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vCore => Our home-grown web engine

Started by VLS, November 28, 2013, 03:28:34 PM

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As you know, periodically we need to re-install the forum since we are using the core functionality of the SMF forum package.

Well, there's a solution: creating a web engine "from zero to hero", with an independent code-base.

Under a Core + Modules philosophy.

This section is going to serve to track the progress of the engine, with the ultimate goal of using it ourselves when it's ready for production, to never lose a feature and not having to be subject to any re-install schedule again.


Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


The ultimate goal of this new engine effort is to make us free. In many ways and fronts.

By having a custom web engine, we can replicate it with full rights in as many free or paid hosts as we wish or like.

Many channels working as one.

A distributed network of content which I don't own, but merely index (and assist tech-wise).

It's beautiful, it's freeing, it doesn't need me to be the owner of the contents, and that frees me from any legal duties regarding actual ownership.

A service provider of sorts, using the facilities of independent web hosts, working in a coordinate fashion.

Google indexes, we aim to index and coordinate.

More to come.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor