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Started by Dane, August 19, 2013, 10:21:04 AM

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The three numbers in a street turn up in some order (repeats are ignored): A is the earliest number, B is the next coming number, and C is the last one. There are only six possibilities:
However, there are twelve streets. When one combination comes again, I win (flat betting) and stop. I also end the session, however, instead of betting more than three numbers.
An easy example from the two first streets only:
3 A
1 B
2 C
6 A
4 B
The lowest numbers: 1, 2, 3 are marked with BCA.
A similar pattern may come in street 4-6: I have written  A together with 6 (third column) - and B together with 4 (first column). Now I bet number 5. If I win, I´ll write C in the middle and end the session.
After only 13 sessions (Spielbank Wiesbaden) I have won 107 chips.
                                                                                                                                   Good luck!
               Donovan Leitch


One full session: Beginning with the first spin from table 3, 2011. I have a piece of paper with 12 X 3 squares or spaces  filled with  1-36. When a number comes,  I write  one of the three letters in its square: 36 (A), 26 (A), 28 (A), 20 (A), 25 (B), 8 (A), 22 (A), 14 (A), 18 (A), 36 (I ignore repeats), 33 (A),  10 (A), 29 (B), 32 (B), 30 (C), 3 (A), 28, 34 (B), 9 (B), 14, 8, 15 (B), 1 (B), 21 (B), 31 (C), 4 (A), 34, 32, 13 (C). The full street of 13-15 would look like street 7-9, if only 7 (C) would come! So I start betting 7! Similarly I start betting 19!
12 (B), 8, 0, 8, 20, 12, 17 (B). If only 16 (C) would turn up, street 16-18 would look a bit like the full street of 31-33. So I add 16 to my betting.
24 (B), 24, 13,  19 (C). Hit! The full streets of 13-15 and 19-21 are filled with letters in the same order. This session ends here.
According to my tests most sessions includes betting on two or three numbers. If I were to bet more than three numbers, I´d prefer to stop as mentioned in my initial post here.
               Donovan Leitch


Dane....very pretty...and its right up my street (no pun intended)
The pattern guys will love it....the purists will say " its just betting on a sleeping no.
At worse...it's a random bet selector
there's something else here...but I can't see it yet.


Dane, it is a bit confusing for me I guess. :)
Are you able to confirm am doing it right in the following video snippet?

Order of ABC


Thanks to Turner! And thanks to Priyanka, who might be unable to think without making a video[smiley]aes/joking.png[/smiley] Quite entertaining! You seem to have understood the system; but you have made s small mistake, I think:
35 (A), 28 (A), 30 (B), 32 (A), 1 (A), 24 (A), 23 (B), 14 (A), 9(A), 21 (A), 30, 4(A), 15(B), 23, 36 (B), 30, 19 (B), 29 (C), 35, 7 (B), 2, (B), 1, 16 (A).
HERE IT COMES: 22. Instead of writing C in the 8TH Group you wrote  C in the 5TH Group, which misled you to bet 34. It would have been fine, if 13 had come instead of 22.
A  little later you started betting 8 (right after 20). It proves that you have understood the idea.
               Donovan Leitch



I have sworn never to ask Dane a question as long as I live, but I'll ask you.

When a street is full, as in

a b c

you wait for for another street to have two out of those three, as in

a  c
a  b

and then you would bet for b in the first line or c in the next.  The A B or C must be in the same column, right?

Is that the gist of it?

Very good video.  You think quickly!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on August 21, 2013, 05:05:09 PM
When a street is full, as in

a b c

you wait for for another street to have two out of those three, as in

a  c
a  b

and then you would bet for b in the first line or c in the next. 

Sam, you only bet for c in the second line. You don't bet for b on the first line. You basically bet for the same pattern to form.


I understood the video, but didn't understand why you only bet on the
One Coloured Cell (#34) for a completion of the Street?......
when there were Two other Cells you could have covered.

#3 (actual #3) was one of them, as 1, & 2 had already hit, and low and behold,
whilst you were placing the single bet on #34, number #3 hits!

I didn't understand that bit, esp as there is no commentary!?
See attached.

I just saw your post to Sam.....so its not about completing a Street, is about something else eh?



There are only three patterns in full streets in screenshot you posted.

cab on street 5
cba on street 8
acb on street 10.

Now you bet for the same pattern in another street, where only two numbers are filled.
Street 1 - abX, this will form abc, so no bet here
Street 2 - aXX, two gaps, so no bet
street 3,7 - bXa, this will form bca, no match and hence no bet
Street 4,9 and 6, yet to be filled. No bet
Street 11 - two gaps no bet.
Street 12 - Xab. It will form cab if 34 comes, which matches pattern in full street 5. So we start betting 34.



I don't understand it a bit either.

Let's say you have

a b c  in columns 1 2 and 3.  Number 1 is a, number 2 is b and number 3 is c.

Somewhere else, you get

a  _  c

Do you not bet for b to appear in the second street.  Suppose it was street 1 2 3, would you not bet for the 5?

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Is this right?
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers



a  _  c  Do you not bet for b to appear in the second street.  Suppose it was street 1 2 3, would you not bet for the 5?Sam

You can not have a _ c

Because "A"= the first landing in the street, so it could  be in ANY of the three columns, then.......
"B"= the second landing in the street, again, could be anywhere except for where "a" is!
and finally, U have "C"= third landing in the street

So for instance, in your imaginary street, say the first result in the street was in ColA (Column1) so that would look like:-

A _ _

then say the next result (in that street) was in Col C (Column3), it would be marked thus:-
A _ B
and finally, to complete that street, the middle Column, when it arrives, is marked:-

therefore , if you had another street marked up as A _ B you can now bet for that middle Column to fill with a result.
The bet Street must have the same attributes as the Street that is now filled with 'Marks',
and just have one, missing, though matching Gap! (if you understand what I mean)

Hence, why in Yanks video, she only bets on the #34 is its the only set of results that matches the already filled in Street..
(a street that has had all three results)

Here is another example.

So, in the above example, you would be betting on #2 because
Street 5 is our "Full" street, and Street 1 has the same attributes as Street 1,
apart from the missing Centre Column.

Get it?


You track streets....but not just hits. its the order they hit. Eventually you have a street filled

if you have a full one like this
and another is



you bet that middle no. in the street will hit because its top came first and its bottom came second

same pattern

it may be

12 A
10 B

betting 11 because it will follow the same pattern as one that already did this pattern.

There will be a few of these happening

it is woodoo and unsubstantiated. I like it as a random bet selector only

It IS a sleeper bettor.

There is no reason at all why 11 will come out because 26 came out 3rd also.

Its great to put up your ideas....and they should be studied and commented on constructivly



Why does Chris have no "A" in street 1 of his example?

You can not have a _ c

Because "A"= the first landing in the street, so it could  be in ANY of the three columns, then.......
"B"= the second landing in the street, again, could be anywhere except for where "a" is!
and finally, U have "C"= third landing in the street 

Don't they have to go into the columns a b and then c?

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Chris shouldnt have...because of casualty....lol back to quantum physics

B and C can't come before A