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Baccarat software packages?

Started by VLS, November 14, 2013, 04:40:06 PM

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Hi Guys,

What are the favorite Baccarat software packages around according to you?

➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Just a thought whilst we wait for responses...  A baccarat bot from a certain Victor could perhaps quickly become a universal favourite on the forum.

[I'm recalling a throwaway line you wrote recently about writing baccarat bots being relatively simple when compared with roulette bots  ;) ]


Quote from: VLS on November 14, 2013, 04:40:06 PM
Hi Guys,

What are the favorite Baccarat software packages around according to you?

  I would say it depends on just what platform you're working with or what you actually want to do with the software.

  There are a TON of really good (and some really lame) baccarat apps/games for the iPad and phone world.   PC and Mac "games" are around but most tend to just play (some actually correctly) with little or no attempt at manipulation of the data once you have it.

  Spreadsheets abound, but those are usually tailored to a user's specific needs.

  So, I think defining WHAT we're looking for would be a good place to start.



Hi Guys . . .

Just to advise, if any of you are interested, our ExcelBot can do both Roulette and Baccarat spreadsheets.


Nick & Stef


A reliable baccarat app/program is where it is NOT RNG with unlimited decks. Uses an actual number of decks to play. Right now the popular number is either 6 to 8 decks. Hopefully in future programs you can type in your own number to simulate real world casino conditions. Like 6..7, 7.3, 7.4, etc. since actual casino shuffles are like this where they cut one to half a deck (EZ bac they cut two decks), burn a number a cards the then the shoe is played.

I like to use Win@Baccarat by Lee Jones for the PC. The simple bare bones $29 edition though. Not the fancy one with that Gold Predictor. Baccarat Buster is the only program at the present moment that can simulate a real world casino shuffle but the learning curve is steep.

For the iPhone/iPad I like Baccarat Pro (which is now taken off), Baccarat Supreme and Baccarat On (needs to be on Wifi network to play).

Wish I can say something for the Android but right now no good baccarat app is available.

Surprisingly there is a good program for Windows Phone 7.5/8. If you can find it you can get the Baccarat Pro program that is just like the one for iOS.


Interesting that you're favouring Jones' product.

1  Two different a/v protections went berserk over one of his trial packages

2  The man didn't have the basic courtesy (or business acumen)  to reply to several concerned emails about those a/v reports

3  Several reviews I've read have basically urged readers not to waste their money

4  A very experienced player on this forum has also warned against buying it.

Are you Jones? Or in some way associated with the product?


Nope I am not Lee Jones. I have very few/rare contact with him over the years. They are mostly to get the registration code to fully access his Win@Baccarat software whenever I had to reinstall Windows on my computer.

Personally I find his simple $29 version to be immensely useful. That is about it. If paying for anything more especially that Gold Predictor stuff I say you are wasting money.

The guy ignored my e-mails regarding other platforms like iOS and Android. Any other e-mails other than software activation he ignores. So don't feel bad.

Plus he constantly changes his e-mails where making contact with him to be a chore. Nowadays with reliable software for iOS I am using less of his software.


Hmmmm...constantly changing his email address is a bit of a red flag.

It suggests someone wanting to keep one step ahead of unhappy customers!


I use his software to generate shoes and to play them real time to simulate real playing conditions. The stats he uses to calculate money management efficiency is useful to me. Other than that and from my communications with him over e-mail suggest that there is no further to expand on this. There were moments I propose to specialize a special version just for my specifications and asking for a quote for the product, he either ignores me or calls my criteria useless nonsense. Talk about bad business/customer service.

Does he have a good useful software for baccarat with some good stats to boot that will help your progress? Yes definitely. Do I find him flexible and worthy to deal to hopefully better my game? No way.

That $29 is all he is going to get!


A possibly helpful analysis for baccarat aficionados or wannabes.  :thumbsup:

But how come you're using a $29 product from him? And which is it?

None of his advertised prices are anywhere near that figure!



Can I even post this link here? Let me know if I can't.

"If you purchase Win@Baccarat™ (US$29) and then purchase Win@Baccarat Professional™ (US$199) at a later time you will receive Win@Baccarat Professional™ for US$179.00."

I think there are three versions. I just purchased the cheapest one since that is all I need. Just really needed a shoe generator where actual 6 or 8 deck is used. No RNG.

His sites are rather confusing since he is trying to divert you to purchase some really expensive software when the mere $29 version is more than enough in my opinion.

I mean if that really expensive Gold Predictor works as he claims he wouldn't be selling it. I  know I wouldn't. From the looks of his site I think he is just the marketer and seller of the bac software and in no way is the developer.


Thanks for asking -- the link you posted is fine.

"His sites are rather confusing..." Mate, they sure are!!  :nod:

The site I found is this one:  http://www.baccarat-system.com/    obviously set up to peddle his pricier stuff.

No mention there about the $29 thing which is, of course, why I asked you about it.

Anyway, thank you again for your helpful and detailed replies to help unravel his marketing balls of wool...LOL


If you're looking for a faithful reproduction of the game of Mini-Baccarat, then check out:

Otherwise, if you're looking for a Baccarat analysis tool, then check out:

I hope these suit your tastes and you find them useful.


Moderator's Advice
Because of its commercial product links, this post needs direct approval from Victor, the Administrator


Quote from: RoadKing on December 29, 2013, 03:19:20 AM
Moderator's Advice
Because of its commercial product links, this post needs direct approval from Victor, the Administrator

Let's pass this one as it's related to the topic at hand.

Thanks for being vigilant Max  :thumbsup:
➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Quote from: RoadKing on December 29, 2013, 03:19:20 AM
If you're looking for a faithful reproduction of the game of Mini-Baccarat, then...

I don't know the baccarat analysis tool but the bac game application needs work. Works well if you have a phone but the layout and design are horrible when you have it on your tablet like the Nexus 7. That is what I hate about Android apps. Bought it and played with it for a like a minute or two but had to refund the program because it wasn't intuitive and unplayable on a tablet.

In terms of baccarat programs on a mobile device Apple products win hands down at the moment.