Using the Triple-Felt Matrix (
Remember the "Dozen Twins"? They were bound to the dozens, these ones are "Felt Twins" or better expressed "Free Twins" (in any direction).
Bet is this: You bet to complete three (3) Felt Twins to be symmetrically distanced from each other. Example to follow.
I'd like to use actuals from tomorrow's first open table @ wiesbaden for illustration.
These "Twin babies" can have pretty good runs! And I'd like the trial to be as transparent as possible.
...We can't curve-fit actuals from the future, can we? :D
"..We can't curve-fit actuals from the future, can we?"
After a few glasses of wine I might be able to oblige!! :drunk:
This Felt-Twins concept sounds VERY interesting.
Look forward to more info.
Quote from: VLS on November 25, 2012, 08:34:44 AM
...We can't curve-fit actuals from the future, can we? :D
Tell me what you would like to see Victor and I will have a word with the croupier :))
You still need to be careful with the Wiesbaden spins. The optical readers mounted on the wheels can make quite a few mistakes over the course of a day.
Quote from: Bally6354 on November 25, 2012, 02:54:26 PM
The optical readers mounted on the wheels can make quite a few mistakes over the course of a day.
This is a very good point and occurs daily. This weekend I played at a table that missed 7 of 16 spins on the board. Had someone been walking up to the table with a system requiring accurate recording, they'd be in for a very big surprise. Many at the table made mention of it. Did anyone on the other side of the table take note? Absolutely not.
Well, for this we take the word of the math guys who affirm each spin is independent; so as long as it comes from the same quality source (i.e. same wheel) it forms a perfectly valid set of actuals on its own, regardless of any skipping :cheer:
I'm in agreement with that.
You still need to be careful with the Wiesbaden spins. The optical readers mounted on the wheels can make quite a few mistakes over the course of a day.
Are you speaking specifically of the Wiesbaden wheel or all wheels in general? I can't see how one could know this unless they were at the table. Can you be at the table at Weisbaden?
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 25, 2012, 07:16:14 PM
Are you speaking specifically of the Wiesbaden wheel or all wheels in general? I can't see how one could know this unless they were at the table. Can you be at the table at Weisbaden?
You could be sitting there at the table playing. It's a real live casino. I am pretty certain they don't have a video feed like at Dublinbet.
All the wheels with sensors on them for recording numbers can either miss out on numbers or add the same number twice making it look like a repeater came.
I suppose Victor is right in a way saying it makes no difference because each spin is an independent event.
I understand all that. Been there; seen it in Vegas and Tunica.
So you're saying that since all electronic eyes malfunction, this one must, also.
Well, all our data are skewed!
It just gets worse by the day!!
I read a lot of the German roulette forums and a few of them were complaining about it.
So I am assuming that some of them probably play at Wiesbaden.
Site: (
Download: [attachmini=2]
OK, we do the standard procedure as in previous tests: we start taking notes as if we would have gotten to the casino and then re-use the numbers to save time.
Since the method was stated before the set of actuals existed you can be certain of the transparency.
Let's start.
We have our first bet here.
We bet #10:
Since it would make three "Felt Twins" to be symmetrically distanced from each other:
Bet: #10
Cycle balance: 0
Bet: #10
Cycle balance: -1
Cycle balance: -2
We must add a new bet now.
Number 28 would make three felt twins appear symmetrically:
So we add it for next spin.
Bet: 10, 28
Cycle balance: -4
New bets to add for next spin.
Number 33:
Makes three felt twins show symmetrically:
Number 12:
Makes the event with three felt twins too:
So, for next spin we have:
Bet: 10, 12, 28, 33
Number 0 (zero) shows.
Cycle balance: -8
Rebet: 10, 12, 28, 33
Cycle balance: -12
With the number enabling more "felt twins" bets.
18 makes:
5 makes:
Bet for next spin: 5, 10, 12, 18, 28, 33
We get a hit with number #33:
We close the cycle (time to re-track).
Final Cycle balance: +18
We wipe our tracking slate clean:
And proceed to tick numbers IN REVERSE, from most recent to furthest back. Until there is a bet.
This way we reuse the numbers and save time.
We re-track backwards until #30:
We stop here since we have bets in our tracking sheet:
And #3:
We start the new cycle like this:
Starting Cycle balance: 0
Bet: 3, 21
We get a hit with number #3:
It closes the cycle.
Final cycle balance: +34.
Time to re-track again.
We re-track up to number #24:
There is a bet with #30:
New cycle begins.
Starting cycle balance: 0
Bet: #30
#5 is spun:
It makes a new bet, #29:
Since it enables the following felt twins:
Cycle balance: -1
Bet: 29, 30
We get a hit on #30:
Hit ends the cycle.
Final cycle balance: +33
I would love to continue, yet it's well past 3 a.m. here.
Hopefully by now you get the gist of the method.
I notice in your first post, the felt you link us to is different from the one you use to mark the hits. Which one do we use?
Also, what do you mean by "symmetrical"? I think of a leaf that, when you fold it, the outer edges match perfectly.
Your images are so blurred on my screen, I can barely read them.
Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 02, 2012, 08:41:12 AM
I notice in your first post, the felt you link us to is different from the one you use to mark the hits. Which one do we use?
They are actually the same for this method's purpose.
The one in here saves us from jotting three marks, so it's advisable to use it:
Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 02, 2012, 08:48:20 AM
Also, what do you mean by "symmetrical"? I think of a leaf that, when you fold it, the outer edges match perfectly.
Hello dear Sam, kindly bear in mind there are several types of symmetry:
You're referring to
reflection symmetry with the leaf example.
I'm referring to
translation symmetry with felt twins.
Rotation symmetry:[attachimg=1]
Translation symmetry:[attachimg=2]
Reflection symmetry:[attachimg=3]
Glide Reflection symmetry:[attachimg=4] (
It’s like we are both talking about cars, just with different models in our minds :)
No biggie!