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Loss Eradication

Started by gr8player, October 17, 2015, 05:49:30 PM

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Quote from: Missmusibat on October 19, 2015, 05:31:22 PM
To me it's simply two people feuding who haven't put up anything on the board. One talks about a money management that wins him wonders but never shows what it is and another talks about the betselection that is doing him good but doesn't put up.  Two men in the same boat.
Never on this planet am I in the same boat.

Well let's see;

I received more "likes, kudo's, points" on the defunct Bac-Labs site than anybody else, not generated by posting hot-air.
Did post a fair amount of systems including staking plans on Baccarat-Forums.
Made more posts in the Baccarat section of GG including systems, trips reports than anybody else.
Operated two private boards, where "no bloviating" actually meant just that.
[oops nearly forgot the old VIP site, I had a big presence there as well, back in the Fibonacci day]
Recently started two threads on here, which kind confirmed I wasted my time so pulled them, it simply doesn't work when people are not on the same wave-length and what you post goes straight over people's heads because they are locked in some time-warp mentality with failed bet-selection methods that have been explored to death over the last century. 
My MM is complex and more of a concept than "this is how much you should bet next", it is difficult to understand without face to face explanation.  Generally invites a barrage of endless questions, a road I do not wish travel.   

I tend not to suffer fools lightly and discussing Baccarat can be like pulling teeth, too many opinions, shrouded in BS, no advantage to be had, other than defining the losing pattern.  Mathematically everything resolves to a 50-50 state, impossible to escape from.  Endless bulk testing of any method produces expected negative results, interspersed with varying degrees of variance, has all been done to death already, nothing else to discuss other than who can swing their manhood farthest! 

Because nobody can be right nor wrong, generates endless debate which is good for internet traffic and little else something which has been proven over the last decade.  However when people have been spouting the same nothing for over 10 years, the paper wears thin.   I think of the sad fool that still carries the same need / urge for attention all this time (thankfully I like to think I was wise enough to grow out of that part).  I mean who in their right mind joins JP's board with the moniker 'GR8', having, I guess recently at the time dumped $250k into the casino coffers?  "Hey I lost a quarter of a million bucks playing Baccarat and I'm going to call myself Great Player"  and over a decade later, considers himself 'a long term winner'.  Dear God, do you people need a magnifying glass to see the sick reality here.  If the said person was posting something relevant, something that wasn't a rehash of what they have been saying for the last 10+ years, I'd say cool let's hear it.  But it's nothing new, nothing relevant, the said person is so desperate for recognition he cuts and pasted a 10yr old post from GG and put it on the WoV site like it was brand new, shortly afterwards was asked to leave. Not before an individual offered him a $10k challenge (a rabbit head-lights moment), yep you guessed it, his game is so great he ran a mile, meanwhile the endless vainglory continues here.

It's time for the self anointed great-player to change the record, quit all the self-aggrandizement, quit commenting in other threads just for the purpose of letting everybody know he won 3.00025 units and post something relevant that others might like to consider "is this for me or not" or "I might try this myself.   Personally I couldn't care if he keeps his proven method a mystical secret, but sure could do without the unsubstantiated self-admiration...   
QuoteThere is none (excepting asymbacc of course).  I must have blinked while reading that post   Again saying the same old thing - it's a guessing and betting game.  When you talk about provable stats and variance then unless you're willing to share the proof why not just make a trip report and be done with it? 
And pigs may fly, a trip report in great player's world consists of [case in point] I made 6.025 units and played 1.45 shoes, I'm a long term winner, your friend, wishing you the best of it, blah blah ad nauseam The End.  Spare me the f****kin pain.... 


Time for the Guinness and cashew, again, hey hey.


Quote from: gr8player on October 17, 2015, 05:49:30 PMA stinkin' hundred bucks.  Heck, I TIP that in the steakhouse when my wife my kids join me. 
I'm sure you do (did), didn't you once complain on the forums about how important your comps are to you, because you need the casino to provide free accommodation after forking out for a hire car, paying toll charges, gas.   Yet here you is, handing over $100 dollar tips!!!!   I can also play this game, let's give it a go, wait while I put on my Alrelax hat; only last week I enjoyed a terrific Lobster meal, the four of us, it was so succulent, beautiful, comp'd of course and because of that I left a $300 dollar tip, I had to pick up the champaign tab, I didn't mind, it was just a fraction of what I had won earlier in the evening, we had a 'whale' [hint] of a time.    Get my drift?

[warning this post contains irony, for those too dense to see it]...   


Quote from: gr8player on October 19, 2015, 03:34:05 PMRather than learn to seriously improve your game, like so many other members over the years have from me
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
QuoteWell, my friend, everyone is sick of it.  So either get on board or hit the skids, the choice is all yours.
To borrow one of your infamous GG quotes, when you felt you weren't getting enough attention "it would be a shame if I left"  :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Psst, would you like the link?


Quote from: Rolex-Watch on October 19, 2015, 05:15:43 PM
You posted nothing of relevance on the virtual loss thread other than to spout your stats are proven, how so?

Your bravado in posting you win less than 10 units per session, what does that mater to anybody else when there are no details, nothing that helps anybody else replicate your "long term" success [oxymoron a things considered].  Veteran players are all aware of the buzz that winning provides and the need to take to the internet to share the buzz, some eventually see through the need and move on [grow].  Have you ever questioned why and where this need comes from, the need for admiration without actually revealing anything and let's not go down the gr8 progression route, you have since stated you don't even use it.  Does it make you feel famous that it shows up in google searches?  It not even original, is this what floats your boat and fulfils the empty vacuum that exists inside of your psyche, that your 'too far gone' to appreciate it even exists!!!
Quit the BS regarding 'stats being proven', either shut up and put up, prove aren't just another deluded punter I've had the displeasure in engaging the real world.  I suggest the majority of people whom read these boards don't play.  Rather consisting of those that no longer play due to the damage gamb

Have to agree with Watch in this case. Ain't nothing from GR8 on this. Talking round in circles only. LOL


Quote from: Rolex-Watch on October 19, 2015, 01:16:56 AM
Andy aka seahog aren't there any scammers that are in need of a moderator (or even a gate-keeper) on the internet, or are we now all wiser to it?


  Sorry.  I don't understand the question.  It made no sense.

  I can hazard a guess that it was pointed in my general direction.

  Who is wiser to what?

  Try to be a bit clearer when making stupid statements.



Quote from: Rolex-Watch on October 19, 2015, 05:15:43 PM
You posted nothing of relevance on the virtual loss thread other than to spout your stats are proven, how so?

I suggest the majority of people whom read these boards don't play.  Rather consisting of those that no longer play due to the damage gambling has done, but want to keep a toe in the water looking for something that may help them recoup, keep themselves involved in a safe way with gambling and the newbies looking to learn, thinking they can achieve something playing games of chance that nobody on the planet has ever achieved other than the "great player from NY", please don't make me laugh.   You offer no assistance to the latter whatsoever, because it is all hush hush, a big secret, a myth.    <<<<<(Rolex describes himself exactly)

You simply described yourself to a 'tee'.  You fit the mold and all you did was describe and explain yourself.  You are the biggest stuff talker and the number 1 poster that is the most vindictive and worthless (only posting negative innuendoes and vindication), that is it.  You remind me 100% of the many players at the casino that lose their initial buy ins.  Go tot he ATM a couple times and sit back down.  What for their so called magical moments.  Then wager.  LOL.  That is when I wager opposite what they do because it is a sure win.  Judging from what the owner of the board posted about private rooms and the such and no longer an open forum, heck---all you have to do is wake up in the morning and go to the bathroom mirror and demean yourself.  You hang out here and write these long worthless dialogs of dribble and senseless innuendoes.  Like I said, you described yourself to a 'tee' with the explanation of the type of players that are members here.  Which includes you!!!  A huge laugh that totally reflects of yourself in every way, shape and form.   :cheer:


Quote from: Jimske on October 19, 2015, 09:39:36 PM
Yup, nice to get losses back.  Good for you.  We all have to recoup losses.  If we don't then we end up losing long term.  (sidebar: is it my computer or does this site always freeze while typing?)  So isn't that kinda like everybody's game?  It can be done in different ways but unless you plan to win a lot more hands than lose you're gonna have to increase your bet, right?
I get what Rolex is saying about proof and stats.  There is none (excepting asymbacc of course).  Again saying the same old thing - it's a guessing and betting game.  When you talk about provable stats and variance then unless you're willing to share the proof why not just make a trip report and be done with it? 

In generic terms unless you're playing a completely mechanical placement and betting game you basically start with a structure based on existing past bias and choose a betting style.  When it goes south you make switches to the placement and possibly bet style to recoup.  If it doesn't work out you cut your losses.  Unless you're like the typical gambler trying to make a huge kill you know what your limit of losses tend to be and recognize that.

If the shoe is conforming to your placement style then you make some bigger bets hoping to maximize a profit.  Again, you should recognize general high limits and quit that shoe at some general high point.

The above is just the basics of trending.  I play a trend and grind game.  I win most shoes and sessions.  Not a lot.  Sometimes I kick myself for getting out too early.  Reason I do because generally after I quit I sit and record the rest of the shoe. 

IMO if you play enough you should be able to recognize certain trends that ocurr in this game and attempt to make money on them.  Many shoes just non-conforming so you got to just get out hopefully with a small win.  If you play this way.

As far as bet selection goes pick anything you want or prefer.  Know it's nemesis so you can see the game clearly and maybe back off a bit when you see the nemesis start to develop.  I don't like bet selections that make it difficult to follow the trend

Spot-on, Jimske, as per usual. 

(And, believe me, it wasn't easy to spot it this morning, what with Johno/Rolex going on one of his "I'm obsessed with gr8player" binges yet again, and posting his pure nonsense behind every one of my threads in this forum.  Wow....that's very obviously a man with some deep, deep issues....he'd rather attack me than add anything of value of his own.  Ever wonder why?  Could it be because he HAS NOTHING OF VALUE to add?!  He knows ONLY how to attack me....hmmm, I wonder....how much does the casino pay you off for that?!)

Anyhow, back to business....insightful post, Jimske; those that trend and those that grind know it all too well.  That said, there are two points I'd like to expound on:

1.)  "Sometimes I kick myself for getting out too early....after I quit I record the rest of the shoe".

I would ask of you, Jimske:  Why?  Why wait around and record the results AFTER you've decided to terminate the session?  Could it be that you are seeking affirmation of your decision, and are hoping to see that your plays would have lost?  I must tell you, I do not like that idea, for nothing good can come of it, IMHO.

The results BEFORE I sit down to play do matter to me, but the results after I terminate the session do not.  This game is tough enough, and our "entry/exit" strategies are certainly a part of that; the last thing I want to find myself doing at the table is "second-guessing" myself.  With that in mind, whenever I've decided to end the session, I color up and leave. 

2.)  Variance

Plainly stated, I think your play involves betting substantially more hands that I do.  I think the reason for that is, again simply stated, you prefer to be "onto more trends" than I do.  (I have a couple in my preferred bet selection process; I believe you have more than that.)  That all said, I am of the firm opinion that by "concentrating" my efforts on only those couple of plays puts me in better control of my variance statistics.  And you know me well enough, Jimske, to know the importance that I place on variance statistics; for bet selection processes will resolve almost equally (I say "almost" because virtual losses WILL boost their overall strike rates for me) BUUTTT the "bet size manipulations" that accompany true variance stats will see me winning more money when I win than I lose when I lose, over the long term.

But I simply cannot conclude this post without highlighting the fact that, for the most part, Jimske's post is spot-on....not just for me, but for any serious trender/grinder.  His "IMO if you play enough you should be able to recognize certain trends that occur in this game and attempt to make money on them.  Many shoes just non-conforming so you have to just get out hopefully with a small win.  If you play this way."  There's no IF about it, Jimske; you and I both know what it takes.  We don't need the same bet placement strategy and we don't need the same money management process to know what true trending/grinding requires....the patience and the discipline and the consistency.

Stay well, my friend.


Quote from: ADulay on October 20, 2015, 03:54:48 AM

  Sorry.  I don't understand the question.  It made no sense.

  I can hazard a guess that it was pointed in my general direction.

  Who is wiser to what?

  Try to be a bit clearer when making stupid statements.

It made a lot of sense, the only thing stupid is you trying to weasel out  your past close association with Scammers. 

Whoop-de-do Rolex Watch has been banned from posting on these forums, my heart is well and truly broken (just like this forum to be honest, must be the worst out there, I hope Vic gambled better than he can code, obviously not!).  Now the psycho clown great-player can have a free rein in bamboozling the gullible with his clap-trap, do your thang and ban this account too, there are a few more..     
Dulay is a stooge for BTC


Quote from: gr8player on October 20, 2015, 01:36:02 PM
(And, believe me, it wasn't easy to spot it this morning, what with Johno/Rolex going on one of his "I'm obsessed with gr8player" binges yet again, and posting his pure nonsense behind every one of my threads in this forum.  Wow....that's very obviously a man with some deep, deep issues....he'd rather attack me than add anything of value of his own.

It's disturbing that you take so many of my phrases and nuances and try and past them off a your own, then throw it back at me.  Let's not forget the email you sent me many years ago stating you bet $10 units, but on the boards it's $400 units.  You are defiantly a prized crank Roberto, tell me how can somebody who has lost $250,000 consider themselves to be a long term winner, fool? 

And it was really shocking Vic was in agreeance with the "long term winner" quips.  Maybe Vic didn't know, just like he didn't know about Seahogs past such as the years of endless promotion of Ellis and his cronies at BTC over on the defunct Baccarat-Forums web-site before making him a "mod".  Or simply a case of 'head-bury-sand' & the world is a beautiful place, despite losing a quarter of a million (GR8's claim not mine).  Well done Victor for helping GR8 continue perpetuating the myth and providing an outlet for somebody who is clearly delusional.    Maybe you should put yourself in his shoes to understand why he can't face the truth, has to continue the charade, desperately needs the admiration and how you would have coped.   
Dulay is a stooge for BTC


Quote from: gr8player on October 20, 2015, 01:36:02 PM

1.)  "Sometimes I kick myself for getting out too early....after I quit I record the rest of the shoe".

I would ask of you, Jimske:  Why?  Why wait around and record the results AFTER you've decided to terminate the session?  Could it be that you are seeking affirmation of your decision, and are hoping to see that your plays would have lost?  I must tell you, I do not like that idea, for nothing good can come of it, IMHO.
LOL.  1.  I keep all full shoes and not partial shoes so if I sit  I can record the shoe.  2.  Where am I going to go?  Wait around for another spot at another table to start a new shoe?  3.  I got pretty good discipline.  Doesn't really bother me what happens next.  When I say I kick myself it's just a joke.  Just as likely to be happy I quit!  4.  Occasionally I will watch the shoe and pick spots that I think will win.  My rule of thumb if I do this is stop if lose 2 of 3. 

Quote2.)  Variance

Plainly stated, I think your play involves betting substantially more hands that I do.  I think the reason for that is, again simply stated, you prefer to be "onto more trends" than I do.  (I have a couple in my preferred bet selection process; I believe you have more than that.)  That all said, I am of the firm opinion that by "concentrating" my efforts on only those couple of plays puts me in better control of my variance statistics.  And you know me well enough, Jimske, to know the importance that I place on variance statistics; for bet selection processes will resolve almost equally (I say "almost" because virtual losses WILL boost their overall strike rates for me) BUUTTT the "bet size manipulations" that accompany true variance stats will see me winning more money when I win than I lose when I lose, over the long term.
That's right.  I can use 4 bet placements within one shoe.  But the variance thing I frankly don't get.

I know what my Variance (W/L stats) are.  They are about the same as what IMspirit documented per 75 decisions.  I'll lose 5 IAR easily once every 75 decisions.  That's within a closed "loop."  As HBS suggested once perhaps this is more if I count end of one shoe and beginning of next but I don't keep track of that.  I do keep my W/L per shoe as I play.  I suppose it influences me somehow but I'm mostly betting flat or small spread so my losing or winning is a better measure.  I don't need W/L variance to tell me I am losing.

I'd like to understand more about how you use Variance but presently I don't get it.



Quote from: mahatma on October 20, 2015, 01:55:51 PM

It's disturbing that you take so many of my phrases and nuances and try and past them off a your own, then throw it back at me.  Let's not forget the email you sent me many years ago stating you bet $10 units, but on the boards it's $400 units.  You are defiantly a prized crank Roberto, tell me how can somebody who has lost $250,000 consider themselves to be a long term winner, fool?
I guess this is Rolex with a new label.  I wish people wouldn't do this.  What's the point? 


Quote from: Jimske on October 20, 2015, 02:11:42 PM
I guess this is Rolex with a new label.  I wish people wouldn't do this.  What's the point?
Because either the "I was only the gate-keeper" Seahog or Victor has banned the ID RW from posting, not like I cursed anybody out, just stating how I see it (without the cursing), didn't know old threads shouldn't be commented on

However on a forum were you can't post the words, s h i t,  f o o l,   i d i o t and so on, really what do you expect. 

I'm outta here, keep the clown honest, I expect this account to be locked pretty soon, time to taste the gravel, even though there exists VPN's. 
Dulay is a stooge for BTC


Quote from: mahatma on October 20, 2015, 01:55:51 PM
Let's not forget the email you sent me many years ago stating you bet $10 units, but on the boards it's $400 units.  You are defiantly a prized crank Roberto, tell me how can somebody who has lost $250,000 consider themselves to be a long term winner, fool?

No, I think you're the one that is "forgetting"....forgetting the fact that you've already openly admitted that you LIED about that bogus "$10 units" e-mail; it never existed, not any $10 units nor any e-mail stating such nonsense.

So, give it up, Mahatma....Mahatma???, who the heck is Mahatma???....holy heck, Johno/Rolex, exactly how many aliases have you used on all of these sites...give it up, already, and seek the help that you so desperately need.

But, one piece of advice:

Don't dare let the psychiatrist charge you for each one of your phony aliases, it would cost you an arm and a leg!LOL

Oh, wait a minute....you could always borrow the arm from your Rolex Watch alias and the leg from your Mahatma alias.LOL


Quote from: Jimske on October 20, 2015, 02:11:42 PM
I guess this is Rolex with a new label.  I wish people wouldn't do this.  What's the point?

Of course it's Rolex.  He needs as many different aliases as possible in order to fool everyone....or, so he thinks.  In actuality, he's fooling nobody but himself.  It would be funnier if, frankly, it didn't feel a bit more pitiful. 

You've got to feel sorry for him, really. Never added a thing to this forum; all he knows how to do is "subtract", he simply doesn't know how to "add".  Rather selfish, if you ask me.  Shame, really.