I immediately thought there would be affiliate links embedded in the casino addresses -- couldn't see any, though.
Maybe in the casino downloads? (I didn't download any.)
But please tell us if you know how else such links might be embedded.
Then I thought, aha - it's a site put together by the listed casinos. (Unlikely, though, given that several are owned by competing groups.)
So what's the catch?
Or <gasp>are they actually telling the truth? :o :o
http://www.rouletteexploit.com/ (http://www.rouletteexploit.com/)
Wow. using affiliate links to earn commission from various casinos while claiming a flaw, tempting to play dirty Martingale. I pointed towards this fraud, way back. Please read: http://albalaha.lefora.com/topic/4314606/Open-internet-scam-by-casino-affiliates#.VJjyPsCDA
WOW again!
Wait for 8 blacks in a row then bet red... but only in real money mode, eh? LOL!
These guys probably did a deal with the online casino's to drum up some business, because waiting for 8 EC's in a row then betting the opposite is a sure ride to the poor house.
Was it not possible to obtain information from the previous site on the internet? In some applications of privacy there is one such option to hide the site referred to the previous page or something. I have seen it in several.
As I understand it to learn the former site on which the visitor was there is no need to change anything on the website links. Maybe they just see this to give credit to members of the casino affiliate company and not look like a promotional link.