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Use Math to beat Roulette/Baccarat

Started by Nickmsi, May 30, 2016, 04:43:02 PM

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Adulay , If I understand you correctly, we can only use an AP one time. Once it is used, there will never be another opportunity for it to be completed again. 

Garfield, there are only 9 spins in the cycle the first  spins do not get a bet because we need a minimum of 2 spins/hands before we can complete a 3 step AP.  All AP's are 3 steps.

The following is how each spin is bet in each cycle.  We are always trying to complete the same AP for the same spin.  Always Spin # 5 will try to complete 3-4-5 or 1-3-5 AP in every 9 spin cycle.  Spin # 6 of every 9 spin cycle will always try to complete 4-5-6 or 2-4-6 AP.

Spin              AP to be completed on next spin               
1      No Bet as No AP's to be completed on next spin            
2      No Bet as No AP's to be completed on next spin         
3      Bet that Spin 3 will complete a 1-2-3 AP, if not No Bet             
4      Bet that Spin 4 will complete a 2-3-4 AP   , if not No Bet      
5      Bet that Spin 5 will complete a 3-4-5 or a 1-3-5 AP, if not No Bet      
6      Bet that Spin 6 will complete a 4-5-6 or a 2-4-6 AP, if not No Bet   
7      Bet that Spin 7 will complete a 5-6-7  or 1-4-7 or 3-5-7 AP, if not No Bet
8      Bet that Spin 8 will complete a 6-7-8 or 2-5-8 or 4-6-8 AP, if not No Bet
9      Bet that Spin 9 will complete a 7-8-9 or 1-5-9 or 3-6-9 or 5-7-9 AP

If spin 1 is a P then no bet on spin 2 because you cannot complete a 3 step AP

If spin 2 is a P then you now have PP which is the 1-2 of a 1-2-3 AP so you would bet P for Spin 3 to complete the 1-2-3 AP of PPP.


If spin 1 is a B then no bet on spin 2

If spin 2 is a B then you now have BB which is the 1-2 of a 1-2-3 AP so you would bet B for Spin 3 to complete the 1-2-3 AP of BBB.

You bet whichever side has the opportunity to complete the AP.



Quote from: Nickmsi on May 31, 2016, 04:06:01 AM
Adulay , If I understand you correctly, we can only use an AP one time. Once it is used, there will never be another opportunity for it to be completed again. 



  Thanks for the confirmation.

  I've been a bit taken with this mathematical plan and have already put it up against two of my "worst" testing sheets.

  It did quite well and I was kind of surprised.   

  Now that I've worked with this a bit, it is becoming a bit easier and faster to play.

  Right now the only real "problem" area is when the last wager of the series can safely go on either side to win.   I've been declaring that a draw and just restart a new sequence.

  Thanks for taking the time to write this up and explain it.  I even read the theorem!



So the cycle always spin 1-9,10-18 and so on?

So spin 2-10 can't consider as a cycle?
You will never know. Not now, not in this life. You aren't that lucky.


So we always works in 9 spins/hands?
Or after a hit we start fresh?
This is what Pryanka is doing?


Thank you Nick!

What for are the spin numbers on the right side?
We can not use sessions statistic in the end, are the numbers showing us something?


Thanks for the program Nick.

Why continue to 9?when you win 123

is what the theorem says that there may be  2 AP ?  I do not think so
Rien de plus normal, tout est étrange .


Okay. I have some questions :

1. In case of B pppp BBBB. We will win @#4,5 and lose @#6,7,8. In other hand if we count the start of B @#4 as 1, we may get 2 W for the last 2 B.

So how do you determine when re-start the count? After a W? Or after LL? Or how? Please do explain

Thank you

Oh btw result of p B p BB pp B p will get 3 L @5,6,8 and 1W @#9
You will never know. Not now, not in this life. You aren't that lucky.


Okay. First some live report.

p B p BB pp B p will give 3 L(5,6,8) and 1 W (9).

Also I have some contradiction when playing live. Result B pppp BBBB. Win @ 4,5. After a L on 6 there is a L on 7 following 3-5-7. If I continue try to follow 2-5-8 I will get L on 8, but if I follow 6-7-8 of B I will W on 8 & 9.

So how you determine which one to follow ?

And also how to restart the count? After 1 W? Or after LL ? Please do explain. Thx
You will never know. Not now, not in this life. You aren't that lucky.


So far with live play, my result is average. From 10+ shoes I have 64W and 82L. IMO it's hard to play with flat bet, cause more chances you will encounter 2-3 LIAR before a W. Also if you follow both sides simultaneously you will face contradiction situations.

But the good news is I suffer max of 4 LIAR. Maybe with more info about the method I could review my play again.

Thx for sharing the method. I hope the best for it.

You will never know. Not now, not in this life. You aren't that lucky.


Some more thoughts of mine.

There are 3 AP that end with 7, 3 AP end with 8, and 4 AP end with 9.

Should be careful, this is where you may confuse which one to follow.

Many times I face confusion whether following 2-5-8 patter on Player or 4-6-8 pattern on Banker.
You will never know. Not now, not in this life. You aren't that lucky.


Hi All . .

Glad to see some of you trying out playing a Non Random game.

But remember, we are just exploring this concept right now.  This is not a finalized method but a solid one that needs to be improved so don't go betting Real Money just yet.

To make it easier to test this concept I have attached 2 more trackers, VDW Tracker #1 Manual and VDW Tracker # 1 RNG.

The VDW Tracker # 1 Manual allows you to enter the numbers spun, one at a time, into Column A row 5. As you enter each number the tracker will show you what to bet. 

The VDW Tracker # 1 RNG allows you to simply press Function Key F9 for another set of spins so you can quickly test the results.

This tracker is just ONE way of playing/testing the VDW theorem.  This tracker:

1.  Bets either Red or Black, whichever one will complete the AP for that spin.
2.  When it encounters a Mutual Bet (when both Red and Black can complete an AP on same spin) it does NOT Bet.

You do not have to play all 9 spins every time.  You only play until you have a winner or finished the 9 spins. When you have an winner, then clear the numbers in Row A and start again.

I will run some simulations on this Tracker #1 and report the results.

Hope this answers all your questions.



Thanks Nick!

I tried VdW manual and it does not place bet on 9th spin at all...

And RNG also not placing bets in some obvious situations eg. RRBRBBBR, it should bet on B in 9th spin for 3-6-9 and BRBR i should bet for 1-3-5?


I think there is a problem with the tracker RNG
it does not mark some gains

20         B
5   NB      R
28   NB      B
16   NB      R
6   NB      B    here , no profit ???

Rien de plus normal, tout est étrange .


Thanks for the feedback from100 and plop

I will check the tracker as I use "copy and paste" a lot and often my senile fingers misfire.




Yep, you were right, I messed up the code.

Try these 2 trackers and see if they work better.

Thanks again.
