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The Finale Crossing

Started by GreatGrampa, May 17, 2013, 10:35:24 AM

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I did mention briefly about Winkel and GUT when I was talking about keeping things simple. God gave us earth and skies. God gave us food and energy. Our ancestors gave us clothign and shelter. Winkel gave us a powerful concept called "Crossings". Accordingly to his Great universal theory, crossings have to happen in roulette. When it happens is "Scholastical" (I can't pronounce it correctly :)).

Basic building block 1 - Crossings : Crossings are a powerful way to express that events on long term have to take opposing sides. It is a proof of every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction in roulette and things have to be balanced on long term. It is the cyclical equivalent of Last and further. It works on the chinese philisophy that things have to work in harmony and have to get balanced. But over what period of time, is any one's guess. I won't explain crossings further, as you can refer to any of old winkel's threads.

I am always in two minds when it comes to GUT. One side of me says, what a genius, excellent! Other side says what is scientific about it, another fallacy. But there are things that I have formed a opinion. It is so difficult to track in live play. Its so many numbers, its so many crossings, very complex when you are sitting in a casino. Sometimes i think if only the number of possible crossings are less, if only the numbers that i have to track to be less then there is a greater possibility of the crossings happening frequently and greater possibility of getting a victorious crossing as the number of possibilities are less.

Also, hey! where is the progression? Ofcourse manrique, winkel and claudio taught us how powerful flat betting can be. But progression is a synonym for success right :)
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


What do we track?
Now lets get into the framework. First of all lets try to keep it simple. Instead of tracking 36 numbers, why not we track only 10 numbers. Is it not easy to keep track? How do we do it. Yeah! You got it. Our finales are the 10 numbers that we are tracking, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. Each finale may have 3 or 4 numbers associated with it, but we will keep our tracking limited to the final digits of these numbers and hence we will track only 10 digits at any point in time.

So lets take the first few spins from wiesbaden table 3 from yesterday. 5, 28, 24, 7, 13, 25, 33, 13, 7, 27, 21, 25, 29, 9.   We will track it like 5, 8, 4, 7. 3, 5, 3, 3, 7, 7, 1, 5, 9, 9. Got it? We go now to the next step.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


How many crossings to map?
Ofcourse there are endless list of possibilities. But we need to keep our tracking minimal and as simple as possible. Also, we need to ensure that our tracking is leading us to the maximum capitalization. After years of playing this framework, i can safely conclude that you track only numbers that has not come, numbers that have come once and numbers that have come more than once. That is 0, 1 and >1. Anything more than that not only increases the complexity of tracking, but also results in lesser number of winning crossings within limited numbers of spins. In other words, it takes more number of spins for crossing to win.

Lets see with an example of how to track the above spins from wiesbaden.
Spin            Finale                0             1                >1
5                  5                       9             1                         - There are 9 finales yet to appear and one has appeared once.
28                8                       8             2                         - 8 no appearances and 2 appeared once
24                4                       7              3
7                  7                       6              4
13                3                       5              5
25                5                       5              4                1      -  Finale 5 has appeared twice. So the tracking becomes 5 no appearanes, 4 appeared once and 1 appeared more than once.

Simple right? Now lets get to the next step.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


When do we play?
Adher to the crossings rules. Play only the crossing betwen 0 and1 and 1 and >1. No other crossings as others are non-profitable in long run. Get in when a crossing starts and get off when the crossing is no longer there or a hit is not going to get you into positive.
0        1          >1
5        5                   - Next hit of a number that has not appeared once will make the number of finales that appeared once to be greater than the numbers that has not appeared. So this is a valid crossing.

0         1         >1
7         2          1         - Crossing between 1 and > 1. Play the two finales under 1, as the next hit there will make >1 finales more than the finales under 1.

0         1         >1
6         3         1           - No crossing exists

0          1         >1
8         0         2              - No crossing exists

0         1         >1
5         4         1         - Even though there is a crossing between 0 and >0, we don't play this. This is not a valid crossing for us.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Do we track endlessly?
Ofcourse not! For us to get a balance between the number of finales that we are playing and the number of occurances it takes for a crossing to return successful results, we stop and restart tracking whenever the possibility of next tracking will require more than 2 finales to be played. Confusing right? Let me explain with an example.

0                1                    >1
9                1                                               - Continue as there is a crossing that will involve less than or 2 finales possible.
8                2                                              - Continue as there is a crossing that will involve less than or 2 finales possible.
7                3                                              - Continue as there is a crossing that will involve less than or 2 finales possible.
6                3                    1                         - Continue as there is a crossing that will involve less than or 2 finales possible.
5                4                    1                         - We stop at this spin and start tracking again. Because after this we cannot get a crossing which will be less than or equal to 2 numbers.                   
5                3                    2

Lets see another one.
0                1                    >1
9                1                                               - Continue as there is a crossing that will involve less than or 2 finales possible.
8                2                                              - Continue as there is a crossing that will involve less than or 2 finales possible.
8                1                    1                          - This is a crossing between 1 and >1.
7                2                    1                         - Again a crossing between 1 and >1.
7                1                    2                         - We had a winning crossing.
6                2                    2                         - Crossing between 1 and > 1
6                1                    3                         - Winning crossing. But we stop tracking and restart tracking here because any further crossing that will happen here will need more than 2 finales to be tracked and played or we will have to wait a long time before a successful such crossing happens between 0 and 1.

Might sound complicated. But once you get a hang of it, you will see how easy it is to track it this way.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


What is a world without exceptions.
Ofcourse there are two exceptions to my not more than 2 finales rules. One is a situation where you are getting a situation like below.

0         1           >1
5         5

As you can see there are 5 finales that has come once and 5 that has not appeared. Go against the crossing rule and go for the wakers here. As there is a long list of sleepers, there is a higher probability that sleepers will remain sleepers. So instead of playing finales in 0 as per the crossing rule, play finales in 1.

The second exception is as below:
0             1               >1
6            3                  1
6            2                  2     - Crossing in sight. So you start playing the 2 finales that has appeared once.
5            3                  2     - Crossing continues to be in sight. But we have to play more than 2 finales. Treat it as an exception. Go for it mate! It works wonders.

These are the only two exceptions known to mankind in this framework :)
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


When do we stop?
Play a crossing until a hit will not get you into a positive zone. For eg.

0           1            >1
6           2              2         - Play 2 finales. Approximately 8 numbers.
6           2              2         - Play 2 finales. Approximately 8 numbers
6           2              2         - Play 2 finales. Approximately 8 numbers
6           2              2         - Play 2 finales. Approximately 8 numbers
6           2              2         - Do not play this. Even though crossing is still valid, we will not get into a profit for this cycle. If we play this we would have spent 40 units and will get back only 36 units.

Stop playing when a crossing cease to exist.
0             1              >1
6            2              2           - Play 2 finales. Approximately 8 numbers.
6            2              2           - Play 2 finales. Approximately 8 numbers
6           1               3           - Stop playing. Crossing is no more there.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


That brings me to the end. Okie! No progressions, only flat betting so far. Once we digest all these I will explain how to do progressions. But flat betting works fine and gives us good ups.

This is one of my productive playing methods. Either I start with this framework when i visit a casino or I use this framework to top up my winnings when i have reached my daily profit limit. I aim for 50 units and mostly i get that 50 units within 15-20 spins. As always, don't forget your disciple and MM.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Let me try explaining this with the wiesbaden spins from table 3 yesterday that I shared at the start.

Spin    Finale          0        1         >1             Comments
5          5                  9        1                         Keep tracking no crossing in sight
28        8                  8        2             
24        4                  7        3
7          7                  6        4
13        3                  5        5                         There is a crossing on 0 and 1. Remember our exception rule. Go for the 5 finales that has appeared once. So we bet on finales 5, 8, 4, 7, 3. In other words on the numbers 5, 15, 25, 35, 8, 18, 28, 4, 14, 24, 34, 7, 17, 27, 3, 13, 23 and 33. 18 units.
25        5                  5         4        1              We are +18 now. We restart tracking as there is no more crossings possible which will involve playing less than or equal to 2 finales.
33       3                  9         1        0
13       3                  8         2        0
7         7                  8         1        1              Crossing between 1 and >1. We play the finale 7 (7, 17 and 27).
27       7                  8         0        2              We are +51 now (+18-3+36). We continue tracking.
21       1                  7         1        2
25       5                  6         2        2              Crossing between 1 and >1. Play finales 5 and 1.
29       9                  5         3        2              Crossing continues. Remember our exception 2. Play 3 finales 5, 1 and 9. We are +6 (+14-8).
9         9                  5         2        3              We are +68 (+51-11-8+36). Retrack as there is no more crossings possible which will involve less than or equal to 2 finales.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


As you can see within 14 spins we had 4 betting opportunities and we are +68 units. For those curious ones, I have tried with few more wiesbaden spins from yesterday and day before and everything will give a +50 easily. But that's only the tip of the iceberg. As I mentioned this is something i have been playing for sometime now with good success rate and can vouch for it.

As always, adapt these concepts to suit your way of playing and keep winning! Any feedback, queries, adaptations always welcome! I will try to post a couple of videos soon.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Quote from: GreatGrampa on May 17, 2013, 10:53:11 AM
As always, don't forget your disciple and MM.
Being an agnostic....im gonna struggle to get a disciple ^-^


OK.....joking apart...

Thanks for sharing this GG. its generous.

Im trying to get this logically, without knowing what crossing or GUT is. Which doesn't help

I did see a GUT video by Sam, although baffled, I realize what the concept of crossing is (ish)

In the penultimate post, you give an example

its the retrack

              0   1   >1
33  3     9    1    0
13  3     8    2    0    <<<<<should this be   9   0   1?  If it should, Im fine. If its correct, I don't get it.
07  7     8    1    1
27  7     8    0    2

I need more Ginko Biloba



Turner you are right. It should read 9 0 1.  in case you are baffled with crossings let me know can explain more.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Quote from: GreatGrampa on May 17, 2013, 05:52:29 PM
Turner you are right. It should read 9 0 1.  in case you are baffled with crossings let me know can explain more.

If its not too much trouble that would be nice of you.

We are only interested in a crossing between 1 hit and more than 1 right?


0 1
0 2
1 2
2 2  <<<<here we bet on the 2 finales, perhaps  1,11,21,31   7,17,27
1 3  <<<< would be a win

3 2  <<<would of been a loss

what to do on a win and loss?

Stop on both and continue if possible?
Stop on both and start again?

would the betting look like this? (x= no bet)

1,11,21,31   7,17,27 <<bet once

whether you win or lose ?


Very interesting method (or framework) as i'm allready a fan of Winkel's GUT method!  :love:

I might work out a tracker for this when i get time!

Thans for sharing Grampa.  :cheer:

PS: I like your posts, very well explained!  :rose: