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Wheel Prediction

Started by ignatus, May 21, 2013, 02:23:21 PM

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For this strategy you need to use paint, .....load the image of the wheel, then mark each spin as they come on the wheel.

I wait unti atleast two hits have come on each  side of the wheel OK

Now you see where the two biggest "gaps" are between these spins. Place bets in these "gaps".

I put a 15 numbers bet to cover the gaps.

Now, im not sure about 15 numbers progression so I use +1 progression.

Next I wait until either I get a WLW or WW before reset/restart.

In the picture.

Red dots are the spins (before placing bets)
Blue lines are the bets placed.
Blue dots are the numbers hit after placing the bets

I wanted to share this strategy, because I think it's good, and has much potential.



Thank you Ignatus.

Wheel-based strategies are certainly well received  :thumbsup:

Quite illustrative charts!

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


I've made a simple tracker for this strategy.Press R to begin a new session, anytime-Enter last spin, that number will be shown as '0' (numbers hit), 37 is zero.

Bet the biggest gaps, between numbers hit on the wheel

Chose your own playing style and how to use this tracker



OooH....when I saw Ignatus's post, I thought the "Disc" wheel  feature is back!