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Use Math to beat Roulette/Baccarat

Started by Nickmsi, May 30, 2016, 04:43:02 PM

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Quote from: Nickmsi on August 01, 2016, 05:08:48 PM
BA . . .

In theory it is a great idea to play a 50/50 system with the hopes it will ride the waves of profit/loss so you can take advantage of it.  In reality, Variance does not allow it.

If the results were all chops, RBRBRBRB OR RRBBRRBBRRBB then we could possibly do it.  In reality we also have streaks of wins and streaks of losses.  The attached graph is for betting Red only,  a 50/50 system.  It can take up to 25,000 spins/hands to get bet back to profit,  not practical in this instance.

The VDW tweaks that I am testing, either win or lose, I can't find one that breaks even.

Gizmatron. . . I agree that RNG and the seeding problem might affect results so we have included in the bot,  9 RNG sources to choose from. See attached pic.  Now we can verify results using different RNG sources. 

Vic is squashing a few bugs in the bot today so we will be re-testing 28 tweaks of the VDW system this week and will report the results when known.



But since you know better than that why to bother??

We have a bigger ''fish'' to grill...right Nick?  ;)
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


Hey I can only applaud Nick and others for testing this concept!!!!


Quote from: Nickmsi on August 01, 2016, 05:08:48 PM
BA . . .

In theory it is a great idea to play a 50/50 system with the hopes it will ride the waves of profit/loss so you can take advantage of it.  In reality, Variance does not allow it.

a 50/50 system.  It can take up to 25,000 spins/hands to get bet back to profit,  not practical in this instance.

So if we choose one EC and keep betting it non stop ....it will always get ahead at one point ? (25k probably is rare but sure is possible)


Quote from: Nickmsi on August 01, 2016, 05:08:48 PM

Gizmotron. . . I agree that RNG and the seeding problem might affect results so we have included in the bot,  9 RNG sources to choose from. See attached pic.  Now we can verify results using different RNG sources. 

That's good, It effected our 100 million spin tests.

Add the equivalent of this to your repeat loop

if numSpins mod (500000) = 0 then
  set the randomSeed to random(1000000)
end if

This will change the random seed every 500,000 spins


Hi Denzie . . .

Bayes could better explain this but in my opinion the laws of probability will most likely RTM (Return to Mean) at some point if you continually bet one EC.

However, it may take 100,000 spins or more.

On the other hand, this is random so conceivably the one EC you are betting on may never RTM, it will however RCTM (Return CLOSER to Mean).

That is the problem with random and random systems.  Nothing is for sure, it is all probable.

This is why I prefer Non-Random systems, ie VDW.



Beating any game of chance is   utopia . Resign to a winning  session once  in a  while is reality.


Quote from: NathanDetroit on August 02, 2016, 05:39:28 PM
Beating any game of chance is   utopia . Resign to a winning  session once  in a  while is reality.
There must be some sort of anti-matter world where everyone can't stop winning, all of which gets as sickening as always losing.  People get healthier and richer until they explode, instead of the other way around.


Quote from: NathanDetroit on August 02, 2016, 05:39:28 PM
Beating any game of chance is   utopia . Resign to a winning  session once  in a  while is reality.

So hit and run is your solution?!

I thought after so many years of your experience you would come with something more clever than that.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal



Will the profit/loss single line move toward the ZERO,

[or in Nick's word,
RCTM=return closer to mean???]

or move up after a foreseeable DRAWDOWN.
as the waves of profit /loss single line show up and down,
in a predictable fashion,
as we argue this non random always RTM, or RCTM,
thus the wave must move up, and down, and up down up down,
to rtm, or rctm....

after a CERTAIN fixed amount of bet taken???

100bet taken
1000bet taken


of how to bet.

Let say after we research,millions of,
x spins increment [of nine spins]chart,
we see that the drawdown, and drawup,
never exceed,

say 50units,

and at the end of the CHART,
to never MORE/less, than -+10units,


we wait for the drawup nearing to +50,
or drawdown  near -50u,
then we bet accordingly, having faith,
that the line will RTM, or RCTM,

and move out

after positive.

[just an OVERSIMPLIFIED example]

IF, the END OF the chart show RANDOM result!
random RCTM, and RFFM,
[Return FAR from MEAN]

meaning , it has  random end result,
or fail to RTM, or RCTM,
then we just forget this so called ,
non-random bet.

NON random , bet behavior,
always show,
RTM, or RCTM, with the HE thrown in.
in the end of the chart,
and easily taken advantage of.
by waiting for the PERCEIVED ,
after researched millions charts,
perceived limit of drawup and drawdown.

and perceived value of posibble RTM, or rather RCTM.

just my thought.


Hello All,
Can anyone please tell me what is the (AP) for these nine (9) hands? PPBPBBPBP. Thank you, in advance, very much.


Well you have it as 1-4-7 =  P PB P BB P BP


Thank you very much for helping me out here. I must have missed it badly.  :)


This is where I bet for 123 and 567.


Quote from: Bhumibol on August 07, 2016, 07:06:34 AM
This is where I bet for 123 and 567.
You are correct "from100" is wrong.

If you download the tracker sheet from this thread and enter that sequence, you'll see I'm right.


Thank you, Mark.

I am having a hard time avoiding the terrible two's using this VDW. As we all know, it is inevitable in every shoe, the terrible two is showing up.  Is there any other suggestion to avoid this terrible two? Thank you.