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Ten Advices to a VRTech pilot when choosing and playing a table.

Started by TheMagician, July 21, 2018, 08:59:58 PM

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1 - Make a couple of test sessions, before RM play,  to see how your platform performs against the wheel. Do not fool yourself. If the test data are bad it means the wheel is probably rigged in some way; either by RRS tech in combination with RNG (in which case you will see the ball make strange bounces now and then).

2 - Bet window - Perhaps the most important weapon the Casino has after its main weapon, the feared payout edge of -2,70% (SZ wheels) against the gambler on any given bet. In my eyes, knowing my platforms, I do consider a sufficient bet window the most important edge, and the lack of it,  the greatest cause for your loss. Edgewise it could be classified as an EI-effect that the house uses to terrorize the mind of the gambler as to eventually make erratic decisions and lose, preferably all his capital.

A good way to test the betting window in a session is to first play the session, and then afterward REPLAY it with a good time of at least 40 sec between every spin. You should notice a clear difference in your choice of bet points depending on how the values look now in a calmer light compared to the stress the casino tried to impose on you during the game. Here you will see that perhaps a 13U bet was much better than a 77U bet in a situation, but you did the latter because u didn't have time to analyze the strongest bet point.

3- Auto-roulette is ok to play and sometimes can be of preference before live dealer tables that might have too long and uneven bet windows. If you choose auto roulette, choose one of minimum 30 seconds BW but preferably 45 sec BW. If you choose live dealer tables (studio) the same bet window is to be chosen. Live Dealer with gamblers in a grand salon, is good but choose the right time of day, or lower your target expectations in terms of unit profit.

4- Our latest platforms apply 13U or 7+7U bets which means it is of great advantage to choosing a casino, and table, where you can set such a sector bet. Older smaller casinos still have 5+5U sector bets
which means you have to bet the other ones on the table, one by one. With constrained bet window, this means sometimes you might miss the opportunity to place that last bet and miss out on a given win.

5- Learn your platform before going into RM. Know its strength and weaknesses. At least in your eyes and handling. This will greatly aid you in future play. A stressed, confused player is never a good thing for the casino account, but certainly most welcome in the eyes of the Casino. Never underestimate the Environmental Interference effects during play. (edited)

6- It is good when you have a streak, but what all advantage players must know, that most gamblers don�t, is that variance is found within all games of chance because of the uncertainty found in the game produced by its physical factors and conditions. That is the law of the uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg�s uncertainty principle. What you observe and interact with, changes in accordance with said law and the given conditions. If you force your will on a thing towards the desired outcome, the uncertainty principle will make this thing to change in a way you cannot fully predict.

Hence a good streak is usually followed by a negative variance, which your platform will show clearly with its graphs.  But not, as many gamblers fool themselves to believe, in EVEN intervals.  The platform may help you wade between Chaotic Intervals, that is chaotic to a human mind but, still, during such times the platform cannot perform miracles. You just have to wait for the variance graph to turn above the Moving Average Line before you start betting again.

7- Never ever play a Variance graph that goes down in a zig-zag pattern. That is the game of death and will blow your stop loss capital. Remember, given enough time the curve turns upward again and it is at that time you make your profit and perhaps reach your target.

8 - Avoid small Casinos you suspect cheating or offer a strange play.   If it is a portal/proxy, avoid the wheels they offer from the specific casinos implementing such game. A day where you found your stop loss capital blown doesn't necessarily mean they cheat. Perhaps you had a bad day and played wrong.  Go back and check such wheels and notify your friends of suspected wheels, but, if possible, provide proof of some kind (video). There are many online casinos that offer a good and fair game, but there are also scammers that destroy the game because of short-sightedness. Fortunately, they are not many in Europ� compared to the rest of the world.

9- Never, ever play CGI based roulette with serious money. Sure, for a small stop loss sum you can challenge their RNG engines but be assured they are set to provide the Casino with good profit and are difficult to control or check by the average player. Basically, they are a Random Number Generator with a roulette image slapped on, there to serve drunk gamblers and "system players" that believe they can extract a good consistent income. If that were the case most Casino, that love these money traps would go bust. But the reality is different.

10- You are playing and making money on roulette. In the years our fine forum has existed we have never seen a time like now when a VRTech pilot can, in a single day make a Thousand units in profit (and in some cases,  way higher). And the latest platform the VR-60 Fulcrum Next Gen produces a profit-return of 1,76 times your bet, with stats so far showing 60-65% win rate on all made bets during an entire session. You do not need to be a mathematical genius to realize what that means in terms of income on a monthly basis.   It is indeed good times for us all and thus I can only say that try to enjoy the game you are challenging with your VRTech platform. Until Digital Pads are allowed at land-based casinos, we VRTech pilots will only be able to use online Casinos.

As much as the game demands discipline, it also requires the ability to enjoy what you do combined with a passion for participating in a game where the mystery of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is teaching you the very mechanics behind the reality of presumed randomness and mathematical chaos.

Best regards,


All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


Quote6- It is good when you have a streak, but what all advantage players must know, that most gamblers don�t, is that variance is found within all games of chance because of the uncertainty found in the game produced by its physical factors and conditions. That is the law of the uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg�s uncertainty principle. What you observe and interact with, changes in accordance with said law and the given conditions. If you force your will on a thing towards the desired outcome, the uncertainty principle will make this thing to change in a way you cannot fully predict.

Just like the guy in the video said, we don't notice the uncertainty principle in our everyday lives, and that includes playing roulette. The uncertainty in roulette arises for other reasons, so don't try to blind members with your BS.  :-*


By your comment, It seems the last behind kicking I gave you, flogging that ignorance of yours that is unable to comprehend even basic quantum physics, still hurts.  Wherever position, momentum, and energy is involved, on any scale, the uncertainty principle is always involved.

Having a certain respect for the new Forum owner I �ll let you post your inept comments on my posts knowing full well, your knowledge base is, as mentioned above, basically non-existent.

All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


Quote from: TheMagician on July 22, 2018, 10:48:01 AM
By your comment, It seems the last behind kicking I gave you, flogging that ignorance of yours that is unable to comprehend even basic quantum physics, still hurts. 

Don't flatter yourself. The only thing I'm interested in is pointing out your BS to members who might fall for it. You are totally clueless. Now p*ss off and try to scam someone else, you low life parasite.


Mike, you seem to have severe mental issues. Seriously, are you feeling well? Any further comments on your behavior, abnormal ignorance, outright lies and slander I leave to the moderator that seem to sleep at the wheel. Signing off here.
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.

Mr J

Quote from: Mike on July 22, 2018, 01:23:54 PM
Don't flatter yourself. The only thing I'm interested in is pointing out your BS to members who might fall for it. You are totally clueless. Now p*ss off and try to scam someone else, you low life parasite.

I agree Mike. Tell it like it is sir.  :cheer:

Without a decent bet selection and the proper roulette experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby. There is no "Auto Re-bet" button in the ACTUAL world of roulette. Its B&M or take up stamp collecting. Don't let my honesty offend you. Haters will always hate. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ((If you're not already a genius, don't bother with roulette. The world needs plenty of ditch diggers))


What should I call you two dummies? Tweedledum and Tweedledee? At least you both present their laughable personalities; Silly, Obnoxious, Nonsensical, Whimsical and of course, Childish.
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


Quote from: TheMagician on July 22, 2018, 10:48:01 AM
Wherever position, momentum, and energy is involved, on any scale, the uncertainty principle is always involved.

The uncertainty principle is always "involved" but quantum effects are not evident or noticeable at the macroscopic level (that means roulette wheels) because Planck's constant is so small. This is really basic quantum physics, which you obviously don't comprehend, butthead.


Quote from: Mike on July 23, 2018, 11:56:41 AM
The uncertainty principle is always "involved" but quantum effects are not evident or noticeable at the macroscopic level (that means roulette wheels) because Planck's constant is so small. This is really basic quantum physics, which you obviously don't comprehend, butthead.

Really, Tweedledum?  Ok, let's look a bit closer on your statement and compare that with the latest research in the said area.

Andreas J. Albrecht (Professor in theoretical physics and Cosmology from Cornell University, presently holding a chair at University of California, lecturing in quantum mechanics, probability and Quantum Theory),  showed from his research in how the Uncertainty principle affected the macroscopic world and especially games of chance, through the influence of quantum uncertainty on the behaviour of colliding water molecules and their influence on the random Brownian motion of neurotransmitters in a complex nervous system.

He proved that the uncertainty in the outcome of something like a simple coin flip was dependant on the activity taking place in the flippers brain neurons, and could as such be accounted for entirely by the amplification of the original quantum fluctuations affecting the water molecules.

What this means, is that quantum uncertainty completely randomizes the coin flipping and that the classical probability for the outcome of a coin flip can be reduced to a Quantum One, as the total probability is always 1.

As the uncertainty of such a macroscopic system increases non-linearly with every water molecule collision, once said uncertainty becomes large enough, its quantum origins become the dominant influence in the outcome, NOT CLASSICAL MECHANICS.

This is what we also can refer to as Strange attractors, i.e complex patterns of behavior in a chaotic system influencing a game of chance, like roulette, or craps, or anything similar dependant on interaction with Brownian motion in molecules and down to their very sub-atomic building blocks.

Prof, Albrecht offered a game of snooker as an excellent macroscopic view on this and demonstrated that it could take no more than eight collisions between balls for quantum uncertainty to dominate the game. He further proved that any random system that is driven or dependant by neural processing,  a gambler flipping a coin, throwing dices (a dealer spinning a roulette wheel), will have an underlying quantum ignorance where Heisenberg's uncertainty principle does influence the macroscopic world.

Now buzz off, or crawl down under that stinking rock of ignorance you usually hide under. We are finished here.  8)
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.




Thus far, I've refrained from launching a  Moderator Rocket because the content is very interesting.

But kindly refrain from the insults and name-calling. It contributes nothing to the debate per se.

Such behaviour not only violates one of the forum's major Rules but it also reflects very badly on the pair of you.

Now  --   let the spirited debate continue... but in a civilised, mature manner, if you please. 

Thank you.



Give it up. Like so much of modern physics these days, Albrecht and Philip's paper is purely mathematical and speculative. Make a few assumptions and simplifications, run the math, and see what you get. Most of the conclusions which result from these assumptions and manipulations aren't even testable in the real world, so in that sense they don't even qualify as science; they are really no more than philosophical opinion.  Furthermore, with respect to that particular piece of "research" :

QuoteThe researchers admit that their example is very simplified and that they would have a hard job tracing the amplification of quantum uncertainties in all familiar contexts, be it rolling dice or picking out a card at random. They also point out that it would only take one counterexample to falsify their idea – a use of classical probabilities that is clearly isolated from the physical, quantum world.
(Physics World article).

There are so many problems with the theory that I don't even know where to start. Probability is, as Einstein correctly believed, a way of quantifying our ignorance. It does not reflect the "inherently random nature of the world as described by quantum mechanics". And ironically, if the uncertainty principle was evident in the macroscopic world as you suggest, predicting the outcome at roulette would be even harder than it is under classical mechanics. Techniques like visual ballistics wouldn't work because the initial conditions would be undermined by the principle!

There is so much nonsense believed in the name of QM, or rather, the misunderstanding of it. It's used to justify all kinds of crazy ideas (such as "reality is mind dependent") and is exploited by charlatans like Deepak Chopra, who are keen to give scientific credence to their scams. Have you ever tried explaining your ideas about roulette and QM in a serious physics forum? You'll be torn to pieces.


Maths is great like that.  Once it's been proven that no method exists to do what you claim, it's not necessary to go through the details of your system to prove that it doesn't work.  You claim that it does something which can be proven impossible, therefore your claim is false. The details don't matter.  I use the names Junket, Junket King, Lugi, Mark Teruya, Rolex, Relex, Rolex Watch, Mark, Eaglite, JohnO & More depending on what day it is and whom I am attempting to be!