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Dominant Pairs

Started by Atlantis, January 28, 2017, 10:14:16 AM

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This can be a fun system that's easy to track and play.

For Baccarat - but can be applied to roulette as well (more even chances on roulette)

Example below uses even chance R/B ROULETTE results.

For instance RED/BLACK pairs (Banker/Player in baccarat)

Play dominant side of last 5 R/B 'pair results'.

Odd Pair = RB and BR

Even Pair = RR and BB

Best of 5 progression.
Reduce to 1u and start new cycle when level or new high.

Check for the DOMINANT side of the LAST 5 'pair results'  (odd or even pairs)
Wait for next decision (R or B) then play for the "dominant pair" results to continue eg: same (even) or opposite (odd)

Session result

RB  Initial tracking of 5 pairs of R/B - odd is dominant side - play odd after next result.
BR  w+1 - play odd next
RR  L-1 - play odd next
BR  w+1 - play odd next
RB  w+1 - play odd next
BB  L-1  - play odd next          +1 stay at 1u for next cycle
BR  w+1 - play odd next
BB  L-1 - play odd next
RR  L-1 - play even next
BB  w+1 - play even next
RB  L-1 - play even next          +0 up to 2u for next cycle
BR  L-2 - play even next
BR  L-2 - play odd next
RR  L-2 - play odd next
RB  w+2 - play odd next
RB  w+2 - play odd next         -2 up to 3u for next cycle
RB  w+3 - play odd next
BB  L-3 - play odd next
BR  w+3 - play odd next
BR  w+3 - play odd next         +4 new high; down to 1u for next cycle
BR  w+1 - play odd next
BB  L-1 - play odd next
RB  w+1 - play odd next
RB  w+1                                 +6 (*stopped here*)

Or can use your own suitable progression idea or tweak.



Hi Atlantis ,I like this way to play....its like my system  Diamond cutter  baccarat!!!


This is my system...


Hi verrengia,

Thanks verrengia. Wow! Seems you already earlier formulated this code first!
Have you improved it since or got any playing/staking tips to share?
Thanks for your input. I like the method for same reasons as you stated.
Anyhow, always grateful for any further input should you care to share any points...



Thanks for sharing verrengia*,

Interesting situational, easy to follow and flat method :nod:

Now it's there for the tweaking by the fellows :thumbsup:

Cheers & many thanks to you and Atlantis too.

➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Can the last 10 decisions also be split into 5 pairs and be  used to determine odds and evens,, or do you always have to look at the past 5 sets of



In original version I play like this:
If I play x even group....
B...osserve wait
P...lose -1
P...losr -1
P....osserve!!On this time I look the pastI have 3 P..
        So,now I play 2 unit for recouper on P
         Because was a serie.  If alternate,like:
B wait
B wait. Now 2 units bet on P for alternate.if lose play immediate for 2/2/2group.
B wait
P lose-1
P lose-1
B wait
B lose -2 play for 2/2
P.  Win
P win closed cycle


Onother tip...don't play Martingala..
But paroli...if its failed
Try the next time paroli of 2of 3
Depende how many units are you down.

Paroli only in the second fase..


If you play the other version....you can play at beginnin of the shoe.

There is some one with original result of one shoe???
I can play all to show you how to play in details.
If there is someone to make better the all system.
Please come in the didcussion.


Session of "DOMINANT PAIRS" using my same rules in the topic header but now I try using a "betting string" progression idea:

1-1-1-2-2-2-3-3-3-4-4-4-5-5-5....  (15 step   45u)

Start at Step 1 with a stake of 1u.

On a loss move one step to the RIGHT.
On a win move one step to the LEFT.

However, I ALWAYS restart from step 1 if a "level high" or "new high" in the bankroll is reached.

*   = level or new high in bankroll

Real baccarat session (Ties not shown)

First track 5 couplet pair results:
Pairs.....+/-........... Step for next bet
pp         -1                    s2
pp         -2                    s3
pb         -1                    s2
bp         -2                    s3
bp         -1                    s4
bp        +1*                   s1
pp        +0                    s2
pp         -1                    s3
pb         +0                   s2
bb         -1                    s3
pb         -2                    s4
bb         +0                    s3
bb        +1                    s2
pb         +0                    s3
bp         -1                   s4
bb         -3                    s5
pp         -1                    s4
bb        +1*                    s3
pp       +2*                   s1
bp       +1                     s2
bp        +0                     s3
bb       +1                    s2
bp        +0                     s3
bp       +1                     s2
pb       +2*                    s1
pb       +3*                    s1
pp       +2                     s2
bp       +3*                    s1
bp       +4*                    s1
bb       +3                     s2
bb       +2                     s3
bp       +1                     s4
pp        -1                     s5
bb       +1                     s4
bb       +3                     s3
bp       +2                     s4
pp      +4*                     s1
pb      +3                      s2
pp      +4*                     s1
bb      +5*                     s1
bp      +4                      s2
pb      +3                      s3
pb      +4                      s2
bb      +3                      s3
pb      +4                      s2
bb      +3                      s3
pp      +2                      s4
bp      +0                      s5
pp      +2                      s4
bp       +0                      s5
pp      +2                      s4
pp      +4                      s3
pb      +3                      s4
pp      +5*                     s1
bb      +6*                     s1

It's a bit of a grinder - but seemed to fare quite well.



This method may be a good way to play as a team...like 4 people investing $ 1000 each for a total of a $4000 total bankroll.

Then have each person play at different tables.

Of course everyone must play the same progression and exit at the same profit or loss on the shoe..

However it is hard to find good team members because:

1 You have to find people who have the time to play and are not working.

2. If they have the time to play, then they are probably unemployed and don't have any money to invest.

3. You have to find honest people so that they don't steal money, and say they lost $500 on a shoe when they actually won $ 500 and keep the $ 1000.

Also I would look at a different progression such as 111112222233333  up as you lose down as you win and go back to 1 unit every time you show a 1 unit profit. The 111222 ......described above may be too risky since you can easily lose 7 hands in a row with the method.


Atlantis is difficult 4 players....when there is money in the way ,are everytime problems....!!!!
I try al ready in the pass,but money make ppls crazy...look donald Trump.

I think the best way is take 200 with you,and play the system...you win 100 and go home....you lose 200 go home!!

all bad and good systems are times that go down and up...go with flow


Atlantis,tested it out on 2 shoes baccarat , random generator.Plus 7 both times. Biggest drawdown was 11 units. :applause:


2 Shoes?  That is impressive!  Meaning like....1.....2?

Or do you mean 2 such as 200K or 2 million shoes????
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 36,311 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


  The funny part is its two more than you tested! :applause: