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+1 splits method

Started by wannawin, November 14, 2012, 04:20:58 PM

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Dear walter, here is the code for today 2013-05-31.


* Gets bets on "last18" command.
* Has undo.

Many thanks for your much appreciated support to the forum.

Download: [attachmini=1]

Code (basic256) Select
REM Clear screen
call cs()

REM Variables
global history REM Declare history global
Dim history(1) REM Make it an unidimensional array
global history_count REM Counter for history
history_count = 0 REM initialize to zero
global bets_count REM Counter for bets
bets_count = 0 REM initialize to zero
global bets$ REM Holds actual bets
global last_command$ REM Holds last command string
global i REM Variable for simple iteration control
i = 0 REM initialize it to zero
global cmd$ REM Holds last command

REM Splits

Global sp_1_0
Dim sp_1_0(4)
sp_1_0= {1, 0, 0, 0}

Global sp_2_0
Dim sp_2_0(4)
sp_2_0= {2, 0, 0, 0}

Global sp_3_0
Dim sp_3_0(4)
sp_3_0= {3, 0, 0, 0}

Global sp_1_2
Dim sp_1_2(4)
sp_1_2= {1, 2, 0, 0}

Global sp_1_4
Dim sp_1_4(4)
sp_1_4= {1, 4, 0, 0}

Global sp_2_3
Dim sp_2_3(4)
sp_2_3= {2, 3, 0, 0}

Global sp_2_5
Dim sp_2_5(4)
sp_2_5= {2, 5, 0, 0}

Global sp_3_6
Dim sp_3_6(4)
sp_3_6= {3, 6, 0, 0}

Global sp_4_5
Dim sp_4_5(4)
sp_4_5= {4, 5, 0, 0}

Global sp_4_7
Dim sp_4_7(4)
sp_4_7= {4, 7, 0, 0}

Global sp_5_6
Dim sp_5_6(4)
sp_5_6= {5, 6, 0, 0}

Global sp_5_8
Dim sp_5_8(4)
sp_5_8= {5, 8, 0, 0}

Global sp_6_9
Dim sp_6_9(4)
sp_6_9= {6, 9, 0, 0}

Global sp_7_8
Dim sp_7_8(4)
sp_7_8= {7, 8, 0, 0}

Global sp_7_10
Dim sp_7_10(4)
sp_7_10= {7, 10, 0, 0}

Global sp_8_9
Dim sp_8_9(4)
sp_8_9= {8, 9, 0, 0}

Global sp_8_11
Dim sp_8_11(4)
sp_8_11= {8, 11, 0, 0}

Global sp_9_12
Dim sp_9_12(4)
sp_9_12= {9, 12, 0, 0}

Global sp_10_11
Dim sp_10_11(4)
sp_10_11= {10, 11, 0, 0}

Global sp_10_13
Dim sp_10_13(4)
sp_10_13= {10, 13, 0, 0}

Global sp_11_12
Dim sp_11_12(4)
sp_11_12= {11, 12, 0, 0}

Global sp_11_14
Dim sp_11_14(4)
sp_11_14= {11, 14, 0, 0}

Global sp_12_15
Dim sp_12_15(4)
sp_12_15= {12, 15, 0, 0}

Global sp_13_14
Dim sp_13_14(4)
sp_13_14= {13, 14, 0, 0}

Global sp_13_16
Dim sp_13_16(4)
sp_13_16= {13, 16, 0, 0}

Global sp_14_15
Dim sp_14_15(4)
sp_14_15= {14, 15, 0, 0}

Global sp_14_17
Dim sp_14_17(4)
sp_14_17= {14, 17, 0, 0}

Global sp_15_18
Dim sp_15_18(4)
sp_15_18= {15, 18, 0, 0}

Global sp_16_17
Dim sp_16_17(4)
sp_16_17= {16, 17, 0, 0}

Global sp_16_19
Dim sp_16_19(4)
sp_16_19= {16, 19, 0, 0}

Global sp_17_18
Dim sp_17_18(4)
sp_17_18= {17, 18, 0, 0}

Global sp_17_20
Dim sp_17_20(4)
sp_17_20= {17, 20, 0, 0}

Global sp_18_21
Dim sp_18_21(4)
sp_18_21= {18, 21, 0, 0}

Global sp_19_20
Dim sp_19_20(4)
sp_19_20= {19, 20, 0, 0}

Global sp_19_22
Dim sp_19_22(4)
sp_19_22= {19, 22, 0, 0}

Global sp_20_21
Dim sp_20_21(4)
sp_20_21= {20, 21, 0, 0}

Global sp_20_23
Dim sp_20_23(4)
sp_20_23= {20, 23, 0, 0}

Global sp_21_24
Dim sp_21_24(4)
sp_21_24= {21, 24, 0, 0}

Global sp_22_23
Dim sp_22_23(4)
sp_22_23= {22, 23, 0, 0}

Global sp_22_25
Dim sp_22_25(4)
sp_22_25= {22, 25, 0, 0}

Global sp_23_24
Dim sp_23_24(4)
sp_23_24= {23, 24, 0, 0}

Global sp_23_26
Dim sp_23_26(4)
sp_23_26= {23, 26, 0, 0}

Global sp_24_27
Dim sp_24_27(4)
sp_24_27= {24, 27, 0, 0}

Global sp_25_26
Dim sp_25_26(4)
sp_25_26= {25, 26, 0, 0}

Global sp_25_28
Dim sp_25_28(4)
sp_25_28= {25, 28, 0, 0}

Global sp_26_27
Dim sp_26_27(4)
sp_26_27= {26, 27, 0, 0}

Global sp_26_29
Dim sp_26_29(4)
sp_26_29= {26, 29, 0, 0}

Global sp_27_30
Dim sp_27_30(4)
sp_27_30= {27, 30, 0, 0}

Global sp_28_29
Dim sp_28_29(4)
sp_28_29= {28, 29, 0, 0}

Global sp_28_31
Dim sp_28_31(4)
sp_28_31= {28, 31, 0, 0}

Global sp_29_30
Dim sp_29_30(4)
sp_29_30= {29, 30, 0, 0}

Global sp_29_32
Dim sp_29_32(4)
sp_29_32= {29, 32, 0, 0}

Global sp_30_33
Dim sp_30_33(4)
sp_30_33= {30, 33, 0, 0}

Global sp_31_32
Dim sp_31_32(4)
sp_31_32= {31, 32, 0, 0}

Global sp_31_34
Dim sp_31_34(4)
sp_31_34= {31, 34, 0, 0}

Global sp_32_33
Dim sp_32_33(4)
sp_32_33= {32, 33, 0, 0}

Global sp_32_35
Dim sp_32_35(4)
sp_32_35= {32, 35, 0, 0}

Global sp_33_36
Dim sp_33_36(4)
sp_33_36= {33, 36, 0, 0}

Global sp_34_35
Dim sp_34_35(4)
sp_34_35= {34, 35, 0, 0}

Global sp_35_36
Dim sp_35_36(4)
sp_35_36= {35, 36, 0, 0}

REM Program's entrypoint
while i = 0 REM Main loop
   REM Clear
   call cs()
   REM Print
   if history_count > 0 then REM Check there's something to print
      REM Check there are at least 18 spins
      if history_count >= 18 then
         REM Try to set bets for this spin
         call set_bets()
         REM print bets
         if bets_count > 0 then
            REM Separator
            print "Bets (" + bets_count + "):"
            print bets$
         end if
      end if
      REM Separator
      REM print history
      print "History (" + history_count + "):"
      REM Print each number
      for n = history_count - 1 to 0 step -1
         REM current number
         print history[n];
         REM comma
         if n > 0 then
            print ",";
         end if
      next n
      REM Separator
   end if
   REM DEBUG ROUTINE-- Feel free to remove
   call debug()
   REM Ask for command/number
   cmd$ = Prompt("Enter command or next number: ")
   REM flag to emulate elseif (not implemented in basic256)
   done = false
   REM Check if it's a command
   if lower(cmd$) = "exit" then
      REM Good bye message
      Print "Thank you for using the tracker!"
      REM Halt program
   end if
   REM Last 18
   if lower(cmd$) = "last18" then
      REM check there are *at least* 18 spins in history
      if history_count >= 18 then
         REM reset splits count
         call resetSplits()
         REM Iterate last 18 spins backwards
         for l = 1 to 18
            REM Rise previous cycle counters
            call addToSplit(history[history_count - l], 1, 0)
         next l
         REM set done flag
         done = true
      end if
   end if
   REM undo
   if lower(cmd$) = "undo" then
      if history_count > 0 then
         REM take -1 from last number's count
         print "history_count = " + history_count
         call subtractFromSplit(history[history_count - 1])
         REM take one number from history_count
         history_count -= 1
         REM REDIMension history array
         if history_count > 1 then
            ReDim history(history_count)
         end if
         REM set done flag
         done = true
      end if
   end if
   REM Check done flag
   if done = false then
      REM Add number to history
      Call addToHistory(cmd$)
      REM Rise count
      Call addToSplit(cmd$, 0, 1)
   end if
End While

REM Procedures

REM Adds one to split's hit count
REM num = number
REM p = previous cycle
REM c = current cycle
Subroutine addToSplit(num, p, c)
   REM Check all splits
   REM 1/0
   if sp_1_0[0] = num or sp_1_0[1] = num then
      sp_1_0[2] += p
      sp_1_0[3] += c
   end if
   REM 2/0
   if sp_2_0[0] = num or sp_2_0[1] = num then
      sp_2_0[2] += p
      sp_2_0[3] += c
   end if
   REM 3/0
   if sp_3_0[0] = num or sp_3_0[1] = num then
      sp_3_0[2] += p
      sp_3_0[3] += c
   end if
   REM 1/2
   if sp_1_2[0] = num or sp_1_2[1] = num then
      sp_1_2[2] += p
      sp_1_2[3] += c
   end if
   REM 1/4
   if sp_1_4[0] = num or sp_1_4[1] = num then
      sp_1_4[2] += p
      sp_1_4[3] += c
   end if
   REM 2/3
   if sp_2_3[0] = num or sp_2_3[1] = num then
      sp_2_3[2] += p
      sp_2_3[3] += c
   end if
   REM 2/5
   if sp_2_5[0] = num or sp_2_5[1] = num then
      sp_2_5[2] += p
      sp_2_5[3] += c
   end if
   REM 3/6
   if sp_3_6[0] = num or sp_3_6[1] = num then
      sp_3_6[2] += p
      sp_3_6[3] += c
   end if
   REM 4/5
   if sp_4_5[0] = num or sp_4_5[1] = num then
      sp_4_5[2] += p
      sp_4_5[3] += c
   end if
   REM 4/7
   if sp_4_7[0] = num or sp_4_7[1] = num then
      sp_4_7[2] += p
      sp_4_7[3] += c
   end if
   REM 5/6
   if sp_5_6[0] = num or sp_5_6[1] = num then
      sp_5_6[2] += p
      sp_5_6[3] += c
   end if
   REM 5/8
   if sp_5_8[0] = num or sp_5_8[1] = num then
      sp_5_8[2] += p
      sp_5_8[3] += c
   end if
   REM 6/9
   if sp_6_9[0] = num or sp_6_9[1] = num then
      sp_6_9[2] += p
      sp_6_9[3] += c
   end if
   REM 7/8
   if sp_7_8[0] = num or sp_7_8[1] = num then
      sp_7_8[2] += p
      sp_7_8[3] += c
   end if
   REM 7/10
   if sp_7_10[0] = num or sp_7_10[1] = num then
      sp_7_10[2] += p
      sp_7_10[3] += c
   end if
   REM 8/9
   if sp_8_9[0] = num or sp_8_9[1] = num then
      sp_8_9[2] += p
      sp_8_9[3] += c
   end if
   REM 8/11
   if sp_8_11[0] = num or sp_8_11[1] = num then
      sp_8_11[2] += p
      sp_8_11[3] += c
   end if
   REM 9/12
   if sp_9_12[0] = num or sp_9_12[1] = num then
      sp_9_12[2] += p
      sp_9_12[3] += c
   end if
   REM 10/11
   if sp_10_11[0] = num or sp_10_11[1] = num then
      sp_10_11[2] += p
      sp_10_11[3] += c
   end if
   REM 10/13
   if sp_10_13[0] = num or sp_10_13[1] = num then
      sp_10_13[2] += p
      sp_10_13[3] += c
   end if
   REM 11/12
   if sp_11_12[0] = num or sp_11_12[1] = num then
      sp_11_12[2] += p
      sp_11_12[3] += c
   end if
   REM 11/14
   if sp_11_14[0] = num or sp_11_14[1] = num then
      sp_11_14[2] += p
      sp_11_14[3] += c
   end if
   REM 12/15
   if sp_12_15[0] = num or sp_12_15[1] = num then
      sp_12_15[2] += p
      sp_12_15[3] += c
   end if
   REM 13/14
   if sp_13_14[0] = num or sp_13_14[1] = num then
      sp_13_14[2] += p
      sp_13_14[3] += c
   end if
   REM 13/16
   if sp_13_16[0] = num or sp_13_16[1] = num then
      sp_13_16[2] += p
      sp_13_16[3] += c
   end if
   REM 14/15
   if sp_14_15[0] = num or sp_14_15[1] = num then
      sp_14_15[2] += p
      sp_14_15[3] += c
   end if
   REM 14/17
   if sp_14_17[0] = num or sp_14_17[1] = num then
      sp_14_17[2] += p
      sp_14_17[3] += c
   end if
   REM 15/18
   if sp_15_18[0] = num or sp_15_18[1] = num then
      sp_15_18[2] += p
      sp_15_18[3] += c
   end if
   REM 16/17
   if sp_16_17[0] = num or sp_16_17[1] = num then
      sp_16_17[2] += p
      sp_16_17[3] += c
   end if
   REM 16/19
   if sp_16_19[0] = num or sp_16_19[1] = num then
      sp_16_19[2] += p
      sp_16_19[3] += c
   end if
   REM 17/18
   if sp_17_18[0] = num or sp_17_18[1] = num then
      sp_17_18[2] += p
      sp_17_18[3] += c
   end if
   REM 17/20
   if sp_17_20[0] = num or sp_17_20[1] = num then
      sp_17_20[2] += p
      sp_17_20[3] += c
   end if
   REM 18/21
   if sp_18_21[0] = num or sp_18_21[1] = num then
      sp_18_21[2] += p
      sp_18_21[3] += c
   end if
   REM 19/20
   if sp_19_20[0] = num or sp_19_20[1] = num then
      sp_19_20[2] += p
      sp_19_20[3] += c
   end if
   REM 19/22
   if sp_19_22[0] = num or sp_19_22[1] = num then
      sp_19_22[2] += p
      sp_19_22[3] += c
   end if
   REM 20/21
   if sp_20_21[0] = num or sp_20_21[1] = num then
      sp_20_21[2] += p
      sp_20_21[3] += c
   end if
   REM 20/23
   if sp_20_23[0] = num or sp_20_23[1] = num then
      sp_20_23[2] += p
      sp_20_23[3] += c
   end if
   REM 21/24
   if sp_21_24[0] = num or sp_21_24[1] = num then
      sp_21_24[2] += p
      sp_21_24[3] += c
   end if
   REM 22/23
   if sp_22_23[0] = num or sp_22_23[1] = num then
      sp_22_23[2] += p
      sp_22_23[3] += c
   end if
   REM 22/25
   if sp_22_25[0] = num or sp_22_25[1] = num then
      sp_22_25[2] += p
      sp_22_25[3] += c
   end if
   REM 23/24
   if sp_23_24[0] = num or sp_23_24[1] = num then
      sp_23_24[2] += p
      sp_23_24[3] += c
   end if
   REM 23/26
   if sp_23_26[0] = num or sp_23_26[1] = num then
      sp_23_26[2] += p
      sp_23_26[3] += c
   end if
   REM 24/27
   if sp_24_27[0] = num or sp_24_27[1] = num then
      sp_24_27[2] += p
      sp_24_27[3] += c
   end if
   REM 25/26
   if sp_25_26[0] = num or sp_25_26[1] = num then
      sp_25_26[2] += p
      sp_25_26[3] += c
   end if
   REM 25/28
   if sp_25_28[0] = num or sp_25_28[1] = num then
      sp_25_28[2] += p
      sp_25_28[3] += c
   end if
   REM 26/27
   if sp_26_27[0] = num or sp_26_27[1] = num then
      sp_26_27[2] += p
      sp_26_27[3] += c
   end if
   REM 26/29
   if sp_26_29[0] = num or sp_26_29[1] = num then
      sp_26_29[2] += p
      sp_26_29[3] += c
   end if
   REM 27/30
   if sp_27_30[0] = num or sp_27_30[1] = num then
      sp_27_30[2] += p
      sp_27_30[3] += c
   end if
   REM 28/29
   if sp_28_29[0] = num or sp_28_29[1] = num then
      sp_28_29[2] += p
      sp_28_29[3] += c
   end if
   REM 28/31
   if sp_28_31[0] = num or sp_28_31[1] = num then
      sp_28_31[2] += p
      sp_28_31[3] += c
   end if
   REM 29/30
   if sp_29_30[0] = num or sp_29_30[1] = num then
      sp_29_30[2] += p
      sp_29_30[3] += c
   end if
   REM 29/32
   if sp_29_32[0] = num or sp_29_32[1] = num then
      sp_29_32[2] += p
      sp_29_32[3] += c
   end if
   REM 30/33
   if sp_30_33[0] = num or sp_30_33[1] = num then
      sp_30_33[2] += p
      sp_30_33[3] += c
   end if
   REM 31/32
   if sp_31_32[0] = num or sp_31_32[1] = num then
      sp_31_32[2] += p
      sp_31_32[3] += c
   end if
   REM 31/34
   if sp_31_34[0] = num or sp_31_34[1] = num then
      sp_31_34[2] += p
      sp_31_34[3] += c
   end if
   REM 32/33
   if sp_32_33[0] = num or sp_32_33[1] = num then
      sp_32_33[2] += p
      sp_32_33[3] += c
   end if
   REM 32/35
   if sp_32_35[0] = num or sp_32_35[1] = num then
      sp_32_35[2] += p
      sp_32_35[3] += c
   end if
   REM 33/36
   if sp_33_36[0] = num or sp_33_36[1] = num then
      sp_33_36[2] += p
      sp_33_36[3] += c
   end if
   REM 34/35
   if sp_34_35[0] = num or sp_34_35[1] = num then
      sp_34_35[2] += p
      sp_34_35[3] += c
   end if
   REM 35/36
   if sp_35_36[0] = num or sp_35_36[1] = num then
      sp_35_36[2] += p
      sp_35_36[3] += c
   end if
End Subroutine

REM Adds number to history
Subroutine addToHistory(num)
   REM Rise one to history count
   history_count += 1
   REM REDIMension history array
   ReDim history(history_count)
   REM Assign
   history[history_count - 1] = num
End Subroutine

REM Subtract -1 from current cycle
Subroutine subtractFromSplit(num)
   REM 1/0
   if sp_1_0[0] = num or sp_1_0[1] = num then
      if sp_1_0[3] > 0 then
         sp_1_0[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 2/0
   if sp_2_0[0] = num or sp_2_0[1] = num then
      if sp_2_0[3] > 0 then
         sp_2_0[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 3/0
   if sp_3_0[0] = num or sp_3_0[1] = num then
      if sp_3_0[3] > 0 then
         sp_3_0[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 1/2
   if sp_1_2[0] = num or sp_1_2[1] = num then
      if sp_1_2[3] > 0 then
         sp_1_2[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 1/4
   if sp_1_4[0] = num or sp_1_4[1] = num then
      if sp_1_4[3] > 0 then
         sp_1_4[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 2/3
   if sp_2_3[0] = num or sp_2_3[1] = num then
      if sp_2_3[3] > 0 then
         sp_2_3[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 2/5
   if sp_2_5[0] = num or sp_2_5[1] = num then
      if sp_2_5[3] > 0 then
         sp_2_5[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 3/6
   if sp_3_6[0] = num or sp_3_6[1] = num then
      if sp_3_6[3] > 0 then
         sp_3_6[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 4/5
   if sp_4_5[0] = num or sp_4_5[1] = num then
      if sp_4_5[3] > 0 then
         sp_4_5[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 4/7
   if sp_4_7[0] = num or sp_4_7[1] = num then
      if sp_4_7[3] > 0 then
         sp_4_7[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 5/6
   if sp_5_6[0] = num or sp_5_6[1] = num then
      if sp_5_6[3] > 0 then
         sp_5_6[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 5/8
   if sp_5_8[0] = num or sp_5_8[1] = num then
      if sp_5_8[3] > 0 then
         sp_5_8[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 6/9
   if sp_6_9[0] = num or sp_6_9[1] = num then
      if sp_6_9[3] > 0 then
         sp_6_9[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 7/8
   if sp_7_8[0] = num or sp_7_8[1] = num then
      if sp_7_8[3] > 0 then
         sp_7_8[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 7/10
   if sp_7_10[0] = num or sp_7_10[1] = num then
      if sp_7_10[3] > 0 then
         sp_7_10[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 8/9
   if sp_8_9[0] = num or sp_8_9[1] = num then
      if sp_8_9[3] > 0 then
         sp_8_9[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 8/11
   if sp_8_11[0] = num or sp_8_11[1] = num then
      if sp_8_11[3] > 0 then
         sp_8_11[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 9/12
   if sp_9_12[0] = num or sp_9_12[1] = num then
      if sp_9_12[3] > 0 then
         sp_9_12[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 10/11
   if sp_10_11[0] = num or sp_10_11[1] = num then
      if sp_10_11[3] > 0 then
         sp_10_11[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 10/13
   if sp_10_13[0] = num or sp_10_13[1] = num then
      if sp_10_13[3] > 0 then
         sp_10_13[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 11/12
   if sp_11_12[0] = num or sp_11_12[1] = num then
      if sp_11_12[3] > 0 then
         sp_11_12[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 11/14
   if sp_11_14[0] = num or sp_11_14[1] = num then
      if sp_11_14[3] > 0 then
         sp_11_14[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 12/15
   if sp_12_15[0] = num or sp_12_15[1] = num then
      if sp_12_15[3] > 0 then
         sp_12_15[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 13/14
   if sp_13_14[0] = num or sp_13_14[1] = num then
      if sp_13_14[3] > 0 then
         sp_13_14[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 13/16
   if sp_13_16[0] = num or sp_13_16[1] = num then
      if sp_13_16[3] > 0 then
         sp_13_16[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 14/15
   if sp_14_15[0] = num or sp_14_15[1] = num then
      if sp_14_15[3] > 0 then
         sp_14_15[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 14/17
   if sp_14_17[0] = num or sp_14_17[1] = num then
      if sp_14_17[3] > 0 then
         sp_14_17[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 15/18
   if sp_15_18[0] = num or sp_15_18[1] = num then
      if sp_15_18[3] > 0 then
         sp_15_18[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 16/17
   if sp_16_17[0] = num or sp_16_17[1] = num then
      if sp_16_17[3] > 0 then
         sp_16_17[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 16/19
   if sp_16_19[0] = num or sp_16_19[1] = num then
      if sp_16_19[3] > 0 then
         sp_16_19[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 17/18
   if sp_17_18[0] = num or sp_17_18[1] = num then
      if sp_17_18[3] > 0 then
         sp_17_18[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 17/20
   if sp_17_20[0] = num or sp_17_20[1] = num then
      if sp_17_20[3] > 0 then
         sp_17_20[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 18/21
   if sp_18_21[0] = num or sp_18_21[1] = num then
      if sp_18_21[3] > 0 then
         sp_18_21[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 19/20
   if sp_19_20[0] = num or sp_19_20[1] = num then
      if sp_19_20[3] > 0 then
         sp_19_20[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 19/22
   if sp_19_22[0] = num or sp_19_22[1] = num then
      if sp_19_22[3] > 0 then
         sp_19_22[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 20/21
   if sp_20_21[0] = num or sp_20_21[1] = num then
      if sp_20_21[3] > 0 then
         sp_20_21[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 20/23
   if sp_20_23[0] = num or sp_20_23[1] = num then
      if sp_20_23[3] > 0 then
         sp_20_23[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 21/24
   if sp_21_24[0] = num or sp_21_24[1] = num then
      if sp_21_24[3] > 0 then
         sp_21_24[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 22/23
   if sp_22_23[0] = num or sp_22_23[1] = num then
      if sp_22_23[3] > 0 then
         sp_22_23[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 22/25
   if sp_22_25[0] = num or sp_22_25[1] = num then
      if sp_22_25[3] > 0 then
         sp_22_25[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 23/24
   if sp_23_24[0] = num or sp_23_24[1] = num then
      if sp_23_24[3] > 0 then
         sp_23_24[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 23/26
   if sp_23_26[0] = num or sp_23_26[1] = num then
      if sp_23_26[3] > 0 then
         sp_23_26[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 24/27
   if sp_24_27[0] = num or sp_24_27[1] = num then
      if sp_24_27[3] > 0 then
         sp_24_27[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 25/26
   if sp_25_26[0] = num or sp_25_26[1] = num then
      if sp_25_26[3] > 0 then
         sp_25_26[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 25/28
   if sp_25_28[0] = num or sp_25_28[1] = num then
      if sp_25_28[3] > 0 then
         sp_25_28[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 26/27
   if sp_26_27[0] = num or sp_26_27[1] = num then
      if sp_26_27[3] > 0 then
         sp_26_27[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 26/29
   if sp_26_29[0] = num or sp_26_29[1] = num then
      if sp_26_29[3] > 0 then
         sp_26_29[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 27/30
   if sp_27_30[0] = num or sp_27_30[1] = num then
      if sp_27_30[3] > 0 then
         sp_27_30[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 28/29
   if sp_28_29[0] = num or sp_28_29[1] = num then
      if sp_28_29[3] > 0 then
         sp_28_29[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 28/31
   if sp_28_31[0] = num or sp_28_31[1] = num then
      if sp_28_31[3] > 0 then
         sp_28_31[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 29/30
   if sp_29_30[0] = num or sp_29_30[1] = num then
      if sp_29_30[3] > 0 then
         sp_29_30[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 29/32
   if sp_29_32[0] = num or sp_29_32[1] = num then
      if sp_29_32[3] > 0 then
         sp_29_32[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 30/33
   if sp_30_33[0] = num or sp_30_33[1] = num then
      if sp_30_33[3] > 0 then
         sp_30_33[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 31/32
   if sp_31_32[0] = num or sp_31_32[1] = num then
      if sp_31_32[3] > 0 then
         sp_31_32[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 31/34
   if sp_31_34[0] = num or sp_31_34[1] = num then
      if sp_31_34[3] > 0 then
         sp_31_34[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 32/33
   if sp_32_33[0] = num or sp_32_33[1] = num then
      if sp_32_33[3] > 0 then
         sp_32_33[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 32/35
   if sp_32_35[0] = num or sp_32_35[1] = num then
      if sp_32_35[3] > 0 then
         sp_32_35[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 33/36
   if sp_33_36[0] = num or sp_33_36[1] = num then
      if sp_33_36[3] > 0 then
         sp_33_36[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 34/35
   if sp_34_35[0] = num or sp_34_35[1] = num then
      if sp_34_35[3] > 0 then
         sp_34_35[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
   REM 35/36
   if sp_35_36[0] = num or sp_35_36[1] = num then
      if sp_35_36[3] > 0 then
         sp_35_36[3] -= 1
      end if
   end if
End Subroutine

REM Resets all splits to 0,0
Subroutine resetSplits()
   REM 1/0
   sp_1_0[2] = 0
   sp_1_0[3] = 0
   REM 2/0
   sp_2_0[2] = 0
   sp_2_0[3] = 0
   REM 3/0
   sp_3_0[2] = 0
   sp_3_0[3] = 0
   REM 1/2
   sp_1_2[2] = 0
   sp_1_2[3] = 0
   REM 1/4
   sp_1_4[2] = 0
   sp_1_4[3] = 0
   REM 2/3
   sp_2_3[2] = 0
   sp_2_3[3] = 0
   REM 2/5
   sp_2_5[2] = 0
   sp_2_5[3] = 0
   REM 3/6
   sp_3_6[2] = 0
   sp_3_6[3] = 0
   REM 4/5
   sp_4_5[2] = 0
   sp_4_5[3] = 0
   REM 4/7
   sp_4_7[2] = 0
   sp_4_7[3] = 0
   REM 5/6
   sp_5_6[2] = 0
   sp_5_6[3] = 0
   REM 5/8
   sp_5_8[2] = 0
   sp_5_8[3] = 0
   REM 6/9
   sp_6_9[2] = 0
   sp_6_9[3] = 0
   REM 7/8
   sp_7_8[2] = 0
   sp_7_8[3] = 0
   REM 7/10
   sp_7_10[2] = 0
   sp_7_10[3] = 0
   REM 8/9
   sp_8_9[2] = 0
   sp_8_9[3] = 0
   REM 8/11
   sp_8_11[2] = 0
   sp_8_11[3] = 0
   REM 9/12
   sp_9_12[2] = 0
   sp_9_12[3] = 0
   REM 10/11
   sp_10_11[2] = 0
   sp_10_11[3] = 0
   REM 10/13
   sp_10_13[2] = 0
   sp_10_13[3] = 0
   REM 11/12
   sp_11_12[2] = 0
   sp_11_12[3] = 0
   REM 11/14
   sp_11_14[2] = 0
   sp_11_14[3] = 0
   REM 12/15
   sp_12_15[2] = 0
   sp_12_15[3] = 0
   REM 13/14
   sp_13_14[2] = 0
   sp_13_14[3] = 0
   REM 13/16
   sp_13_16[2] = 0
   sp_13_16[3] = 0
   REM 14/15
   sp_14_15[2] = 0
   sp_14_15[3] = 0
   REM 14/17
   sp_14_17[2] = 0
   sp_14_17[3] = 0
   REM 15/18
   sp_15_18[2] = 0
   sp_15_18[3] = 0
   REM 16/17
   sp_16_17[2] = 0
   sp_16_17[3] = 0
   REM 16/19
   sp_16_19[2] = 0
   sp_16_19[3] = 0
   REM 17/18
   sp_17_18[2] = 0
   sp_17_18[3] = 0
   REM 17/20
   sp_17_20[2] = 0
   sp_17_20[3] = 0
   REM 18/21
   sp_18_21[2] = 0
   sp_18_21[3] = 0
   REM 19/20
   sp_19_20[2] = 0
   sp_19_20[3] = 0
   REM 19/22
   sp_19_22[2] = 0
   sp_19_22[3] = 0
   REM 20/21
   sp_20_21[2] = 0
   sp_20_21[3] = 0
   REM 20/23
   sp_20_23[2] = 0
   sp_20_23[3] = 0
   REM 21/24
   sp_21_24[2] = 0
   sp_21_24[3] = 0
   REM 22/23
   sp_22_23[2] = 0
   sp_22_23[3] = 0
   REM 22/25
   sp_22_25[2] = 0
   sp_22_25[3] = 0
   REM 23/24
   sp_23_24[2] = 0
   sp_23_24[3] = 0
   REM 23/26
   sp_23_26[2] = 0
   sp_23_26[3] = 0
   REM 24/27
   sp_24_27[2] = 0
   sp_24_27[3] = 0
   REM 25/26
   sp_25_26[2] = 0
   sp_25_26[3] = 0
   REM 25/28
   sp_25_28[2] = 0
   sp_25_28[3] = 0
   REM 26/27
   sp_26_27[2] = 0
   sp_26_27[3] = 0
   REM 26/29
   sp_26_29[2] = 0
   sp_26_29[3] = 0
   REM 27/30
   sp_27_30[2] = 0
   sp_27_30[3] = 0
   REM 28/29
   sp_28_29[2] = 0
   sp_28_29[3] = 0
   REM 28/31
   sp_28_31[2] = 0
   sp_28_31[3] = 0
   REM 29/30
   sp_29_30[2] = 0
   sp_29_30[3] = 0
   REM 29/32
   sp_29_32[2] = 0
   sp_29_32[3] = 0
   REM 30/33
   sp_30_33[2] = 0
   sp_30_33[3] = 0
   REM 31/32
   sp_31_32[2] = 0
   sp_31_32[3] = 0
   REM 31/34
   sp_31_34[2] = 0
   sp_31_34[3] = 0
   REM 32/33
   sp_32_33[2] = 0
   sp_32_33[3] = 0
   REM 32/35
   sp_32_35[2] = 0
   sp_32_35[3] = 0
   REM 33/36
   sp_33_36[2] = 0
   sp_33_36[3] = 0
   REM 34/35
   sp_34_35[2] = 0
   sp_34_35[3] = 0
   REM 35/36
   sp_35_36[2] = 0
   sp_35_36[3] = 0
End Subroutine

REM (C)lears text output and shows (s)plash text
Subroutine cs()
   REM Clear Screen (Text Output)
   REM Show Splash text
   Print "PlusOneSplits by WannaWin"
   REM Show commands
   Print "Commands:"
   print "UNDO = Goes back one spin."
   print "EXIT = Stops program."
   print "LAST18 = Retracks using last 18 spins."
End Subroutine

REM Shows counters for last and current cycle
Subroutine debug()
   print "sp_1_0: last = " + sp_1_0[2] + " / current: " + sp_1_0[3]
   print "sp_2_0: last = " + sp_2_0[2] + " / current: " + sp_2_0[3]
   print "sp_3_0: last = " + sp_3_0[2] + " / current: " + sp_3_0[3]
   print "sp_1_2: last = " + sp_1_2[2] + " / current: " + sp_1_2[3]
   print "sp_1_4: last = " + sp_1_4[2] + " / current: " + sp_1_4[3]
   print "sp_2_3: last = " + sp_2_3[2] + " / current: " + sp_2_3[3]
   print "sp_2_5: last = " + sp_2_5[2] + " / current: " + sp_2_5[3]
   print "sp_3_6: last = " + sp_3_6[2] + " / current: " + sp_3_6[3]
   print "sp_4_5: last = " + sp_4_5[2] + " / current: " + sp_4_5[3]
   print "sp_4_7: last = " + sp_4_7[2] + " / current: " + sp_4_7[3]
   print "sp_5_6: last = " + sp_5_6[2] + " / current: " + sp_5_6[3]
   print "sp_5_8: last = " + sp_5_8[2] + " / current: " + sp_5_8[3]
   print "sp_6_9: last = " + sp_6_9[2] + " / current: " + sp_6_9[3]
   print "sp_7_8: last = " + sp_7_8[2] + " / current: " + sp_7_8[3]
   print "sp_7_10: last = " + sp_7_10[2] + " / current: " + sp_7_10[3]
   print "sp_8_9: last = " + sp_8_9[2] + " / current: " + sp_8_9[3]
   print "sp_8_11: last = " + sp_8_11[2] + " / current: " + sp_8_11[3]
   print "sp_9_12: last = " + sp_9_12[2] + " / current: " + sp_9_12[3]
   print "sp_10_11: last = " + sp_10_11[2] + " / current: " + sp_10_11[3]
   print "sp_10_13: last = " + sp_10_13[2] + " / current: " + sp_10_13[3]
   print "sp_11_12: last = " + sp_11_12[2] + " / current: " + sp_11_12[3]
   print "sp_11_14: last = " + sp_11_14[2] + " / current: " + sp_11_14[3]
   print "sp_12_15: last = " + sp_12_15[2] + " / current: " + sp_12_15[3]
   print "sp_13_14: last = " + sp_13_14[2] + " / current: " + sp_13_14[3]
   print "sp_13_16: last = " + sp_13_16[2] + " / current: " + sp_13_16[3]
   print "sp_14_15: last = " + sp_14_15[2] + " / current: " + sp_14_15[3]
   print "sp_14_17: last = " + sp_14_17[2] + " / current: " + sp_14_17[3]
   print "sp_15_18: last = " + sp_15_18[2] + " / current: " + sp_15_18[3]
   print "sp_16_17: last = " + sp_16_17[2] + " / current: " + sp_16_17[3]
   print "sp_16_19: last = " + sp_16_19[2] + " / current: " + sp_16_19[3]
   print "sp_17_18: last = " + sp_17_18[2] + " / current: " + sp_17_18[3]
   print "sp_17_20: last = " + sp_17_20[2] + " / current: " + sp_17_20[3]
   print "sp_18_21: last = " + sp_18_21[2] + " / current: " + sp_18_21[3]
   print "sp_19_20: last = " + sp_19_20[2] + " / current: " + sp_19_20[3]
   print "sp_19_22: last = " + sp_19_22[2] + " / current: " + sp_19_22[3]
   print "sp_20_21: last = " + sp_20_21[2] + " / current: " + sp_20_21[3]
   print "sp_20_23: last = " + sp_20_23[2] + " / current: " + sp_20_23[3]
   print "sp_21_24: last = " + sp_21_24[2] + " / current: " + sp_21_24[3]
   print "sp_22_23: last = " + sp_22_23[2] + " / current: " + sp_22_23[3]
   print "sp_22_25: last = " + sp_22_25[2] + " / current: " + sp_22_25[3]
   print "sp_23_24: last = " + sp_23_24[2] + " / current: " + sp_23_24[3]
   print "sp_23_26: last = " + sp_23_26[2] + " / current: " + sp_23_26[3]
   print "sp_24_27: last = " + sp_24_27[2] + " / current: " + sp_24_27[3]
   print "sp_25_26: last = " + sp_25_26[2] + " / current: " + sp_25_26[3]
   print "sp_25_28: last = " + sp_25_28[2] + " / current: " + sp_25_28[3]
   print "sp_26_27: last = " + sp_26_27[2] + " / current: " + sp_26_27[3]
   print "sp_26_29: last = " + sp_26_29[2] + " / current: " + sp_26_29[3]
   print "sp_27_30: last = " + sp_27_30[2] + " / current: " + sp_27_30[3]
   print "sp_28_29: last = " + sp_28_29[2] + " / current: " + sp_28_29[3]
   print "sp_28_31: last = " + sp_28_31[2] + " / current: " + sp_28_31[3]
   print "sp_29_30: last = " + sp_29_30[2] + " / current: " + sp_29_30[3]
   print "sp_29_32: last = " + sp_29_32[2] + " / current: " + sp_29_32[3]
   print "sp_30_33: last = " + sp_30_33[2] + " / current: " + sp_30_33[3]
   print "sp_31_32: last = " + sp_31_32[2] + " / current: " + sp_31_32[3]
   print "sp_31_34: last = " + sp_31_34[2] + " / current: " + sp_31_34[3]
   print "sp_32_33: last = " + sp_32_33[2] + " / current: " + sp_32_33[3]
   print "sp_32_35: last = " + sp_32_35[2] + " / current: " + sp_32_35[3]
   print "sp_33_36: last = " + sp_33_36[2] + " / current: " + sp_33_36[3]
   print "sp_34_35: last = " + sp_34_35[2] + " / current: " + sp_34_35[3]
   print "sp_35_36: last = " + sp_35_36[2] + " / current: " + sp_35_36[3]
end subroutine

(Continued below)
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Code (freebasic) Select

Subroutine set_bets()
   REM Clear counter
   bets_count = 0
   REM Clear hoding string
   bets$ = ""
   REM iterate splits
   REM 1/0
   if sp_1_0[2] > 0 and sp_1_0[3] > 0 and sp_1_0[2] = sp_1_0[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",1-0"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 2/0
   if sp_2_0[2] > 0 and sp_2_0[3] > 0 and sp_2_0[2] = sp_2_0[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",2-0"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 3/0
   if sp_3_0[2] > 0 and sp_3_0[3] > 0 and sp_3_0[2] = sp_3_0[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",3-0"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 1/2
   if sp_1_2[2] > 0 and sp_1_2[3] > 0 and sp_1_2[2] = sp_1_2[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",1-2"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 1/4
   if sp_1_4[2] > 0 and sp_1_4[3] > 0 and sp_1_4[2] = sp_1_4[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",1-4"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 2/3
   if sp_2_3[2] > 0 and sp_2_3[3] > 0 and sp_2_3[2] = sp_2_3[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",2-3"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 2/5
   if sp_2_5[2] > 0 and sp_2_5[3] > 0 and sp_2_5[2] = sp_2_5[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",2-5"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 3/6
   if sp_3_6[2] > 0 and sp_3_6[3] > 0 and sp_3_6[2] = sp_3_6[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",3-6"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 4/5
   if sp_4_5[2] > 0 and sp_4_5[3] > 0 and sp_4_5[2] = sp_4_5[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",4-5"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 4/7
   if sp_4_7[2] > 0 and sp_4_7[3] > 0 and sp_4_7[2] = sp_4_7[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",4-7"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 5/6
   if sp_5_6[2] > 0 and sp_5_6[3] > 0 and sp_5_6[2] = sp_5_6[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",5-6"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 5/8
   if sp_5_8[2] > 0 and sp_5_8[3] > 0 and sp_5_8[2] = sp_5_8[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",5-8"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 6/9
   if sp_6_9[2] > 0 and sp_6_9[3] > 0 and sp_6_9[2] = sp_6_9[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",6-9"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 7/8
   if sp_7_8[2] > 0 and sp_7_8[3] > 0 and sp_7_8[2] = sp_7_8[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",7-8"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 7/10
   if sp_7_10[2] > 0 and sp_7_10[3] > 0 and sp_7_10[2] = sp_7_10[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",7-10"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 8/9
   if sp_8_9[2] > 0 and sp_8_9[3] > 0 and sp_8_9[2] = sp_8_9[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",8-9"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 8/11
   if sp_8_11[2] > 0 and sp_8_11[3] > 0 and sp_8_11[2] = sp_8_11[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",8-11"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 9/12
   if sp_9_12[2] > 0 and sp_9_12[3] > 0 and sp_9_12[2] = sp_9_12[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",9-12"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 10/11
   if sp_10_11[2] > 0 and sp_10_11[3] > 0 and sp_10_11[2] = sp_10_11[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",10-11"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 10/13
   if sp_10_13[2] > 0 and sp_10_13[3] > 0 and sp_10_13[2] = sp_10_13[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",10-13"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 11/12
   if sp_11_12[2] > 0 and sp_11_12[3] > 0 and sp_11_12[2] = sp_11_12[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",11-12"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 11/14
   if sp_11_14[2] > 0 and sp_11_14[3] > 0 and sp_11_14[2] = sp_11_14[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",11-14"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 12/15
   if sp_12_15[2] > 0 and sp_12_15[3] > 0 and sp_12_15[2] = sp_12_15[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",12-15"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 13/14
   if sp_13_14[2] > 0 and sp_13_14[3] > 0 and sp_13_14[2] = sp_13_14[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",13-14"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 13/16
   if sp_13_16[2] > 0 and sp_13_16[3] > 0 and sp_13_16[2] = sp_13_16[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",13-16"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 14/15
   if sp_14_15[2] > 0 and sp_14_15[3] > 0 and sp_14_15[2] = sp_14_15[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",14-15"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 14/17
   if sp_14_17[2] > 0 and sp_14_17[3] > 0 and sp_14_17[2] = sp_14_17[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",14-17"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 15/18
   if sp_15_18[2] > 0 and sp_15_18[3] > 0 and sp_15_18[2] = sp_15_18[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",15-18"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 16/17
   if sp_16_17[2] > 0 and sp_16_17[3] > 0 and sp_16_17[2] = sp_16_17[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",16-17"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 16/19
   if sp_16_19[2] > 0 and sp_16_19[3] > 0 and sp_16_19[2] = sp_16_19[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",16-19"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 17/18
   if sp_17_18[2] > 0 and sp_17_18[3] > 0 and sp_17_18[2] = sp_17_18[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",17-18"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 17/20
   if sp_17_20[2] > 0 and sp_17_20[3] > 0 and sp_17_20[2] = sp_17_20[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",17-20"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 18/21
   if sp_18_21[2] > 0 and sp_18_21[3] > 0 and sp_18_21[2] = sp_18_21[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",18-21"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 19/20
   if sp_19_20[2] > 0 and sp_19_20[3] > 0 and sp_19_20[2] = sp_19_20[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",19-20"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 19/22
   if sp_19_22[2] > 0 and sp_19_22[3] > 0 and sp_19_22[2] = sp_19_22[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",19-22"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 20/21
   if sp_20_21[2] > 0 and sp_20_21[3] > 0 and sp_20_21[2] = sp_20_21[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",20-21"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 20/23
   if sp_20_23[2] > 0 and sp_20_23[3] > 0 and sp_20_23[2] = sp_20_23[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",20-23"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 21/24
   if sp_21_24[2] > 0 and sp_21_24[3] > 0 and sp_21_24[2] = sp_21_24[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",21-24"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 22/23
   if sp_22_23[2] > 0 and sp_22_23[3] > 0 and sp_22_23[2] = sp_22_23[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",22-23"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 22/25
   if sp_22_25[2] > 0 and sp_22_25[3] > 0 and sp_22_25[2] = sp_22_25[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",22-25"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 23/24
   if sp_23_24[2] > 0 and sp_23_24[3] > 0 and sp_23_24[2] = sp_23_24[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",23-24"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 23/26
   if sp_23_26[2] > 0 and sp_23_26[3] > 0 and sp_23_26[2] = sp_23_26[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",23-26"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 24/27
   if sp_24_27[2] > 0 and sp_24_27[3] > 0 and sp_24_27[2] = sp_24_27[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",24-27"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 25/26
   if sp_25_26[2] > 0 and sp_25_26[3] > 0 and sp_25_26[2] = sp_25_26[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",25-26"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 25/28
   if sp_25_28[2] > 0 and sp_25_28[3] > 0 and sp_25_28[2] = sp_25_28[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",25-28"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 26/27
   if sp_26_27[2] > 0 and sp_26_27[3] > 0 and sp_26_27[2] = sp_26_27[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",26-27"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 26/29
   if sp_26_29[2] > 0 and sp_26_29[3] > 0 and sp_26_29[2] = sp_26_29[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",26-29"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 27/30
   if sp_27_30[2] > 0 and sp_27_30[3] > 0 and sp_27_30[2] = sp_27_30[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",27-30"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 28/29
   if sp_28_29[2] > 0 and sp_28_29[3] > 0 and sp_28_29[2] = sp_28_29[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",28-29"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 28/31
   if sp_28_31[2] > 0 and sp_28_31[3] > 0 and sp_28_31[2] = sp_28_31[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",28-31"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 29/30
   if sp_29_30[2] > 0 and sp_29_30[3] > 0 and sp_29_30[2] = sp_29_30[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",29-30"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 29/32
   if sp_29_32[2] > 0 and sp_29_32[3] > 0 and sp_29_32[2] = sp_29_32[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",29-32"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 30/33
   if sp_30_33[2] > 0 and sp_30_33[3] > 0 and sp_30_33[2] = sp_30_33[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",30-33"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 31/32
   if sp_31_32[2] > 0 and sp_31_32[3] > 0 and sp_31_32[2] = sp_31_32[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",31-32"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 31/34
   if sp_31_34[2] > 0 and sp_31_34[3] > 0 and sp_31_34[2] = sp_31_34[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",31-34"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 32/33
   if sp_32_33[2] > 0 and sp_32_33[3] > 0 and sp_32_33[2] = sp_32_33[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",32-33"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 32/35
   if sp_32_35[2] > 0 and sp_32_35[3] > 0 and sp_32_35[2] = sp_32_35[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",32-35"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 33/361
   if sp_33_36[2] > 0 and sp_33_36[3] > 0 and sp_33_36[2] = sp_33_36[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",33-36"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 34/35
   if sp_34_35[2] > 0 and sp_34_35[3] > 0 and sp_34_35[2] = sp_34_35[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",34-35"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM 35/36
   if sp_35_36[2] > 0 and sp_35_36[3] > 0 and sp_35_36[2] = sp_35_36[3] then
      REM Add to bets
      bets$  = bets$ + ",35-36"
      REM Rise bets counter
      bets_count += 1
   end if
   REM Check for bets
   if bets_count > 0 then
      REM Remove leading comma
      bets$ = right(bets$, length(bets$) - 1)
   end if

end subroutine
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Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Thank you very much for your time spent on this. I will read the code very eager to learn.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.