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Loss Eradication

Started by gr8player, October 17, 2015, 05:49:30 PM

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Quote from: gr8player on October 20, 2015, 03:20:08 PM
You've got to feel sorry for him, really. Never added a thing to this forum; all he knows how to do is "subtract", he simply doesn't know how to "add".  Rather selfish, if you ask me.  Shame, really.

You got to be joking and that comes from you.
I have never seen or read anything from you contributing to this forum.
All nonsense and hints with no meaning.

I can say you among others have destroy this forum.
All you do is post riddles and claims with empty words.
So this forum has no value as there is no real contribution.


Quote from: gr8player on October 20, 2015, 03:15:38 PM
No, I think you're the one that is "forgetting"....forgetting the fact that you've already openly admitted that you LIED about that bogus "$10 units" e-mail; it never existed, not any $10 units nor any e-mail stating such nonsense.
No that is not true, more of a case of not keeping the original, I never lied at all, unlik yourself, who's posts over the years are riddled with contradictions.
Quote from: gr8player on October 20, 2015, 03:15:38 PM
So, give it up, Mahatma....Mahatma???, who the heck is Mahatma???....holy heck, Johno/Rolex, exactly how many aliases have you used on all of these sites...give it up, already, and seek the help that you so desperately need.
Already explained that one, RW is banned from exposing what a crank you are Preston. 

Quote from: gr8player on October 20, 2015, 03:20:08 PM
Of course it's Rolex.  He needs as many different aliases as possible in order to fool everyone....or, so he thinks.  In actuality, he's fooling nobody but himself.  It would be funnier if, frankly, it didn't feel a bit more pitiful. 
No Walter, see above, you are being protected, only for the sake of internet traffic I can assume, couldn't possibly be anything else.
Quote from: gr8player on October 20, 2015, 03:15:38 PM
You've got to feel sorry for him, really. Never added a thing to this forum; all he knows how to do is "subtract", he simply doesn't know how to "add".  Rather selfish, if you ask me.  Shame, really.
I have / did actually, No I feel sorry for you who felt compelled to mention book offers, car-parking tales, waitresses, being ranked to win in a casino computer system, claiming to bet $400 per hand (why the need ), later down-graded to $100, mysterious proven stats, and best of all calls themselves a "long term winner" despite losing $250,000, what a Walter Mitty crank-pot.

your friend, wishing you the best, of it, and the rest of the blah's you end your posts with,

Dulay is a stooge for BTC


Quote from: Sputnik on October 20, 2015, 05:06:28 PM
You got to be joking and that comes from you.
I have never seen or read anything from you contributing to this forum.
All nonsense and hints with no meaning.

I can say you among others have destroy this forum.
All you do is post riddles and claims with empty words.
So this forum has no value as there is no real contribution.

Hello, Sputnik.

OK.  You certainly are entitled to your opinion, and so I welcome your post.  But let us not forget that you are, in fact, a "muse" of Johno/Rolex Watch/Mahatma, and I'm rather convinced that if Johno/Rolex Watch/Mahatma posted that he could, in fact, fly through the air, you would be the first (and only) one here that would actually gaze skyward.  So your arguments, especially as they pertain to agreeing with your "mentor", must be taken with a grain of salt.  Still, that all being as obvious as it is, I will show you the same respect as any other member, and will answer your allegations:

"I don't contribute to this forum"
"All nonsense and hints with no meaning"
"I have destroyed this forum"
"I post riddles and empty words"
"This forum has no value and no contribution"

My friend, I wholeheartedly disagree with each and every one of those assessments of yours.

Witness this very thread that I authored:  Loss Eradication

I explained exactly how my variance had shifted dramatically, from upside to down.  Further, I detailed the loss that I suffered from that downward shift.  I then went on to explain exactly what I did in order to counteract, or nullify, that downward shift.

That is EXACTLY how I approach this game.  I play a tight, conservative, consistent trending game, and I maintain vital statistics of both my strike rates and my bets.  I then adjust my bet sizes accordingly; either up or down, based upon my latest results.  Sometimes (as in this case), I adjust upwards for recoup, and sometimes I adjust downwards into a higher-than-normal strike rate/variance.

Now, if YOU (or anyone else) do not play that way, or if YOU (or anyone else) doesn't understand what I am trying to convey, or if YOU (or anyone else) simply doesn't care to approach the game in a similar manner to mine, I'M FINE WITH THAT.  It's OK.  It's your money that you put up at the tables, play any way that you feel most comfortable with.

BUUTTT, to demean or to belittle or to attack MY WAY; that, my friend, simply is not acceptable....not in this or any other respectable forum.

Lastly, Sputnik, it is not right, IMHO, for you to come on here and make those outrageous claims....that somehow I am "destroying this forum" or that I "post nothing" and/or "contribute nothing" or that "this forum has no value"....it's just not right and it's just not fair to those of us that do, in fact, enjoy our memberships and our time spent here. 

If you do not agree with my approach to this game or my style of play or even any of my posts....that's fine, life will go on.  But to attack simply for sake of attacking, to argue simply for the sake of arguing, or to disrupt simply for the sake of disruption....in that case, my friend, you're learning much too much from your "mentor", Johno/Rolex Watch/Mahatma, and all you're succeeding at is making him, unfortunately for everyone else here, rather proud.  I hope you're happy....


Quote from: Sputnik on October 20, 2015, 05:06:28 PM
You got to be joking and that comes from you.
I have never seen or read anything from you contributing to this forum.
All nonsense and hints with no meaning.

I can say you among others have destroy this forum.
All you do is post riddles and claims with empty words.
So this forum has no value as there is no real contribution.
Some people like his posts.  They may get some ideas from them.  He does talk about Baccarat so that should be good enough IMO.

I do think that Rolex should not get banned and if he is then he should be re-instated.

Look, got to admit there just isn't a whole lot of stuff about Bacc anyway that hasn't been re-hashed.

People should be allowed to give their opinion of others posts.


Quote from: Jimske on October 20, 2015, 07:42:13 PM
Some people like his posts.  They may get some ideas from them.  He does talk about Baccarat so that should be good enough IMO.

I do think that Rolex should not get banned and if he is then he should be re-instated.

Look, got to admit there just isn't a whole lot of stuff about Bacc anyway that hasn't been re-hashed.

People should be allowed to give their opinion of others posts.

I agree with this man right here.
"will all the mathematicians, now piss off to some mathematicians forum, and leave the gambling forums to the gamblers." -Johno


The joint has gotten very entertaining, as of late. Now, if only the "GARNABBY" would make a come bake, hey hey.