balance.

When you have less tha 100.00 in the game account, you should see the same amount in the left minor textfield (explained and shown in Sams video).
To the right of the field showing the game account value you add the wintarget to the balance. If you have 20.00 in the balance and want 2.00 as win target, you type 22.00 (do not forget the decimals) in the textfield to the rigth. that's all. The boot will stop at the target.

You should have dowload and use the updated version, as some computers will stop on the second spin after reaching the target in the first and now old version.

Watch the video if you have not!  http://betselection.cc/ralph's-bot/the-bot-is-out-for-testing-10-testers/
It would save you some problem.