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The Finale Countdown

Started by GreatGrampa, May 07, 2013, 02:36:12 PM

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Thanks for all your feedback on Triple shooter framework. Undertaking a challenge there has opened up the world of possibilities for me into the RNG casino world and learning and adapting my methods of play to into the RNG world. Not that i am a fan of sitting infront of the computer doing stuff alone, as what drives me is the whole atmosphere of the live casino, enjoyeable chat that you will have with the dealer over a drink and thrill of it. But anything is a learning process and hope i will get some good luck at the end of the Triple shooter challenge.

While that's continuing, i thought it is always monotonic to just look at the even chances and outside chances and discuss about it. So I thought why not start another thread that focusses on inside bets and it will help me in two separate learning processes over the next month, one on inside bets and other on outside bets.

So here we go - this framework is called The Finale Countdown.

As i have seen in this forum and other forums, and many of the books that i have read, it's a rarity if not non-existent of a method that takes into account the Finale (or the ending digits of the spin). The framework that i am going to consider for discussion here is going to use exactly that "The Finale".

Now as always with respect to the concepts.:)  Call me boring, but without understanding these concepts there is no way one will be able to gain success on a long term. These concepts are what make on a successful player and not the systems!

Basic Building Concept 1 : Finale Finer Details
Finale is something that is unique, because it thrives in anamolies. For eg, there are 18 reds and blacks, there are 12 sets of 3 streets and 3 sets of dozens. So everything is almost symmetric in a roulette table, but for Finale. It alternates between 3 or 4 sets of numbers. The following numbers have 3 sets of finales (7,8,9) and others have 4 sets of finales (0,1,2,3,4,5,6). In case of american tables, the finale zero will have 5 sets. Also, we know that an inside straight bet returns us 1:35. So is there any merit in looking at this anamoly and combining it with the straight bet? Does this anamoly balance the imbalance in equilibrium caused by the uneven return of 35/36 or 35/37 in 0 and 00 tables respectively? Lets explore more on this when we discuss the framework in detail.

Basic building concept 2 : Keep things simple
Because of the above anamolies, the finale is very difficult to track. And also it doesn't naturally come to a beginner to medium skilled player as they are trained to look at the layout, look at even chances, dozens, streets, straights and so on, but for Finales. So tracking the wheel for multiple spins (which is an essential for inside bet) is just going to complicate things ( I for once think the winkel's GUT would have been a far greater success if the betting process is much simpler than what it is currently). So to keep things simple, we should just track back 1 spin and at the most 2 spins to make the most use of "The Finales". Any longer than that is going to result in absolute chaos in the table. Also, for a beginner to medium player it is very very difficult to be able to track bets on more than 6-7 even chances. These factors need to be taken into account while defining a framework that is going to be simple.

So, leaving you with these thoughts as it was a long day today, and will soon be back with some more concepts before we look into the framework.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Thank you Great Grampa.
We appreciate you take the time to write quality threads and kindly posting it :rose:

We're eager to read more from you.
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-- Victor


GG . .

I love Finales and can track them easily in Excel.

Looking forward to your next post.



Hear Hear too on the looking forward to!  :thumbsup:


Finales are fine;  fatales always get me!
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


This is where everyone is lurking then

I love things explained correctly. Answering "why are we doing this....",

You are a good read GG....and I love a good read


So now that we are done with some basics on Finales, lets get to business. There are numerous ways I play with Finales, because it gives me the adrenaline rush of travelling in the road not taken or less travelled.  I thought I will use this to explain multiple concepts on finales and multiple methods that i adopt to play finales. I will also try to rate them on a number of parameters and will not only explain the methods that win consistently, but also those tank as the concepts are important and who knows someone may be able to devise a better method using those concepts.

Let me start with something that has been winning for me. I will keep this post clean and short by just keeping links to all the finale frameworks. I also invite anyone who has successfully used finales to post the link of their framework here.

This one is based on crossings.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine