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Started by esoito, August 05, 2014, 12:12:10 AM

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Quote from: Mathemagician on August 06, 2014, 04:50:35 PM
I had an email from a chap yesterday he'd made 14% of his bank in 20 minutes. He should have stopped then , did he? Of course not, he went on to try something else and lost most of his winnings. But we've all been there haven't we?
Peter - very simple words.  But too difficult to put to use right? After all Patience and discipline pays.
Giant leap is formed of baby steps.


The fact is most players win early on and go on to lose, it's how casinos work
I say if you have a target of 4 - 10%, stop when you reach it, it is difficult I know and few of us can do it.

Similarly, one should have a stop loss, which will vary according to the system used. But the minimum is around 40 and this must be a fraction of the bank.

Here is a quote from  the original Winning Rules ..(1905)"With regard to the very small minority of players who win at MONTE CARLO, they usually lose their winnings back again in an incredibly short space of time. For instance, one afternoon last summer I was at MONTE CARLO, and suddenly a great hubbub was raised in the rooms. An American had just won 160,000 francs (£6,400). In less than an hour afterwards, a similar commotion again occurred: "he had lost it all back again".



Whilst I agree that most casino punters do give it all back, the solution cannot be merely "quit while you're ahead". If it were, a huge number of otherwise undisciplined punters would have "converted" immediately, having realized the error of their ways, and the casinos would have gone out of business many moons ago.

That's apart from all the mathematical considerations, of course. Having said that, I do like your website, and I'm not entirely unconvinced that there isn't some merit in diversifying, ie; employing a number of diverse systems in a playing session.


Hello Peter
its nice you answer directly on forum

you say stop after" 4 or 10 %" or "stop loss"

this is ok for short term playing
im talking about long term play
if one goes on casino every day one year 2 years ?
all those small session at the end ut will be a kifd of long run and there is a big
probability they loss all bankrol
and so  stop loss or 4 10% is not effective at ll

as you are the owner of those system
can you please tell us if you have real data
on one of your best system

number of spin play .?
evolution on capital ?


(you says  that some of your customer play regulary and they win ??but not for buying a porshe !!!?
this not enough for a serious system


best from France
roulette fan since 1974


A country boy! so am I if living and working around Dartmoor qualifies me!

Sorry about the confusion over winningrouletteplayer.com and RouletteKeyGold.com.

The latter seemed a good idea to register  after I'd renamed and rewritten the program.

I still own both and downloads are not available anywhere else.
If anybody finds a working download let me know and I'll take action and reward them with a free legitimate copy!
Yes I suppose Roulette Key Gold is replacing winningrouletteplayer.com but google has been sending people to winningrouletteplayer for some time so I have to be careful

I used to include progressive staking albeit with insurance and ghost bets and the program did well but a few odd things happened i.e a single dozen turning up 15 times in a row. You know the sort of thing. It puts you off RNG but then again I've seen red turn up 16 times in a Leeds casino.

Now I've developed the software with the help of feedback from users I've turned off progressive staking (except for the ex-croupier system) and try to concentrate on level stakes which is working well.


I admit I'm not a full time gambler, I find it boring, but I am a qualified Maths & IT Tutor and I've always had an interest.

I can earn more writing programs for businesses and I'd rather do that.
I get to the 'nitty gritty' of a business and compile a program accordingly, if anyone has something in mind ask me so far I've done retail, event management, cardboard box costing , metal plating to name but a few. I'm not an expert in any but if I can understand what's needed and how its arrived at and it's a logical process I can write a program. 

The inescapable fact, and the only one I guarantee "is that the longer you play the more likely you are to lose!" Oddly enough nobody has disputed this!

If one is playing for large stakes say £10 a unit a win of 20 units is a substantial amount. But if one plays for 10p it's nothing but entertainment.

Most people will find a level they are happy at be it 50p/c or £1/$ or whatever they are comfortable with.

Having said that its quite easy for most of us to win a handful of units and we frequently do early on in a session the more well off can afford to stop but the less well off will carry on. It's not a game for widows and orphans ! Capital is King !

Early on in my programming some clients played for hundreds of spins and still do my program alerts them to which numbers have slept 111 , 185 spins etc. Ok they don't earn a fortune but they do make regular winnings to supplement their pensions. They have gambling banks of between £1,000 and £2,000 and I believe stake £1 units. Reading between the lines probably 25% of their bank is with a casino at any one time.

I play most systems for no more than 40 spins in fact that's the number specified.

I can tell you if you spin the wheel the number it gives, in 50% of cases will be repeated at least once within 37 spins.

As for real data there is a lot in the original book of which all my customers have a copy

I'm not going to get into the Maths of it, it only confuses the five out of three people who can't do fractions but  I know 4% a day compounds to 120% a month or 1440% a year

I don't say I'm offering anything new only the facility to use old systems on a computer.
I'm selling my programming skills.
There's enough people selling 'new' systems but can you believe them all?


Your posts are quite refreshing. Thank you very much for participating here. Good luck with your venture.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.



Your software is subscription-based. 

Now, not everyone likes the sort of dependency that creates. Nor do they like having to keep putting one hand their pocket every time renewal is due.

Have you considered also offering a standalone, pay-and-buy version, perhaps with fewer systems on offer?

You'd pick up customers you might otherwise miss out on.


Quote from: esoito on August 10, 2014, 12:05:24 AM
Your software is subscription-based. 

Have you considered also offering a standalone, pay-and-buy version, perhaps with fewer systems on offer?

Pretty smart your annual subscription plan. New users burn in less than a year of losses for sure. The first year is a definitive year. Good choice of yearly term to secure the money. Those left to renovate are the few who win during the year and those who are already addicted.

My only other suggestion would be to sell each system separately so that the subscription becomes increasingly beneficial compared to spending in many. In this way you can offer the option of subscription saving by comparison.

Also, users who are frightened by the annual subscription of £ 50.00 GBP, will be captured in mass with individual systems that otherwise they would not buy.

Hurry to make sales before my prediction comes true.

say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


I decided on the Annual Subscription as I can keep every subscriber up to date with the latest copy. Nobody has an old copy any improvements are passed on to every subscriber

Obviously I'd like 1000 subscribers at £50.00 p.a and if ever get there I'll have to keep everybody happy or my income will dry up.

To sell each system separately would only work on paper I don't fancy doing a program for each. Also there's little if anything new in a game that's been around for hundreds of years  and I don't want to sell rehashed old systems, there's plenty of people doing that already!

What I'm selling is my skill in programming. I don't make any promises as every customer is different, it won't suit everyone. I also describe every system before anyone subscribes so I like to think I'm not selling but customers are buying.

They could learn every system from my website, youtube, books (preferably mine) etc. But if they haven't a super power memory they could use my program.

I don't believe decent software will ever be free there are free alternatives to Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop etc but Microsoft and Adobe both now sell on subscription.

Many free Roulette Program are designed to gain commissions from Casinos, the sellers don't care if the buyer wins or not in fact I believe they can get paid according to what his customers lose.

I also write other programs for small businesses and naturally must be paid for my time. However, I always give a free trial. Gamblers are in effect running their own businesses so to me its like supplying a business and if I can I'll add their particular requirements often for no charge.


I seem to be having trouble with the download page at RouletteKeyGold.com in the meantime please use
or just send me your email for a free trial



I've just completed a series of 17 tests at an RNG casino.
Granted some odd things happened particularly on Day 16 (http://www.roulettekeygold.com/videos/Day16/) when every time I bet on Red I got Black and vice versa. (but I would have won if I'd have opposed the bank)    but in the end I did come out on top 111% up in fact
see http://roulettekeygold.com/latest.html


Hello Peter,

I was just looking at the first few pages of your book on amazon, and I'm a bit puzzled:

QuoteSceptics will tell you every spin is independent of what's happened before.
This isn't true, a ball has landed on red 28 times it has never landed 29
times. So much for each spin being a singular event!

I'm not sure what you mean by this.   ???
A small error in the principles is large in the conclusions.