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still here !

Started by Mathemagician, March 21, 2015, 05:29:35 PM

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OK I had a triple heart bypass at Hammersmith hospital.
For those with a morbid curiosity it is immaculate the patient opposite me is private and we had the same top surgeon. But I do envy the food he gets delivered!

it's a bit noisy at times most staff are from overseas but I'm not moaning and thank God for the nhs.

we are lucky in the uk
I think my trouble started the other week the news was full of a story about how a 20 main daily walk increases your life span. So off we went to Bude for walk on the beach the week after we went to Instow determined to enjoy a walk whether I liked it or not!
I'd better sign off for now the nurse wants me in bed!
You can ingnore my mad ramblings but it does me good and may be of use to me and students


glad it went well    hope the recovery goes smooth


Probably there,s a chance I'll be sent home Monday hope it's a car it's a long trip
Picture of the new me attached if I've done it right, I'll be back with a bit of luck I'll get a cup of tea in a minute its 21:25 and I, m sleepy.
Good night
Sent from my tesco hudl !


Just woke up again after what I thought was a nights sleep it was less than two hours !
I'm gobsmacked ! I'm glad my photo uploaded i considered sending a burp or fart isn't technology amazing?
Im not awake enough to do calculations though I played chess before and beat the tablet twice ! Admittedly on level 1. Still it pleased me I wish I had saved the game it proves I haven't lost my marbles.
Though I'm getting a bit semantic now that might be the wrong word.
Till next time which could be in a few hours , days or weeks
Peter preston


Peter, thanks for getting back at us. It's quite appreciated.

It's really nice to hear everything went OK and you're improving by the hour/day.

No doubt you'll be back & refreshed sooner rather than later [smiley]cxp/love.gif[/smiley] [smiley]cxp/great.gif[/smiley]

Cheers and receive our warm welcome back [smiley]cxp/yes.gif[/smiley][smiley]cxp/yipi.gif[/smiley][smiley]cxp/star.gif[/smiley]
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Hey Mathemagician we don't know each other.  But from one board member to another I hope for a speedy recovery for you, Graham Souness went through the same thing, and he appears okay.  So am I understanding this right, you went walking to keep fit and it resulted in you having a triple by-pass?  Also maybe leave the roulette alone for a while, gambling is too stressful..  Get well soon.


We might not know each other I've often done programming for various businesses and gambling is a business.
This means if gamblers play like a business i can adapt my program forbthem. But it takes a lot of self discipline. I don't know anyone who uses one system although I have some customers who use one or two aspects of my program for years. I don't promise anything other than that the longer you play the more likely you are too lose, I'm not saying you can't win consisistently many do butt I won't sell false promises.
The odds of something going wrong in my first procedure where 1 in 200 in my second 1 in 100. Life is like a game. I didn't like these odds at all but what could i do, if anything goes wrong I've signed for it if I don,t sign they could say 'he didn't, sign.
They keep telling me I'm fit and think I'm about the youngest in here, I move upstairs tomorrow ( that sounds like a eupanism if  anything.g does.

You can guess I'm pretty cynical in my nature perhaps I need to lighten up a bit, the last course I did I was teachingnumeracy to prisoners some of them were pretty bright some weren't allowed any near a computer
Right.  Img9ing to recharge my table have a x ray dinner and watch poldark on TV.
Back soon



Hi Peter.

Are you in Derriford hospital ?


We might not know each other I've often done programming for various businesses and gambling is a business.
This means if gamblers play like a business i can adapt my program forbthem. But it takes a lot of self discipline. I don't know anyone who uses one system although I have some customers who use one or two aspects of my program for years. I don't promise anything other than that the longer you play the more likely you are too lose, I'm not saying you can't win consisistently many do butt I won't sell false promises.
The odds of something going wrong in my first procedure where 1 in 200 in my second 1 in 100. Life is like a game. I didn't like these odds at all but what could i do, if anything goes wrong I've signed for it if I don,t sign they could say 'he didn't, sign.
They keep telling me I'm fit and think I'm about the youngest in here, I move upstairs tomorrow ( that sounds like a eupanism if  anything.g does.

You can guess I'm pretty cynical in my nature perhaps I need to lighten up a bit, the last course I did I was teachingnumeracy to prisoners some of them were pretty bright some weren't allowed any near a computer
Right.  Img9ing to recharge my table have a x ray dinner and watch poldark on TV.
Back soon
