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system9 revisited

Started by Bally6354, January 27, 2013, 09:31:58 PM

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36=12 (*,*) *5* WON. (The 'WON' just indicates that the 5 is still the missing street) The bet was actually a loss. no bet next. never bet from the 12 street.
LOSS (units) / WON (because street didint wake up)
I don't like betting from the 12 street because it often involves betting 9 or more streets.
I don't really see the point in that. The risk seems to outweigh the reward.

33=11 (*,**) *5* WON. bet 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10 = 8. +4. (+14)

27=09 (*,*,**) *5* WON. bet 3,4,6,7,8,10,11 = 7. +5. (+19)

22=08 (*,*,**) *5* WON. bet 3,4,6,7,9,10,11 = 7. -7. (+12)

15=05 (*,*,**) *1* LOST. bet 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11 = 8. -8. (+4)

15=05 (*) *1* WON. (The 'WON' just indicates that the 1 is still the missing street)
2x realLOSS = reverse bet

This is a situation where I have just lost 2 in a row and I can either bet for the losing run to continue or wait for a paper win before I start betting again.
Betting for the losing run to continue means I would bet for the missing 1 street or the 12 street to appear on the next spin.
That is only a 3 chip bet and I would only bet streets 1,2,12.
01=01 (*,*,*) *7* LOST.
PROFIT / LOST  -  reversed bet

The missing 1 street did appear and that takes the losing run to three even though I would have won the last bet looking for the loss.
New total = +13.
So I would look for the losing run to continue and now I would bet for the missing 7 or 12 street to appear.
That is only a 4 chip bet and I would only bet streets 2,4,7,12.
36=12 (*,**) *7* WON. (The 'WON' just indicates that the 7 is still the missing street)
PROFIT / LOST   -  reversed bet

One of either the missing 7 street or the 12 street did appear and that now takes the losing run to 4.
You can see what I mean by the losing runs clumping together as well sometimes.
New total = +21.
Now remember I don't bet from the 12 street and so there is no bet on the next spin.
22=08 (*) *7* WON. (The 'WON' just indicates that the 7 is still the missing street)
nobet / WON

Now I have had 4 losses in a row and there was no bet on the last spin because I don't bet from the 12.
However the last bet was a 'technical winner'

ummmm where exacly are those 4 losses in a row??

These are the grey areas. You could wait to see if things get back on track with another win.
Or you could dive back in looking for the 7 and 12 to stay missing.
OK, let's bet for the 7 and 12 to stay missing.
Bet 1,2,4,5,6,9,10,11 = 8.
21=07 (*,*,**) *3* LOST. New total +13
LOSS / LOST   -  reversed bet

So the losses are 5 from the last 6 even though we bet for a few of those losses.
hmmm are you sure?

This is one of those times when you might like to wait for at least the wins to approach 50% over the last few spins.
That's just to confirm that things may be getting back on track.
So I am not going to bet and just see what happens.#
so after LOSS (real or which one-no idea) you pause and wait either for 2PROFIT or 2WON in the last 3 spins

It may be the losses continue and I bet for more losses.
14=05 (*,*,**) *3* WON.
nobet / WON
ok so it was for WON

OK, so two wins from the last three for the missing street and the 12 street. Back looking for that.
Bet for the missing 3 street and the 12 to continue.
ok so you had WON so you continue bet REVERSED

Bet 1,2,4,6,9,10,11 = 7.
03=01 (*,*,*) *3* WON. +5. New total +18.
PROFIT / WON   -  reversed bet

Bet for the missing 3 street and the 12 to continue missing.

I really think im missing some big picture here.

is realPROFIT a loss for you when we bet reversed?
should i really keep 3 different LW statistics? realLW/virtualLW/onemoreLW?

seeing from replays it looks like im the only one who is into it... so won't ask if anyone understand it.
Multi Systems Tracker
➨ *Link Removed*


Quote from: Ophis on January 29, 2013, 02:39:51 PM

seeing from replays it looks like im the only one who is into it... so won't ask if anyone understand it.

I am interested in this too, just don't get it all :(
that's why I hope you code it ;D


Quote from: soggett on January 29, 2013, 04:29:31 PM

I am interested in this too, just don't get it all :(
that's why I hope you code it ;D

When I get an afternoon this week, I will write up a few pages and go through it step by step.  :thumbsup:


session 1. +16.
session 2. +39.
session 3. +28.
session 4. +13.
session 5. +22.
session 6. +21.
session 7. +2. (A toughie!)
session 8. +40.

Total = +181 units.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Quote from: Bally6354 on January 29, 2013, 09:51:39 PM

When I get an afternoon this week, I will write up a few pages and go through it step by step.  :thumbsup:

A great thanks from me! Looking forward to it.


Coming back to system9 has taught me a few things.

The coverage is between 7-8 streets = 21-24 numbers.

System 18 covers an average of about 14 numbers.

So I compared the average win per session between the games I have played the last few days using system9 and the sessions I played with system18 in my 'new year challenge' thread.

system9 averages mid twenties.

system18 averages mid forties.

You would think covering more numbers with system9 would be the safer bet!

However it strikes me that the extra coverage just results in more lost chips and that's why the average win per session is only half.

This is good to know and it serves as a solitary lesson for anyone thinking more numbers may be better when designing a strategy.
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.



i have tried to go to
the original site of system 9 is shutted down!!

can you explain your way of playing
when you have time

2 questions Bally
what the biggest drawdown?

what bankroll is needed ?

best from France



You know there is a bot?

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


OK, I have looked back at what I have written in this thread and I think it's pretty clear.

I can't really explain it much better than what I already have. I have added the chart and a detailed explanation step by step for 20 spins.

The basic premise is to wait until there is a sleeper street and you add the 12 street to leave 2 missing streets. I think that part is clear if you go through the example a few times.

Then you use the chart to work out the bets which I have also explained using the 20 spins.

If someone is genuinely interested and wants to attempt some spins, I will answer back and correct anything you get wrong. You can PM them to me because I am locking this thread.


Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.