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Question for the MODS

Started by WorldBaccaratKing, November 19, 2014, 07:21:13 PM

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Couple questions if you don't mind:

1) If I purchase I play for a living, can I post the content here to share with others?

2) If no, how can I go about doing so without causing issues for the board?

3) Feel free to PM me if needed.

I may just spend 500 and shut the posers up about their so called "holy grail". With the smarts and experience people on here have, it won't take 3 months to figure if its stuff or if its real.

I am serious, let me know..........


And I quote:

QuoteCopyright, Legal Notices
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Go ahead though


It would take only a few hours to simulate upon thousands of shoes. I have analysed many big mouth systems in past. As per the rules of the forum, you can not post it openly here, verbatim but you can write its review. You can share it with others too but never put it publicly.

My advice: 1. There is no system that can see the future or change the coming unbeatable variance
                  2. No money management is suitable for all cases
                   3. House edge has its say
                    4. Flat betting can't yield in long run
                     5. No betselection is better than all others
                       6. A player normally can not play with a bankroll comparable to a casino. If he keeps trying with a limited bankroll of say 100   
                            chips, you can imagine how much he can last with a casino having virtually unlimited bankroll.                   
If you believe that all these are true and the seller has courage to beat given random sessions, not his handpicked ones, with a fixed set of rules, then the system is worth buying. Ask the seller for this, he will most likely not answer you back.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


If you are actually going to buy the system though, I commend you for taking a risk. I guarantee you will not be disappointed. 

Only thing I say is to not go ahead and give this information out for free or even attempt to. Once you receive the material you will be able to see that A LOT of time and dedication has been put into developing this methodology and it would be really disrespectful to do such a thing.  Hope you have a changed mind after delving into the information.

If you have questions or anything like that, you can PM me also. Good luck wish you the best of it.


Quote from: WorldBaccaratKing on November 19, 2014, 07:21:13 PM
Couple questions if you don't mind:

1) If I purchase I play for a living, can I post the content here to share with others?

NO !!!!!!!!  Definitely not. It's subject to copyright -- as you well know.

Forum Rule 6 is clearly worded about this sort of issue.

2) If no, how can I go about doing so without causing issues for the board?

You can post a very broad overview and your opinion of it without giving away specific details of the methodology or content.

In that way you cause no problems for the board.

And you will cause no legal problems for yourself if the copyright holder decides to prosecute you because you ignored this advice and decide to reveal specific details  and content.

He/she will have your details as part of the purchase procedure.

3) Feel free to PM me if needed.

This reply is posted here so others also know the answers to your questions.

I may just spend 500 and shut the posers up about their so called "holy grail". With the smarts and experience people on here have, it won't take 3 months to figure if its stuff or if its real.

I am serious, let me know..........


Im not worried about being sued. I use an alias when buying stuff online. Fake name and addresses. Also use proxies when needed. I can call the system. WBK SYSTEM. NO one will know...........

Anyways, going to ponder it..............


Quote from: WorldBaccaratKing on November 19, 2014, 07:21:13 PM
I may just spend 500 and shut the posers up about their so called "holy grail".
I am serious, let me know..........

You could purchase it and make it available to the masses via other means, that has been done many many times in the past.

PM me if you need more info.


Quote from: Rolex-Watch on November 20, 2014, 01:59:46 PM
You could purchase it and make it available to the masses via other means, that has been done many many times in the past.

PM me if you need more info.

If I buy it, I will share with whomever wants it. You, ad, eso, whomever......


Quote from: WorldBaccaratKing on November 20, 2014, 03:17:18 PM
If I buy it, I will share with whomever wants it. You, ad, eso, whomever......

No need to "share" it with me.  I've seen it. 

I don't play it.



Quote from: ADulay on November 20, 2014, 06:12:43 PM
No need to "share" it with me.  I've seen it. 

I don't play it.

Enough to conclude.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Quote from: ADulay on November 20, 2014, 06:12:43 PM
No need to "share" it with me.  I've seen it. 

I don't play it.


Why didn't you say so? Why do you like to keep secrets? Obviously, people respect your opinion. If you simply stated, "I have seen IPFAL system and it is no better than any other system." That would have been it. I would stop re-hashing the topic over and over again.

I think it's safe to assume, it's junk.......Please, correct me if i'm wrong.


What you have to realize, is these so called commercial systems have been around, hyped for the decade or more I've been on the web and a lot longer.  Some authors put up a good fight and threaten this and that, such as Yarbrough, Ellis, Izak (who is still at it) and the other cronies nothing has ever come of it.  Myself and Teo/Loti have given away 100's over the years, disrupting sales, now it has become tiresome, if people are stup1d enough to buy into it, then more fool them.

No system has ever concerned any casino, all this is, is the current flavour of the month.  If and when this one is exposed, there will be another flavour of the month/year aimed at the d@ft, with the jazzy jizz filled web-site.  Because when you rationalise it all out, it doesn't matter if one count states this, and another count states that, and the difference in the count is xyz, when those cards leave the shoe, every hand without exception is a 50-50 proposition.

It doesn't matter what you the player is doing, recording~wise, tracking, trending, counting, it still remains a 50-50 proposition and that includes the next hand and every subsequent hand.  Those Baccarat players with a decent amount of experience under their belt will tell you, it is not so much winning hands v's losing that will send you broke, rather how much you are betting when you win or lose.

There will be a rise in systems emanating out of the far-east primarily aimed at the newbies (clueless), the gullible and those that have lost too much (broke), desperate people turn to desperate measures.

It's not right that the word bullsh1t is treated like you just insulted the pope in the Vatican, yet Alvin was given so much space to reel in a few, even though the Baccarat forum carries a warning against sellers, how ironic...  I trust Victor got his percentage from the few that actually signed!!!


Quote from: WorldBaccaratKing on November 20, 2014, 07:12:06 PM
Why didn't you say so? Why do you like to keep secrets? Obviously, people respect your opinion. If you simply stated, "I have seen IPFAL system and it is no better than any other system." That would have been it. I would stop re-hashing the topic over and over again.

I think it's safe to assume, it's junk.......Please, correct me if i'm wrong.

No, I didn't say it was junk.

I said I don't play it.

It didn't work with my style and for ME, personally, it's not a viable method in real life.

Others may find it appealing and useful.

That's why one person can't tell another person how to play as almost everyone has different goals, expectations and a levels of acceptability for play.



Quote from: ADulay on November 21, 2014, 02:42:57 AM
No, I didn't say it was junk.

I said I don't play it.

It didn't work with my style and for ME, personally, it's not a viable method in real life.

Others may find it appealing and useful.

That's why one person can't tell another person how to play as almost everyone has different goals, expectations and a levels of acceptability for play.


Why do you always answer so indirectly? You beat around the bush......Seriously, quit the stuff.........

Everything is BLACK & WHITE, why you do muddle it up with gray? It either works (I don't care what your style is) or it don't. Listen, Izak has systems that drawdown 500 units or some stuff, THAT IS UNREALISTIC FOR ANYONE unless you are a billionaire and you wouldn't be on these forums...... So, are you saying that it "may" work with a 500 unit drawdown or something comparable? If so, it renders it USELESS.

Others may find it appealing and useful? WHAT??????

Listen, you can either make money with it or you can't. Its THAT SIMPLE!!!

As long as your not cheating at a casino and doing thing illegally, I think 100% of baccarat players would use ANYTHING that works. So, you saying, its not acceptable for you? LOL, that's crazier than ANYTHING I have EVER HEARD in my life...

You asked me if I play, the question is, HAVE YOU?????????? I

Are you related to Ellis?

Hey Ad, you try system X lately? (AD responds) Well, yup, I won 25 million BUT, ya know, IT REALLY aint my style. (BACK TO ME) Oh ok, I get it, you have the holy grail but it doesn't mesh with your "personality", it doesn't jive with your cowboy hat and boots, I get it!? (BACK TO AD) Yup, you may want to give it a whirl though, it just isn't for me. I am sure you will do FINE with it and find it appealing.

So, what did your response answer? NOTHING, absolutely nothing...........

Although, I am not quite sure I expected you to answer anything DIRECTLY, it DEFINITELY isn't YOUR STYLE!


Quote from: WorldBaccaratKing on November 21, 2014, 03:01:01 AM
Everything is BLACK & WHITE, why you do muddle it up with gray? It either works (I don't care what your style is) or it don't. 
I think your missing the point.  "it either works or is doesn't"??

Even if it worked against 10 or 100 of your own shoes, what would that prove exactly?  Other than make you excited, however when you sit down and start laying out real chips, all that matters is the card which are to drawn next, the testing counts for nothing in regards to predicting winning sides or achieving a session win. 

Now a system might include "a do this or do that, if this or that happens".  And you could make the prescribed moves according to the system, but the shoe might move against the moves you just made, all you are doing is following somebodies opinion, which carries no weight.

So, it really doesn't matter if something works, I've played many systems that have worked for a long period and I've made a decent amount of money using them, all of a sudden, it doesn't work any-more and you have to be able to think on your feet.

Systems give you a game-plan, a bet methodology, removes the thinking / guessing aspect game, without actually giving you any edge, hence paying for anything is outright ludicrous.   

I'm curious how Andy got to see it?