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A test using the ExcelBot

Started by TwoCatSam, October 21, 2013, 05:55:12 PM

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Thank you for that!

Do you feel BV will cheat? 

In my mind, that is the only way it could be different.

Your opinions, please.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


do not know Sam shall we call it a cheat or what but if you play within certain chip value is ok as soon as you up chip value does not like it...just me opinion..have a go see what happens :thumbsup:
I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colors anymore I want them to turn black
rolling stones


Just to reassure you the cafe is not empty...LOL  (Over 500 views as I write this)

So you're testing in demo mode, it seems.

It's been noted several times elsewhere that demos use a different software algorithm to the software used for playing for money.

In other words, players have noted they win easily (if that's the right word) when in demo mode, but the minute they switch to real money mode the wheels start to fall off.

So many have observed this phenomenon that it can't just be pooh-poohed and written off as coincidence.

The 64k question:  is BV into that sort of duplicity?

I guess you're about to find out.  [Better go easy with that retirement money!! ;) ]

Now let's all watch this space...


Quote from: esoito on October 30, 2013, 10:49:11 PM

It's been noted several times elsewhere that demos use a different software algorithm to the software used for playing for money.

In other words, players have noted they win easily (if that's the right word) when in demo mode, but the minute they switch to real money mode the wheels start to fall off.

So many have observed this phenomenon that it can't just be pooh-poohed and written off as coincidence.

The 64k question:  is BV into that sort of duplicity?

It may be that BV throw out what could be considered 'user-friendly' numbers in demo mode.

Now who is to say they can't throw out 'unfriendly' strings of 60 spins which will defeat a lot of the 'garden variety' types of progressions out there.

The randomness control can work perfectly....but that does not mean it is still not just a fancy gimmick.

These online casinos have been operating for years. Who is to say they have not done research into producing what you could define as psuedo random numbers which can adapt to certain playing styles.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.



That is the goal:  to see if things change with real money.

People are different when playing with real money.  Robots are not.  I will faithfully set the bot as I have with play money.  Then we shall see.

My method of selection and money management would be very difficult for a casino to ferret out as it changes constantly depending on what just happened.  Not saying they could not do it, but I doubt if it's worth it.


I can only get strings of 10, not 60.  For the numbers to be "user friendly", they would have to know what numbers I need.  Not easy...

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Good People

I have attached a sheet for your consideration.  Please take special note of the following...................

The first orange you find is the highest point before the lowest point.  The two red dots are the lowest before recovery.  This draw down was 225 units be they dollars or Euros.  The second orange you find is where it is totally recovered to the previous high.

Here is the most interesting thing:  Not that when I went "out", I had just finished level 4 in the betting.  No need to go to three or two as I was whole.  I reset to 1 and started over.  The reason I need not go to three or two is the "hiccup factor".  It it mathematically provable and sound.

So now my test is at a 710 unit win with a 255 unit draw down.


Rotten eggs?  Perhaps a rum and coke with a twist of lime for my efforts???

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers



I am in a horrible rut.  I just ran 51 trots and made 81.20.  I can't seem to get on a winning streak like I was in the beginning.  But I only have around 200 units to go to make my 1,000 profit.

So, it's still looking good.  I would be willing to lay 500 Euro on the line if it makes 1,000 with no draw down over 500 units.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


And that's surely the point at which you should STOP.

Take a break.

And come back to it another day.

You so often seem let yourself get over-tired, over-stressed, so you lose concentration. And then both impatience and errors take over.

(From an interested an onlooker's perspective, that is. You might not agree...LOLOL)


The RFH got a lot worse.  In my next 11 trots, I went down 600 units.  This is not looking good.  I will pause a day or so and resume.


Thanks, esoito.

[Edit:  Lucky it's still only play money!]
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


I have not totally abandoned this test; I have change the parameters and continue to test. 


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers