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Pandora's Box

Started by Blue_Angel, February 25, 2016, 12:58:25 AM

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What I'm about to present you crosses the boundaries of conventional thinking.
That's why requires a willingness to learn and achieve what have never been done before.

So if you feel that you already know enough and nothing new could fit in your brain together with what you already know, you may leave now, it would be better for all of us.

The "Pandora's Box" is an original and unique way to provide you an insight of the roulette number procedure.
What it seems random could be just a deception...
Random seems only when there is a gap of missing knowledge, this is where "Pandora's Box" comes, to fill your gap and make you see roulette from a new astounding angle!

My next post will provide you an analytic description and instructions.
Warning, this is not for beginners and "narrow minds".
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


The first thing you have to do is grab a paper and design a diagram as the one I've attached but without the numbers.

I'm using Pascal's triangles in order to calculate distances from one point (number) to the next.
For a better understanding I'm going to share with you a few examples.
You may always ask your questions if something is not clear.

Let's say we have the following results:

1, 24, 26, 14, 35

Number 1 is at position 23, the next number is 24 which is at position 20.
The positions are in CW direction and start counting from twelve o'clock number 0.
The distance between 1 and 24 is 3 pockets or 34 from the long way.

Each pair of numbers has a median number, in this case median is number 19 at position 3.
The median has a direct opposite number which we are going to call it "twin".
The twin of 19 is number 16 at position 21.
So, number 1 was the first number we wrote down and we are going to call it "Ascendant".
24 was the second number and I'm calling it "Descendant".

The number which is always in the middle of the distance is the "Median" and its direct opposite the "Twin".
Now write down the numbers on the diagram,replace the initial letters with the respective number.

Second step is to calculate distances, let's move to the second diagram, the "Diamond".
From the top, move down for lines where 4 cells are.
On the first from the left cell write the CW difference between our Ascendant and Descendant which is 3.
From the bottom, move up four lines where four cells are and write down 34 which is the distance from the other side of the wheel.

Now we have to write down the distance between the median and our pair of numbers which is 17 and 20 pockets.
Write down 17 on the 8th line (from top) of the diamond, on the first left cell and put 20 on the 8th line from the bottom, on the first cell from the right.

Now we have to calculate the distance between the twin number and our pair.
So number 16 is 1 pocket away from 24 and 2 pockets away from number 1.
At the 8th line from bottom,on the first cell from left write 1.
At the 8th line from the top, on the first cell from right write 2.

To be continued...
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


Let's continue where we left of, the next number was 26.

26 is at position 36, 16 pockets cw from the previous number 24.
So new pair is 24 and 26, their median is number 22 at 28th position.
The twin of 22 is number 6 at 10th position.

Let's calculate the distances: from 24 to 26 16 cw and 21 ccw.
Go to 4th line from the top of the diamond,second cell from the left,write down 16.
4th line from the bottom, second cell from the right,write 21.

The median, number 22 has 8 pockets distance from one side and 29 from the other.
Go to 8th line from the top of the diamond diagram,second cell from the left and write 8.
Put 29 on the 8th line from the bottom, on the second cell from the right.
Twin number 6 has 10 pockets distance from number 24 and 11 from number 26.
Go to 8th line from the bottom,second cell from the left and write 10.
Put 11 at the 8th line from the top,second cell from the right.

Continue in this fashion with the next two numbers (14,35)
When you have completed the first line of 4 cells on each and every inner triangle of the diamond, then we could proceed to the calculations.

To be continued...
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


The next number is 14 which is at 25th position, 11 pockets ccw and 26 cw from the previous number 26.
The new pair is and 14, their median is number 13 at 12th position (13 pockets from 26 and 14).
The twin of 13 is number 29 at 30th position (6 pockets from 26 and 5 from 14).

Let's calculate the distances: from number 26 to 14 the distance is 26 pockets cw and 11 ccw.
Go to 4th line from the top of the diamond, third cell from the left and write down 26.
4th line from the bottom, third cell from the right, write 11.
The median, number 13 has 13 pockets distance from one side and 24 from the other.
Go to 8th line from the top of the diamond diagram, third cell from the left and write 13.Put 24 on the 8th line from the bottom, on the third cell from the right.

Twin number 29 has 6 pockets distance from number 26 and 5 from number 14.
Go to 8th line from the bottom, third cell from the left and write 6.
Put 5 at the 8th line from the top, third cell from the right.

The final number, before we begin the calculations, is 35 which stands at 34th position and has 9 pockets cw distance and 28 ccw from number 14.
Their median is 27 at 11th position which splits in half the 28 pockets difference, thus 14 pockets from 35 and 14.
The twin of 27 is 18 (18 pockets away always), 18 is standing at the 29th pocket of the wheel and has 4 pockets distance from number 14 and 5 from 35.
Go to 4th line from the top of the diamond diagram, fourth cell from the left and write 9.
Put 28 on the 4th line from the bottom, on the fourth cell from the right.At 8th line from the top, fourth cell from the left write 14.
Put 23 at the 8th line from the bottom, fourth cell from the right.

Go to 8th line from the bottom, fourth cell from the left and write 4.
Put 5 at the 8th line from the top, fourth cell from the right.

Now we have completed the counting and we may proceed with the calculations.
Let's begin with the top triangle (green) inside the diamond.

To be continued...
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


Let's continue with the calculations:

So now we have 6 inner triangles inside the diamond which we have filled their base line of four cells each.

The top triangle (green) has: 3,16,26,9 make the following calculations, divide 16 by 2 and add the sum to 3, so on the cell exactly below numbers 3 and 16 you write 11 (3+8).
Divide 26 by 2 and add 8, write 21 (8+13) at the cell beneath 16 and 26.
Add 13 to 9 and we have 22, write below 26,9.

3   16   26   9
   11  21   22

Resplit 21 and add the sum  to 11, thus 21.5 (10.5+11) write it on the cell beneath numbers 11 and 21.
Add 10.5 to 22 and write 32.5 to the cell below 21,22.

3     16     26     9
   11    21     22
     21.5  32.5
Finally add the two last sums, 21.5 + 32.5 = 54

3     16     26     9
   11    21     22
     21.5  32.5
54 is the total of the four baseline numbers, if one or more numbers divides completely the total then that is what we are looking for.
There are two numbers which fit this case, number 3 divides 54 to a whole number 18.
The next is 9 which divides 54 to 6.

Let's see the triangle which is placed at 4th line from bottom.
Its baseline numbers are:
28     11      21      34

Same as before divide 11 by 2, add 5.5 to 28, write 33.5 (5.5+28) to the cell below.
Split 21 and add the sum to 5.5 write 16 (10.5+5.5) below.
Add 10.5 to 34, write 44.5 below.

28     11      21      34
   33.5    16     44.5
       41.5   52.5
In this case there is no number which can equally divide the total of 94, move on.

Next triangle left side, 8th line from the top, contains the numbers:

17     8     13     14
   21   10.5   20.5
     26.25  25.75
In this case there is only one,this is 13 which divides 52 to 4.

Next triangle on the right side, 8th line from bottom:
23      24      29       20
     35    26.5    34.5
       48.25   47.75
In this case there is only one, this is 24 which divides 96 to 4.

Next triangle is on the left, 8th line from bottom:
6     5     10     1
  8.5   7.5     6
    12.25  9.75
In this case is 1 which divides 22 in 22.

Next triangle is on the right, 8th line from top:
4     5      11      2
  6.5    8      7.5
    10.5  11.5
Here there are two numbers,first is 11 which divides 22 in 2 and 2 which divides 22 in 11.

From all triangles we gathered: 2, 4, 6, 11, 18 and 22, a total of 6 numbers but these are not the actual numbers to bet, these are the distance from the last reference set.
The last reference set includes the numbers 14 Ascendant, 35 Descendant, 27 Median and 18 Twin.
The tricky part is to assign on each reference number only 1 of the 6 sums we have calculated from the triangles.
The problem is that you could easily confuse which goes where!
The more simple way to proceed now is to assign all 6 distances to each and every reference number, therefore 4 multiplied by 6 makes 24 numbers to bet.

From ascendant number 14 count 2 pockets cw or ccw (depends on the direction the machine or croupier shoots the ball) and bet this number.
For example if croupier was to spin the ball towards cw direction, you should bet 9, in ccw direction bet number 1.
Count 4 pockets away from 14 and you find number 18 for cw direction or 16 for ccw.
Count 6 pockets away from 14 and you find number 7 for cw direction or 5 for ccw.
Count 11 pockets away from 14 and you find number 26 for cw direction or 11 for ccw.
Count 18 pockets away from 14 and you find number 2 for cw direction or 25 for ccw.
Count 22 pockets away from 14 and you find number 6 for cw direction or 19 for ccw.

Count 2 pockets away from 35 and you find number 26 for cw direction or 28 for ccw.
Count 4 pockets away from 35 and you find number 32 for cw direction or 29 for ccw.
Count 6 pockets away from 35 and you find number 19 for cw direction or 22 for ccw.
Count 11 pockets away from 35 and you find number 25 for cw direction or 1 for ccw.
Count 18 pockets away from 35 and you find number 30 for cw direction or 8 for ccw.
Count 22 pockets away from 35 and you find number 5 for cw direction or 13 for ccw.

Count 2 pockets away from 27 and you find number 36 for cw direction or 34 for ccw.
Count 4 pockets away from 27 and you find number 30 for cw direction or 25 for ccw.
Count 6 pockets away from 27 and you find number 23 for cw direction or 21 for ccw.
Count 11 pockets away from 27 and you find number 33 for cw direction or 0 for ccw.
Count 18 pockets away from 27 and you find number 18 for cw direction or 29 for ccw.
Count 22 pockets away from 27 and you find number 12 for cw direction or 31 for ccw.

Count 2 pockets away from 18 and you find number 7 for cw direction or 9 for ccw.
Count 4 pockets away from 18 and you find number 12 for cw direction or 14 for ccw.
Count 6 pockets away from 18 and you find number 3 for cw direction or 1 for ccw.
Count 11 pockets away from 18 and you find number 19 for cw direction or 10 for ccw.
Count 18 pockets away from 18 and you find number 6 for cw direction or 27 for ccw.
Count 22 pockets away from 18 and you find number 11 for cw direction or 25 for ccw.

To be continued...
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


As you might have understood the principle behind "Pandora's box" is averaging distances and then applying them in a diverse symmetrical manner from the most recent reference points.

I believe roulette is a microcosmos of the real world, a reflection of our life which is mostly diverse and paradoxically achieves balances through unbalances.

Roulette is like a mirror which everyone sees different things...sees him/herself!
By trying to learn the secrets of roulette, I gained a deeper understanding for myself...
By learning the value of a loss, I became a winner.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal