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Use Math to beat Roulette/Baccarat

Started by Nickmsi, May 30, 2016, 04:43:02 PM

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Here is an example.

If there is no gain then the "spin9" becomes the "spin5".
Rien de plus normal, tout est étrange .


Great thinking Plolp.

You hit upon 2 interesting concepts about using the VDW theorem.

1.    There is No Rule that says you have to use all 9 Spins
2.    There is No Rule that says you have to use ALL 16 AP's.

I did a quick test of 5 bots betting 5,000 spins each (25,000 total) using your 4 AP you suggested and have attached the results in pic "25,000 9 Spin".

The problem with using the conventional 9 Spins is you don't get many bets making it difficult to play even with a bot.

Your idea of making the 9th spin the 5th spin is a better approach.  It is similar to what  I call betting "Every Spin" on a rolling basis.  This gives you a lot more betting opportunities.

I have attached a second pic (25,000 ES Spins) to show you the difference in the number of bets and profits from an ES system verses the 9 Spins.

So far, I have found that ES is the best way to use the VDW theorem.



Thanks nickmsi,

Do the "ES" tests play the method I have described?
Rien de plus normal, tout est étrange .


The test results included your AP plus a few more.

Basically what the ES system does is looks at the last 8 spins to see if a 3-6-9, 5-7-9 or 1-5-9 can be formed on the next spin.

If not, it looks at the last 7 spins to see if a 2-5-8 or 4-6-8 can be formed.

If not it looks at the last 6 spins to see if a 1-4-7 or 3-5-7 can be formed, etc.



OK yes it makes sense

I understood


I'll do a little test
Rien de plus normal, tout est étrange .


Hi Nick
On another forum I recently gave a positive Mike's progression simulations.
In the near future I will try to play for BV no zero real money.
  Vdw will bet selection, and use Mike's progression.
I want to see what happens.
My only worry will be disconnections.


Nickmsi ,

You never play 567, 678,789

Even if there is no "PA" opposite?
Rien de plus normal, tout est étrange .


Hi Plolp,

We can't play 789 or 678 or 567 as they have already been played.  Remember we are going backwards.

Hi Ozon, yes BV has been terrible the last 2 weeks with disconnections, especially in Demo Mode.  I get less disconnections in Real Money Mode.

Let me know what progression you are talking about and I can try in Real Money Mode as I can't get my money out of BV since I am in USA.



Quote from: Nickmsi on May 21, 2017, 02:20:44 PM
Hi Plolp,

We can't play 789 or 678 or 567 as they have already been played.  Remember we are going backwards.


Apparently there is a misunderstanding ...

Why do you say you're playing backwards?

Can you give an example?
Rien de plus normal, tout est étrange .


Here is an example  :

R      spin5
B      -1
B    no bet

We can play "678"   ...so  B

We do not play backwards  !!
Rien de plus normal, tout est étrange .


Quote from: ozon on May 21, 2017, 02:35:51 PM
Hi Olaf, testing with only 20k spins is not enough, please do some more 100k tests with this progression, and you will see more and more 10+ consecutive losses generated a bigger and bigger hole - and yes, in daily basis, as I experienced, and regardless of Betvoyager, Excel or Random.org RNG... So be more carefull with your real money! :)


Quote from: Nickmsi on May 21, 2017, 01:06:59 PM
The test results included your AP plus a few more.

Basically what the ES system does is looks at the last 8 spins to see if a 3-6-9, 5-7-9 or 1-5-9 can be formed on the next spin.

If not, it looks at the last 7 spins to see if a 2-5-8 or 4-6-8 can be formed.

If not it looks at the last 6 spins to see if a 1-4-7 or 3-5-7 can be formed, etc.


You will find plenty of mutual bets on those spots.


Hi Plolp,

Yes, you are right, you can get the 6-7-8 to form in your example.  It was only a matter of semantics that I said backwards.

My point was that you could already have a CAP (Consecutive Arithmetic Progression) ie, 1-2-3,2-3-4,3-4-5,4-5-6,5-6-7,6-7-8,7-8-9) formed in the last 8 spins, just like your example.  It had BBBRRBB so you had a 1-2-3 to complete an AP at the start.

So do you ignore this BBB or do you start counting at the R so you would have RRBB so the next spin would be counted as the 5th spin.

I think you will find that if you can form an AP go ahead and bet it.

As Goez points out you will have mutual bets to contend with.  There are ways to avoid the Mutual bets and when you can't just pick one then take a 50/50 chance.

Otherwise you can just bet one side and avoid mutual bets all together, or if you spot a mutual bet on spin 8, just check spin7 or spin 6 or spin 5 or spin 4 or spin 3 and see if another AP can be formed.  If so play the one that is not a mutual bet.

VDW is quite versatile and in my opinion the best mechanical system that I have ever found.



Hi Audiokinesis
I played for the last days for money only for black, using the progression of Mike's
After 3,5k spins im -200 units.
The reds  series are much more likely than they were to appear.
  I have worse and worse experiences with online RNG roulette.
Even if I have strategies that generate profit in simulations, the casino will destroy me in a moment. Bad variance is much more than it should be if you play for real money.
I treats roulette as a hobby, but more and more frustrates me.