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Started by esoito, August 05, 2014, 12:12:10 AM

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Some of you might find this interesting, especially as it offers a trial:


If the comments on the right hand panel are genuine then the software could be worth considering.

A trial would certainly help you make up your own mind about the veracity of the comments.

[Disclaimer: the software is not mine, I don't know the programmer, and I have no financial interest it.]


I can assure you all the comments are genuine. However, I can see some of the statements are made by gamblers who unlike me they keep going whereas I stop after making a profit. But I can't argue with my customers.

As all the systems are in the book "The Winning Rules" (see http://roulettekeygold.com/book.html ) and some are explained on the systems page http://roulettekeygold.com/systems.html. Unlike most systems these are nearly all played for level stakes, though they may increase on a win!

As I'll happily explain any system before you subscribe to the software,  you don't even need to use the software to test the systems but as I have spent ages writing it I'd rather you did !


Aha -- The Man himself! Welcome to the forum.

Perhaps we can use this thread for questions and answers.

Hopefully some will take a trial and we look forward to any feedback they might perhaps care to offer.

Level stakes...that should stimulate interest.


OK. I've a question.

Just been watching some of your videos.

In one of them you were extolling the virtues of RNG in terms of being able to take your time placing bets.

Yet using RNG is a vexed issue on various forums. Opinions range from "the software is rigged" to "I've had no problems".

But there is a considerable body of anecdotal evidence to suggest rigging takes place. 

Plus pretty clear confirmation from a casino software provider is provided here:


So part from the 'taking your time' factor why do you favour RNGs?


It's always good to see the author of Roulette Key Gold on the forum to answer questions.

I will offer myself up for the trial of Roulette Key Gold and I'll give you all a full report of the software.


I have sent the author an email because the Download option on the website is not working.
I'll let you all know when I start with the trial.




It's refreshing to see a gambling web site where the author tells it like it is. No misleading hype - just the plain truth. Good job!


While the Download form on the Roulette Key Gold website does not work, the download form on winningrouletteplayer.com does.

I have filled in the details on that form and for now I'll be waiting for the download link to arrive on my e-mail so I can start the testing.

Looking at the website winningrouletteplayer.com I have to say that I do like the website.

There's no sales blurb to be found. Everything is detailed clearly, no statements of always winning at roulette. It's like Mike already said, it's very refreshing to find a website that is not full of sales blurb but actually honest about what u can expect.

I'll report back when I start the trial of the software.


Here's what it says about RNG at Winningrouletteplayer.com:

I've given up trying to beat the RNG casinos and use them only for practice because they are faster (However, some customers succesfully use them).


I'll check on the download situation thanks for telling me.

I've just sent you the download details apologies for the delay I'm responding manually as I got so much rubbish when it was automatic.

I wrote that bit on giving up at RNG a long time ago. I do use them but not for long periods.

One problem with the trial is people expect it to work without learning the different systems to counteract this I've been working on instructions well I've been rewriting the book The Winning Rules and today 6th August its on Amazon as an ebook please search "Online Roulette: The Winning Rules" .
This includes links to videos for every system, so it's essentially a text book and sales tool for RouletteKeyGold.

Due to the Amazon payment system I'm having to sell it cheaper than I'd like at just £5.15 instead of £10.00
I'll also have it as a pdf soon.


Yes you can take your time placing bets on RNG.
But recently I've been using the neighbours buttons which help me get bets on in time at live casinos.

If I can play live I do but I know if I start I may be on for an hour or two but at RNG I can be in and out in a few minutes and I have got a life to live!

I have a couple of clients who have been playing RNG for years.
Both are pensioners and use it to supplement their income. But they are realistic and don't expect fantastic winnings every time they play.
One of these gentlemen swears the practice tables are rigged so you always win and the real ones are well 'real'. I honestly don't know.

I had an email from a chap yesterday he'd made 14% of his bank in 20 minutes. He should have stopped then , did he? Of course not, he went on to try something else and lost most of his winnings. But we've all been there haven't we?


I can confirm that I have received the e-mails on my account.

I have also bought the book on Amazon.
I want to give everybody the best test that I can give.
I will read the book first for the instructions and then I'll give Roulette Key Gold a try.


I have started the test of Roulette Key Gold.
The way I am playing it is waiting for the hint of Roulette Key Gold to come up and play the hint that comes up.
The first tests so far are positive.
1 thing that I am trying to find out is if this program has a reset option to reset all the numbers that I have filled in so far.

I personally like to switch tables at DB when I earn a few units and continue on another table.
But RKG doesn't seem to have a reset option where I can click on to reset all numbers.

Test will continue.


You can only reset the 'finals' , the sixes (the yellow bar) and neighbours.
As there are about 20 variables per number it's too difficult to reset everything. It's easier to start again.

To reset finals its Alt-Right Click, the six bar is Ctrl Right Click on the finals counter.
The neighbours is just right click on the white bar. The yellow number to the left of that is the longest uninterupted set of neighbours you are alerted when its 12 and has slept 9 times.

The totals shown on each system reset when its used again.

But you can keep copies of the program in different directories for different tables/casinos .

By the way if you right click on the right hand column the history is copied to the clipboard, it can the be pasted into Word or Excel (but not Notepad)

The hint button really turns on intelligent guesses it sometimes helps like its meant to but I can find it annoying.

Also I've set the default alerts quite low so use with care. Though the 9 on neighbouring dozens seems quite good so far but it could probably go up to 10.

I think the important thing is to get to know each system individually, it will take time but will be worth it.

I'll send you a copy of the original book so you can see what I've edited out.


1st test for today completed.

Ended up with around +80 units.

I strongly recommend everyone interested in this to buy the book on Amazon.
The information that is in the book is very useful to start with. It gives u instructions on how to use every system in RKG.
Also the information that is in the book is clearly explained.


The reasons I drew this product to the forum's attention were threefold.

Firstly, the site lacks the 'normal' sales hyperbole, exaggerations and general BS. So refreshing. (I was glad to see others noticed that, too.)

Secondly, I thought that if the comments from users were genuine then this software is well worth a close look. (The author has since confirmed they are genuine.)

And thirdly, watching some of the videos confirmed that here is a product to be taken seriously.

Congratulations to SamNL for the transparent and methodical way he is approaching the testing.  (He's had a good start so the next round is on him  :beer: )

And also to the author, Peter, for his helpful responses, and for enlightenment about the RNG question I posed earlier.

[As an aside, I didn't realize there is a second site, as Sam pointed out. Bit confusing for a country boy like me...Why two? Perhaps one has basically replaced the other?]